I believe that the title for this review, ("The Knows Knows!") was originally a trade-mark phrase of comedian Jimmy Durante -- a man with a HUGE nose, who made this protuberance a part of his comedy act.
Were Mr. Durante alive today, I'm sure he'd happily advertise this NOSE PENCIL-SHARPENER!
Other people from reality and fiction come to mind, as advertisers for this useful Amazon oddity. Pinnochio would surely be a good figure to put into any ad for this item. As would Cyrano de Bergerac, and perhaps -- just perhaps -- Jimmy Carter. No, Mr. Carter does NOT have an oversized nose....but as for his TEETH... Well, I once heard this rhyme on 'Saturday Night Live' -- which is SO funny, I've never forgotten it. It goes like this: "....I will never lie to you / I'll always tell the truth / Cause every time I tell a lie / I grow another tooth! " A reflection on Pinnochio, of course. And so Mr. Carter, with respects, is included here. (And I DO mean respects. VERY seriously! I'll always be a Jimmy Carter fan. He bucked the Washington Establishment and became President in spite of NOT being a Washington insider, he seems to me the most "Everyman" President of the USA since Harry Truman, and he, (and Roselyn), were the FIRST first couple to actually WALK part of the way, during their Inaugural Parade. THEY "inaugurated" it -- and every First Couple since has, er.....followed in their footsteps! and he, (and Roselyn), roll up their sleeves and work for 'Habitat for Humanity". And exemplary man and President, for sure. (Yes, he DID make a few mistakes -- but that only proves him to be Human, like everyone. We should all e so lucky as to grow teeth when we tell lies....or seem to!)
At any rate, with Jimmy Durante, Pinnochio, Cyrano de Bergerac, and Jimmy Carter all as potential spokes-people for this nose pencil-sharpener, how can you resist buying it? Oh yes -- one other group of spokes-people could ALSO advertise this item....but maybe they won't, because it's rumoured they don't exist -- though most people know otherwise, by now. And that is.......(shushhhh!) Members of The Mafia! Pencil up your nose, anyone? Nose Pencil Sharpener - Pencil Sharpener - Nose - Pencil - Stocking Stuffer'
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