Let me tell you...if you ever want to know what it's like to have a black hole on your face then all you have to do is get this product. If you mix it just right not only will you feel pulsating and tightening, you will feel as if your face has moved( such as your lips puckering) but it really hasn't. It's pretty amazing. I leave it on for as long as I want or can take. It doesn't burn me or anything(though it did burn one of my friends with bad acne, but I think that was a good sign.) It just kind of sets me in stone. I make sure that when I mix it with Bragg's Organic Apple Cider that the texture is silky and whipped. No clumps! I have seen that some use water but meh...I say go by the actual directions.
I think one of the misconceptions about a product like this is that your face becomes smooth when you scrub it off. This stuff is extremely hard to get off like that. I recommend taking a rag and soaking it with warm water and dabbing it generously on the clay so that it softens somewhat. THEN scrub/wipe it off.
I only do this once a week because my skin is pretty normal and do not want to dry it out. So far the best benefit this clay has given is it's blackhead loosening. I always put a nose strip on right after I wash this off. When I pull that thing off I get almost all the blackheads on my nose. It makes me very happy. Now I know some people have T-Zone blackheads so I am sure you could also use strips on your chin and forehead.
This product is relatively inexpensive and the apple cider is too. It's worth a try. Aztec Secret - Indian Healing Clay, 1 lb clay
I've been using this for years and it is fantastic and nothing short of miraculous. I've used it on poison ivy, eczema, zits, blackhead, large pores, bruises, chigger and bug bites. I had a very severe bout of poison ivy, so I mixed up a large quantity of this stuff (cover and put in fridge any stuff you mix up,) and every night applied a pack and covered it with paper towels which I taped it down to keep in place & slept with it over night. The next morning I hosed off the dried clay and could see the poison ivy was losing it's punch, less ooze, itch & redness. This stuff pulls the toxins out of your skin! Would be great for teenagers troubled skin as it's the best clay to use on the face. I apply a thick layer and let it completely dry. It makes you skin pulsate as it's drying and I noticed my skin is more taut, pores smaller and clean, smoother and clearer after use.
I also used it on an allergic reaction I had to some sunscreen where my chest broke out in zits and after one application but after one application of this clay the next day everything had cleared up.
F.Y.I. - to avoid a clogged drain, I peel the clay off after it's dried, or hose down outside because the dried clay (if it goes down the drain) can cause a clog. You can also use it in a bath as a detoxifier for the whole body. Just sprinkle in the water and it melts (no risk of drain clogging with this method.) This is a must for any emergency medical kit.
More FYI: Mix in a NON-METAL CONTAINER using NON -METAL UTENSILS. Instead of mixing with water you can use apple cider vinegar (I have also used aloe juice to amp up the healing properties.) A great cheap beauty mask that really detox's and purifies.. Any leftovers can be covered and put in the fridge for further use. Add a little water if it dries up a bit while in the fridge.
I am 32 years old with extremely sensitive skin. I have acne, eczema, large pores and my skin will dry into a red rash due to changing weather or caused by some products. No amount of Retional, Accutane, Protiviti, Clearisil etc etc has ever taken care of my problems.
I just used this mask for the first time (with applecider vinegar) and my skin feels super soft. My pores have shrunk to the point that I am using one of those (horrific) magnifying mirrors and they still look small. I did feel the tightening and pulling that others have described but it was satisfying to know the product was working. My face did turn red immediately after the treatment, but that faded within 20 minutes. I am VERY pleased with the result and will use this again frequently.
I have used clay-based face masks before, including the bar and tube from Fresh, a mud mask from Sabon, and also fresh masks from Lush (the Chocolate clay one is my fave). None of those masks have produced as good a result as this product. PLUS this clay was far less expensive than the products i just mentioned.
A big thank you to the reviewer who said that you can find this at Wholefoods. I was able to find it there for $6 after reading about it on amazon yesterday. I only had to use 1 tablespoon worth of the product (plus 1T of liquid) to cover my entire face and neck so I will expect this jar will last me a year or more!
I'll have to provide an update if it helps my Acne but its too soon to tell...
I had tried everything. I washed my face, used astringent, pimple cream, cleaning pads... you name it. In desperation I tried this stuff. I never thought I'd be sitting in my bathroom mixing a mud mask but let me tell you, this stuff works. I use it once a week. I take a shower, wash my face, and shave. Once I'm done with all that I mix a couple spoonfuls of the clay up and put it on for about 20 minutes or so until it's dry. Your face will be as smooth as a baby's you know what. Take it from me, a real guy. If you've got skin issues, try this stuff.
I was reading about a socialite, Genevieve Jones, who has this product on her top 5 list. So I decided to read some review. I have extremely sensitive skin. If something gets to close I break out. I learned from research that acne/pimples from from built up toxins in your body, and this mask detoxifies the skin. So, after reading most of the reviews I decided it was worth a try. I've tried almost everything (proactive, clean and clear, murad). They all jacked up my skin. I am almost 30 and am fed up with my face breakouts and scarring. I went to a dermatologist who recommended that I start using Cetaphil. This is the only product that seems to agree with my skin, however I still have white heads on my nose and chin and black-heads on my checks, which eventually turn into pimples. I've tried other mask, from Lush cosmetics, which I highly recommend however Indian Healing Clay is another kind of beast. I like that it said that is pulls out your white/black heads b/c I'm tired of picking and poking at my face. I couldn't wait to order it so I do some looking around and found it in Whole Foods. It was only $5.99. I already had Bragss Organics Apple Cider Vinegar so I immediately tried it. I took the dog for a run which I thought opened my pores a little b/c i was sweating when I got back in. I tried it. It wasn't that bad. It was weird. I felt like something was crawling on the pit of my nose when it first started drying, lol. It was a little itchy/tingly in some areas. On a scale of 1-10, I would say about a 3. The pulling is what tripped me out. I used a damp wash cloth to wash it off. I covered my face to moisten the mask and then washed it off in circular motions. It looked like it was starting to extract my white head. So I will leave it on longer next time. I had it on for about 30 minutes. My pore however are alot smaller!! So if for nothing else, try it for that. I am on the darker side of the color spectrum so my face got darker, slightly purple. I remembered that the blood rushes to your face once the mask is removed but it took like a minute or two for this to happen. But once that went away my skin was glowing. I will probably steam my face and then apply next time. I am looking forward to my clear beautiful radiant skin. Good Luck! - Acne - Skin Care - Clay - Face'
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