Everyone complaining about this bag being too small should have read the reviews before buying it. Yes, it is very "slim." I'm a college student and I had a large Targus backpack before this one, and that was just too large for my everyday needs. When I got this bag I was very surprised at how light it really was. The construction is great. The straps are well padded, and the back of the bag that rests against your back is also well padded. One of the straps has an elastic pouch on it to hold small items like a pack of gum or keys or whatever. It isn't easy to see though, and it lies flush with the surface of the strap when it's not being used. As far as storage goes. I can fit my laptop (a 15.4 inch MacBook Pro), a large textbook, a spiral notebook, a regular 2-pocket folder with stuff in it, 2 portable external hard drives with their USB cables, a pack of gum, 2 pens and pencils (there are only 2 actual pencil/pen holders, but you can use other slots for more), earbuds for my mp3 player,the apple remote for my laptop, and a couple other small things in the main compartment itself. Then in the secondary compartment I have my laptop power supply, the power supply extension cord, a 6-foot firewire cable, my iPod nano, and the iPod connector cable. In the side compartment (where the thin gray section is on the front of the bag in the picture shown) I can fit an audio cable (1/8" to 1/8"), another audio cable (1/8" to RCA stereo), and probably a few more thin things like that. and all of this stuff can go in this bag without over-stuffing or bulging. So, for being such a tiny bag, it can really hold a lot. I've been using it for 1 month now and it has been great. (no zipper problems, tears, or anything. which is what i expected anyway.) so if you're like me, and you only have to carry around maybe one large textbook at a time and your laptop, this is a great bag. It looks good and it is quite comfortable. It's super light and has enough space for what I need. Belkin Slim Backpack (Black/Light Gray)
pros: nice design, just right size, comfortable back and shoulder, looks very neat.
cons: too many useless small inside pockets and no partition, not a good backpack for books,
overall: if you need to carry notebook and small number of other stuffs, buy it. If you need to carry notebook as well as other books and notebooks, forget it.
It fits my macbook pro 17" just perfectly, along with the power cord, the external HDD, my headphones, ethernet cable, and wireless mouse. There's also a mobile phone pocket on the front of the straps. It's extremely compact and stylish. Unlike typical backpacks, it doesn't stick out very far from your back. It's almost like it integrates with you.
Unfortunately, the colour options suck, and the straps sit really stiffly on your shoulders.
UPDATE: I bought this July 20, 2008. It is now April 18, 2011, and both of the bags that I bought have completely crapped out. One of the zippers of the main compartment has snapped off, making it possible to close with only one zipper. The place where the straps attach have started to come undone. We don't mistreat the bags. Both are filled with a laptop, and cell phone, wallet, keys, etc. Possibly the charger, depending on the day, and maybe an extra battery. Mine held a 17" macbook pro, and the husband's held a 15 inch dell xps something or other. Both were used daily (or almost daily) for about an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening (which is roughly the amount of time we'd commute to and from work).
I originally bought another product by Sumdex, which was great, but was too bulky for me (my husband loves it though). So I found this little gem! There is enough room for the laptop, the cables, a mouse, and perhaps a paperback or two (or a couple magazines). This isn't much room, I admit, but that's what allows this back pack to be so slim. It is wonderfully stylish as well. It has plenty of padding to protect the laptop, so don't be concerned about that. Also, has quite a few pockets for smaller items, including a set of pockets inside for an I.D. and credit cards, a zippered pocket money/change, and places for a couple pens. And it's durable!
A great purchase overall. I'd recommend for anyone looking for smaller laptop bag. I'd buy it again if I'd ever have to replace the one I have now.
This little backpack does a great job. It had lots of separate pockets that can carry everything from folders to cords to spare batteries. Very comfortable to carry and stiff padding for the notebook itself. Much lighter than my old laptop over-the-shoulder bag. FYI: The gray is not at all dark. In fact, VERY light.
Sorry, guys, this review is for the ladies, especially those of us who are "blessed" up top. In my case, I'm really, really blessed, even though I'm more of an average body type otherwise.
This backpack works for me - so many don't. And since it's light, I don't feel "double wide" with boobs in the front and a large backpack in the back. - Belkin - Laptop Bag - Notebook Backpack - Belkin Slim Back Pack'
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