I saw a few complaints about adjusting the length of this rope. However, I had no issues pulling the caps off the end of the handles and did so by hand. Then I measured the length I needed - to measure a jump rope correctly, stand on the middle of the rope with both feet. The ends should come up to your armpits. There were two extra crimp bands included, so I just cut off the extra length, used a pair of small pliers to crimp the new band in place, and put the cap back on. I recommend you use a rubber band wrapped around where you think you need the crimp band first, try jumping with it for a few rotations, then put the crimp band on where the rubber band was. Too easy. Valeo Jump Rope Speed
Yes, it's a decent speed rope for the money and yes, it's extremely frustrating to adjust. For me, the problem wasn't so much in getting the metal cap off (easily done with a simple, sturdy flathead screwdriver pinned in the center of the tab) nor was it in actually adjusting the length of the rope. The problem was in getting the tab back in the handle. The cylindrical metal tab has to be snug in the handle lest it fly off during your excercise, but OH MYYY!!!, getting it back in requires an incredible and equal amount of pressure on all sides at the same time. I spent almost an hour before I finally got lucky and was able to push it back in. Good luck!!
As for the review concerning knots, I can see how they might prove to be cumbersome with the hindering of the motion of the rope. However, I'm not sure why anyone would want to tie knots in the first place. Just cut away the excess rope.
Now that my frustration is gone and my rope is fixed, it does a great job.
I have to agree with the other reviewers here- it's a great speed rope, but it's not easily adjustable. You have to remove a cap, tie a knot around the ends, then slide it back in. Fortunately, I'm 6'1", so I didn't need to adjust the rope! Not long enough for people taller than 6'3" in my opinion.
OK, the first point is: this rope costs less than $5, delivered.
For the price, it's fine.
The handles are lightweight plastic, with a foam cover. They feel comfortable, but I would have prefered if they were a bit longer. There are some rough spots on the handle, left over from the plastic-casting process; these are annoying but easily remedied. In any event, the rough spots are not on the part that you hold when you are spinning the rope. The foam is comfortable and useful, but it will pick up dirt if you lay the rope down in a dusty spot. Each handle has a plastic end cap that snaps into place. I suppose it's conceivable that the end cap could loosen and be lost, but it hasn't happened to me. If it did happen, it wouldn't affect anything at all other than by altering the rope cosmetically.
The rope is adjustable, but you'll need some pliers (and something with which to cut the rope) to do the deed. With tools, length adjustment takes less than a minute.
The ball bearings work fine.
The rope itself is kinked when it comes out of the package, but this is par for the course with most speed ropes. It's not a problem because as you swing it at a normal pace while jumping it will straighten itself out. Hang the rope when not in use and it will straighten out in time.
There are faster ropes out there, but you will pay a minimum of 3 times as much.
Unless you're a jumprope athlete who has already developed a preference for some other brand or style of rope, this rope will serve you well.
As other reviews note, adjusting is an issue. It isn't so much the ease of adjustment, but when you shorten the rope, you tie a knot in the rope and put it back in the handle. Problem is, knot is too big for the handle and negates the functionality of the bearings. So I'm going to have to remove the metal end that is crimped on the end of the rope and re-crimp it at the desired length. Kind of a pain.
I haven't owned a speed rope in years, so I am unable to compare/contrast this rope with others on the market. My only complaint is regarding the adjustment. In order to shorten the length, it looks like I'll need a set of pliers to remove the metal collar that is crimped onto each end of the rope. Otherwise, the rope seems sound.
I read some of the reviews about the valeo jump rope. I should say complaints, because of the difficulty to adjust and cut and pop the top or whatever. I don't know what these people were talking about. It was simple and easy to push the rope up through the handle to make the button on the top of the handle pop off. Then you measure the tube, cut and tie. And then of course jump rope. It's great exercise that you feel, and notice right away.
So, I noticed a lot of people are having the problem where you take the cap off the handle, and then try to feed the end of the rope out of the back of the handle; but the metal clasp is too big to fit through the plastic. I used a flash light and saw that there was no way it was coming out in one piece. I had this happen, and I pushed and poked and prodded, and here is what finally worked for me.
NOTICE: If you break your rope, or cut it too short, I take no responsibility. This method worked for me but your mileage may vary...
1. Take the black plastic cap off one of the handles (the end with no rope coming out of it). You do not unscrew it like the package says, just pop it off with a small screw driver. You only need to take off one cap.
2. Try to feed the end of the rope out so you can grab it, cut it, adjust it, etc. If it becomes stuck, go to step 3. If you can easily slide the end out, go to step 7.
3. OK, so right now you are mad that the metal clasp is too big to come out. Lay the handle on the ground, and place your foot on it. (I laid it on the carpet and used my sock, not a shoe, to avoid damaging the foam.)
4. While looking away from the handle, and making sure no one is in the blast zone, strongly pull on the rope. This will slide the rope free from its clasp and separate it from the handle.
5. The metal clasp, should come out of the open end of the handle, now that the rope is not attached to it. Note that there is also a washer inside the handle, the washer will not fit/fall out.
6. After you have the clasp removed from the handle, feed the rope back into the bearing, the way it was before you pulled it out. It is very important that you thread the bearing AND the washer that is inside the handle. This took me a few tries, and I found the best was was to hold the handle vertically, so that the bearing was at the top, and the open end was at the bottom. The washer will be laying across the opening in the center of the handle. If you look up into it, you should be able to see where the rope is and hopefully "thread the needle" so to speak.
7. Keep feeding it into the handle until it comes out the open end.
8. Stand on the center of the rope, and adjust the length until the tips of the handles touch your armpits. This should be the correct length. You can really use whatever feels comfortable though.
9. After using the handles to measure, pull another 4 inches of rope out, to offset the length of the handle. (Since the end of the rope will slide back into the other end of the handle.)
10. Double check your measurement and cut the rope.
11. If you did not already remove the metal clasp, use a pair of pliers to bend it until it comes free from the amputated piece of rope.
12. Use pliers to expand it a bit, so you can slide it onto the freshly cut rope.
13. Use pliers to compress the clasp onto the rope. I squeezed it quite hard.
14. Pull the center section of rope, to bring the end of the rope inside the handle. If you had a rope where the collar was too large / wouldn't fit, you may need to pull a little harder.
15. Put the black plastic cap back on the handle.
16. Do some test jumps to make sure the rope is the correct length, spinning properly in the bearings.'
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