This is an action cRPG that came out after DIABLO II and just before NEVERWINTER NIGHTS. And it blew both of them out of the water!
Not as deep as NWN, yet the story engaged you enough to make it more than a hack'n'slash. Not as dark as DIABLO II, yet blood fever will take hold of you once in battle. A number of innovative ideas made DUNGEON SIEGE a unique experience: the cinematic perspective, the original characters (who thought up ...machine-gun shooting medieval robots!), the fighting-back pack-mule...
At the same time, both the enemies' and your company members' AI is well above par.
Graphically, this is a 4 year game yet it plays much smoother and it has further horizons than most cRPGs today. Even if, to any true cRPG fun, graphics is not everything (otherwise DAWN OF MAGIC would have been considered a great game), DUNGEON SIEGE is found wanting in nothing when it comes to graphics. Not until TITAN QUEST got released could any cRPG hold a candle to DUNGEON SIEGE! Tress and grass move as you pass by, water ripples as you step into it and wakes as you walk through it. Everything worn or wielded appears on the character; whereas, magic spells are not shabby at all.
The game also sports a GREAT CAMERA PLACEMENT (zoom capable and totally customizable) and has one of the BEST SOUNDTRACKS - the theme music will stay with you as the appropriate theme for any epic battles in the future.
Those of you who were (rightfully) disappointed with the truly bad and much shorter DUNGEON SIEGE 2 (I still cannot fathom how they managed to botch that one!), keep in mind that it has only skin-deep similarities to its predecessor. This is the one to buy!
This is the expansion mind you (but it also includes the original!). You will enjoy it more than most latest games!
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!! Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (Jewel Case)
Dungeon Siege is a fine game even six years after release.
Dungeon Siege uses the standard hack n' slash formula:
- Bare bones story
- Bare bone character devolpement
- Unquenchable thirst to find better equipement
- Unquenchable thirst to play for only ten more minutes before you realize it is two AM and you've been playing ALL day.
A pleasant surprise for me was the amazing soundtrack of Dungeon Siege. An unpleasant surprise for me was the lack of skill tree for the characters.
If you are a hack n' slash gaming fan you must play this game.
I suppose most kids would view this with disdain, but I at 67 enjoy it greatly as a diversion from technical vocation. As with most games having relatively static formats, it eventually becomes somewhat predictable, yet continually offers opportunity for improvement in play and strategy. Have played many times over with no loss of interest. This version contains both the original Dungeon Siege and the subsequent Legends of Aranna, so that it's actually two quite different and entertaining games in one package.
Big fan of Dungeon Siege, finally got Dungeon Seige LOA yesterday, was told by Windows Vista about 50 times that there are compatibility probs, but got it anyway. Installed it, attempted to run it, Windows kept popping up error mesgs, 5th time was the charm. It loaded and was everything I had hoped for.
Graphics are great, overhead map is nice to use when you can't see where you're going from all the vegetation. I really like the new pack animal, it runs into combat with you, some sort of dinosaur/rhino/lizard thing. Although it doesn't hold as much as a mule, oh well.
There are new spells, new armor, new weapons, new people and a new story. There are new "item sets" like in Titan Quest, where as you add matching items, you increase the benefits you get from them. There are also new attributes to some of the items that make them have a "buff" effect, like increased magic armor or increased damage against certain types of enemies. Also some spell books can effect the spells in them, like reducing the amount of magic required for certain spells. Also new is a sort of transport system that you can ride from some (limited) places to others, which is good so you don't have to waste time running all the way back to talk to (whoever) to continue your quest.
The only complaint that I've ever had about DS or DSLOA is that you can't go back and play a level and have the mosters regenerate, like Titan Quest or Final Fantasy or something. Once the monsters are dead, they're dead, so if I could change 1 thing, that's the only thing. Just b/c I like to hang out in an area and build up my people, but DS wants you to build on the go. Overall, great game, hope it loads the 2nd time :-)
This is one of my very favorite games ever. My sentimental favorite RPG is the old Quest for Glory series (wasn't it just the best?), but I adore Dungeon Siege as well. With this particular edition, you get both the original Dungeon Siege and the Aranna expasion pack. They have great replay value, and every time I finish a game, I want to start it all over again and develop my characters differently. A stupendous entertainment value!
I like the Dungeon Siege series a lot, but there are a few things I found upsetting.
One of those is the camera and scroll capability in map mode, etc. There are times when you need to be able to see more, like on the map screens and your views don't allow for that. Like looking at where you have been. You don't allow scrolling around in those areas, etc.
If you made that easier it'd be cool and extremely helpful to your gamers.
Other things were that everything moves too quickly and I wasn't able to Import/Export my character from the first game. Another thing about the story line moving so fast was/is that just about the time you are becoming comfortable with your character(s) you come to the end.
I was trying to build my character up, but once you've been in an area and gotten rid of all the monsters there you don't get anymore in that area again, at all as far as what I've seen and that doesn't help to build up a character, it makes it harder to build up at all.
Otherwise it was/is a fun game and I enjoyed it.
Thanks for asking.
Joy Jader-Watkins
Dungeon Siege: Aranna (JC) - Valusoft - Great4slowpc - Software'
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