I received my iPad 2 Defender Series case today and I must state that I am very disappointed at the quality and so called "ruggedness". I have an OtterBox for my iPad (1st Gen), iPhone 4, old iPhone 3GS and every one of my family members cell phones and have never had an issue with paying the price for the superior quality and protection, this time I feel ripped off. From the flimsy 'polycarbonate' case, to the thin silicone cover this is at most an average product for a premium price. Every port cover on this is flimsy, does not seat well and creates a vulnerable point in the event of a 'mishap', not to mention that the top and bottom of the polycarbonate case is so flimsy that it feels as though it will snap off if handled wrong. Oh, and whats up with how fat this case is when the cover is on, it's thicker than my iPad 1st Gen in its Defender Series case, kind of defeats one of the selling points of the product they are attempting to protect... Up to this point I have been a huge fan, supporter, and endorser of your OtterBox and their products, this however, has really soured my opinion, especially given the wait for the release... What a let down! Otterbox iPad 2 Defender Case - Black NEWEST MODEL
First off I'd like to say I love otterbox products my family swears by outer box cases for all are cell phones (2: Blackberry curve's, iPod classic, iPod nano, first gen iPhone, 3GS iPhone, first gen iPad, and now iPad 2 all have defender series) I would highly recommend any of otterbox cell phone and the FIRST gen iPad cases. (Note that when it came to the iPads I only recommended the first gen. And hears why.
When you were a kid was there ever something new that came out you wanted so bad you'd do anything to get it. But you had wait for it to come out in stores or wait until Christmas and finally the day comes and you get it, but after a few minutes you relies it doesn't function exactly as it appeared in an ad you seen on TV, magazine, or internet and it really disappointed you to the point it makes mad, sad all at the same time like someone is ripping your hart out. Well that's how I felt after I put my new case on my iPad 2. It's like the designers of the new iPad 2 case were trying to come up with a completely reengineered case that incorporated new features... Why did they completely redesign it? Looking at all our other defender cases we have around the house, they all have vary similar characteristics and function. Except the defender case for ipad2 Like they all have a.....
1: holster or cover that completely covers the entire screen (NOT on the iPad 2 case. All four corners of the iPad 2 screen are exposed.)
2: the covers that go over the dock connector and headphone jack are secured in a way that they are not accidentally flipped out when you don't want them opened. (NOT so on iPad 2 case. No matter how I hold it every protective cover becomes knocked lose vary vary easily and just flops around. Not vary protective if they're constantly open are they. And somewhat difficult and vary time-consuming to get back in place properly.)
3: stand for watching videos. this is the one and only thing I like about the iPad 2 case. The way the new stand flips out is vary nice!!
More downfalls of the new iPad 2 case.....
1: the tabs that cover the camera and the home button when the cover is snapped on the front for when your transporting iPad 2 presses the home button and wakes up iPad constantly when iPad is in backpack. Running battery down. Not a big drain on battery but still, it's a flaw in the design.
2: the tabs on cover when the cover is snapped on the back stick out past the curve on the back, making it uncomfortable to hold for long periods of time.
I'd like to see otterbox take the first gen case and fit it to the iPad 2. Then put 4 holes (with plastic screen just like the rear camera on iphones) in the cover for the back camera. & just enlarge the hole in the font to reveal the front camera. & use the newly design folding stand
Sorry this review was so long I just don't want anybody else to be as disappointed in the iPad 2 case as I was.
I was expecting a quality as good as the Defender case I have for my iPhone.
It was very hard to put together. The iPhone one was so easy.
One of the things that is really turning me off is the fact that for the iPad 2, they decided to make the top and bottom borders really thin, my only suspicion for them to want to do this is so the people that bought the white iPad2 would have an area free to display that they have a white iPad2. While the defender case I see for the iPad (1) has the thicker border on the front.
The result of making the top and bottom front area thin is that it feels very delicate, more so on the bottom part, and when you are putting the case on it feels like it is about to brake, it does not snap on place easily; also on the fact that it is too fin: If I was worry about breaking just by putting the case on, I cannot image handling a fall, meaning, the first time I were to drop my iPad, there is no way the plastic will not break in the bottom part. I don't think it will be as much of problem on top because the top front is glued to the back top area, making it sturdier.
The other negative I have is that when placing the iPad2 into the case, it pushed the protect film from the top area, the funny part is that it did that only on the middle, on top of the front camera and a little to the top right. I was able to fix the top right corner but the piece on top of the camera looks horrible and it is beyond repair. Let me point out I did not use the protective screen that came with the case, I had a ZAGG one installed before I even got the case and I don't see any reason why it should not fit if Otter did plan on the case fitting their protected film. The ZAGG film was installed by a professional and it was in place correctly.
Let me point out that I am a fan of the Otter products and that I why I feel so disappointed with this one.
If I were to have made suggestions to Otter, I would have suggested to have done the case with the same principals as they did the iPhone4 one, where you have 2 plastic with the shield for the screen already in it. It would be an easy snap in and out of the plastic one and then just placing the rubber around it. And to have kept the front top and bottom borders thick. If one was too worried about showing off their white iPad2, I don't think they would have bought an Otter case anyway. - Blueproton - Otter - Ipad 2 Smart Cover - Ipad 2'
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