Black & Decker - VersaPak Gold Battery! I like using B&D VersaPak Tools for light duty hobby activities in my laboratory. The interchangeability is a handy feature. I have used many batteries including B&D VersaPak Gold and Silver. The GOLD Batteries due last longer than the Silvers. In my opinion, 60% is stretching it. Depending on cycles to include complete discharge, amount of use and other factors, 40-50% would be more accurate. The GOLD Batteries are not as impacted by the "memory" fade that the silvers are. For the same price or up to a couple dollars more per battery, the GOLD Batteries are a better buy. Black & Decker VP110 VersaPak Gold 3.6-Volt 1-1/5-Amp Hour NiMH Gold Battery
It's at least also almost always true
This GOLD edition *almost* lasts 60% longer [actually about 40% on a very good day]. But the real kick is the gain in power. Yes, I said power.
More Power, grunt grunt. . .snort, err, d'oh!
I never would have believed it but hearing, listening, and watching my somewhat meek 3.6v VersaPak line of B&D battery-operated cleaning tools suddenly get a whole new attitude when I dropped these puppies in should impress just about anyone, just a little. There is definately a power boost but as to ascertaining what percentage would require far more spare time and testing equipment than even *I* have available. Suffice to say most won't be too disappointed as it's a real kick. I certainly wasn't.
A real kick in the pants
The price for the standard 3.6v VersaPak cells is bad enough, but these "Gold" editions are typically DOUBLE!
Is it worth it?
This is a tough one really as some folks will just as happily opt for updating their tool line rather than getting "bigger" batteries as B&D's VersaPak line has long past the average "lifespan" typically associated with rechargeable tool series. This was very true but to an even greater extent in *power* tools: when fix-it guys, home pros[?] and tradesman alike were recently caught up in a voltage frenzy among manufacturers. Cordless power tools climbed upwards rapidly but very incrementally from 9.6v to 24v in a single 12-month timeframe, making the $$$ cordless tool "kit" you just purchased obsolete even before you finished wading through the vast sea of disgruntled home improvement customers at the local depot's check-out lines. I'm sure I'm not the only consumer who owns more than one dubious rechargeable flashlight: the requisite cordless kit tool "bonus".
But is it really worth it?
Many rechargeable *cleaning tool* series have improved as well, albeit more more slowly. B&D's VersaPak tool line was ONE OF THE FIRST rechargeable battery "systems" out there[long before Ryobi and most others jumped on board with the exception of Makita's 7.2v system [[Milwaukee's single "pro"sumer or trade-level under 3volt entry at the time [read "not a system"] was a great little cordless stick screwdriver which I believe were seen being introduced on or about the same era]]. Yes, I said era. It's been that long. . .
BTW, with only minor improvement[the charger was updated], Milwaukee's stick driver is still being offered [and accepted] today, decades after its introduction and a glorious testament to what's possible when great design meets great execution.
And your point?
Anyway, my point being is it's a personal choice on whether one should breathe new life in their very dated VersaPak collection or not. If you are one of those who decide to do so and you have more than one VersaPak device or at least one B&D device requiring two batts, you may wish to look into buying these in BULK from a *trusted* source[you did read "trusted", yes?], as these bulk packs offer a much better deal and in quantanties that are still realistic for the home consumer.
A good rule-of-thumb for rechargeable batteries is to always have at least one spare swap-out available so your job isn't interrupted and to prevent rapid cycling.
One word of caution
Ok, more than one word: DON'T MIX THESE WITH STANDARD VersaPak [black/silver] batteries, either in twin-pack tools OR dual chargers, but especially the latter. Just don't. . .ever
And now one word of advice
Ok, more than one word as well, but this advice is totally free and worth every penny! Heat is the great destroyer of rechargeable batts, rapidly humbling far more robust batts than these. The great thing about having some extras around means that you won't be dropping just-drained and very warm batteries into your charger or your just-charged very warm batteries into your device as either of these practices will assure your tired tools a very brief reprieve.
Bottom line
Now that I've switched to the GOLD version, I would never go back to black(and silver;o).
My original battery for my electric screwdriver time had come to an end. I purchased this VersaPak Gold Battery and after a short charge was driving screws to buid a desk. I don't recall the orginal battery ever having this amount of power or being able to hold the charge as long.
I've been using my VersaPak tools for several years now. The VersaPak Gold battery holds its charge longer and the life of the battery is longer than the regular VersaPak battery. I have been quite satisfied with the Gold's performance. as well as the VersaPak tools, ideal for light duty houssehold fixes.
A few reviews read that the GOLD is delivering better power and a longer charge.
While the charge does seem to last longer, I haven't experienced more actual power in my screwdriver.
For the extra time, though, I'd take the GOLD anytime rather than to have to recharge more often.
I am in love with Versapak and have several appliances and tools that use these batteries. There is just one problem: the regular ones don't have much capacity and have a VERY short life. The Gold ones are much better but a little more expensive. In my opinion, they are well worth the extra price. It's really too bad that Black and Decker overprices the batteries os much. - Dustbuster - Versapak Vp110 - Versa Pak - Black And Decker'
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