Do not waste your money on this product. This is probably the worst product I've ever purchased through amazon and its associated merchants. The workmanship is really crappy. Plastic handle. Plastic eyelets. Poorly glued. I used this pole on a trip to the bahamas recently. With the first strike, the pole itself cracked where the thickest part of the rod meets the handle. I managed to land the less than 1 lb reef fish, but the pole was rendered useless. Then upon collapsing the pole, the eyelets came unglued. What crap! This is worthy of zero stars! There are much better options for your money. Ogeechee Outdoors Palos Verdes Series Telescopic 7 Ft Spinning Rod
I bought 2 of each these in 7'. 9'. 12' to take fishing in Costa Rica.
"Tough package for [...]is what I'd said about them.
Be very gentle extending and retracting these rods, the guides are very lightly glued on. Half the poles had the eyelets come unglued due to rough handling by our guides, but super glue fixed them right up.
The reel seats aren't very strong and the butt end of the rod is really short so they can pack down well. This makes fighting a big fish tougher, but the strenght and flexibility of these rods was impressive. We were using 10 lb spiderwire on the 7' rod and reel set up. This set up landed more than a dozen fish including a mackeral over three feet long and a 42 inch Dorado. The 12' with 30 lb line performed just as well.
Great buy your the money.
I bought 4 of these last year for an AK salmon trip and worked very well. (Two broke but had on very big fish and people using weren't fighting fish correctly - 1 guy broke a $100 rod.) Fit in backpack for plane and easy transport to fishin' holes!! Going again this year and taking another son and got 2 more. Excellent prompt shipping service from seller. Good bargain.
Last year I bought a telescopic rod from this dealer. I got a damaged piece of junk. The rod had cracks an deep gouges from top to bottom. I tried to contact the dealer numerous times with no responses. I didn't get a new rod nor my money back. To top it all off, I tried to use it in the Bahamas which is why I had ordered the rod. The very first cast with a ounce and a half lure caused a 15 inch piece of the rod to break off. What a ripoff!!!
i bought 4-- 9 foot rods last year went to the coast to catch spots a fish that weights about 1/5 to 3/4 lb met up with my brother we went out to buy 2 rod and reels made for catching spots we could not feel the fish bite. i rememered i had the 9 foot rods in my motor home took the reels off the other ones put them on the 9 foot folding rods went back and cought two hundres fifty nine spots in 4 or 5 hours. we found if you got 3 on the line at one time it was best to hold the rods a little stright towards the fish to keep some of the pressure off. this does not mean there are week just a little respect for a really flexable rod. you could even feel the sand on the bottom with these rods but you could also feel the fish even the lightist touch.by the way when i got back i took my boss man fishing at the river he had never cought anything but a brem he cought a 7 lb. catfish fought this thing for about 15 min. and did not break the rod which says you can break anything if you are a BULL in a china shop.i have not had any rods to break i an going fishing with my brother again this year looking to catch more then 300 spots with the same rods. i love them------they fold up out of the way when not in use and you can feel the smallist bite. yours Buddy - Travel Rod - Telescopic Fishing Rod - Spinning Rod'
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