Warning: as they do with many things, Amazon lumps all reviews of this battery together, irrespective of who the seller is. Some sellers sell brand new batteries, some sell used or refurbished or non-Apple batteries. This you can see from some of the other reviews. Read the description carefully, to see what the seller that YOU are dealing with is offering. I got mine from "Nextop2100". They sold an authentic Apple OEM battery (new), but in bulk packaging. The battery I received was brand new, made by Apple, exactly what I wanted.
If you're not sure what you're ordering, email the seller and ask!
Oh, and in case you haven't figured this out yet: most non-book items sold on Amazon.com are NOT sold by Amazon; they are sold by third parties. It's like buying on eBay, but somewhat more reliable (if you don't get what was described, Amazon will help you out). Near the top of the page it will say "Ships from and sold by (name of vendor)". Apple Rechargeable Battery MA561LL/A - MacBook - White (Retail Packaging)
I purchased this battery on March 9, 2009. It does not hold charge. It does not function as a battery, in essence it is a very expensive paper weight. I contacted Rocio Valdivia, the seller, who simply stated that he does not have to send me a refund.
Do not purchase from this seller. This is at best a very bad seller, at worst, fraud.
Avoid Rocio Valdivia.
I did receive the battery within several days. However, the battery was apparently a "recycled" or "refurbished" one. When I click "purchase" online, it was promised a "NEW" battery from Apple. Although the battery reached fully charging capacity, I still thought I was cheated on this product. I didn't bother returning the product to the company which I believed would make my holiday spirit turning sour..
Following our fellow reviewers here I bought full boat Apple MacBook battery replacement from Amazon... as usual Amazon came through for me. Ok, so the first battery that I received failed to take any sort of a charge whatsoever. Charger wouldn't even light up either yellow or green. Amazon said "no problem" and immediately sent out another battery. Whoops, it didn't work either. I couldn't believe that I had the luck of receiving two dead batteries. I finally Googled the issue and caught the following hint: Remove the battery and plug in the computer and see a green light on the charger... That went according to plan. Then I was told that only after the computer was up and running to then drop in the new battery... et voila! The computer is now blinking the battery's built in LEDs, and the charger is looking good and is not dead like before. I really hope that Amazon reads this and drops a note about it into each order, and I feel bad sending them back (on their dime) what was most likely a very good battery. Why it takes a crazy procedure like this to fire up a new battery I have no idea... but probably it's the answer for the other folks that wrote here about their own problem batteries.
Based on comments in other reviews, I was expecting a third-party knock-off or used battery. Instead, I got a new Apple logo'ed battery (from Nextop2100) for about $50 less than other sources. OK, maybe it is a third-party knock-off or used, but it looked legit to me. I speculate -- emphasize, speculate -- these are older, surplussed MacBook batteries that Apple doesn't use/sell anymore. In any event, I needed a replacement that would last at least a year and this filled the bill.
Although this battery does work in my MacBook, the title of the item says it is Apple and uses the same serial code as Apple's MacBook battery IT IS NOT A CERTIFIED APPLE BATTERY! I just took my MacBook into the Apple store today and they told me I could not receive another battery to replace this one because this is not an apple product. It is a replica and they believed that is why the battery life did not last as long. This company used the unique Apple MacBook serial code which is solely exclusive to the APPLE MacBook battery, which this product is not.
I was sent a cheap, third party, non-Apple manufactured battery. Everything on this listing indicated an actual Apple battery, but I received a fake. The battery lasted for a few weeks, and then only would hold 2 hours of charge. DO NOT purchase.
The description for this product clearly stated that this was a battery for an Apple Macbook, but upon arrival it was clearly not an Apple battery, but a knockoff. I definitely feel like perhaps there was some deception in the description. However, since I needed a new battery and this one was compatible, I decided to keep it.
In comparison to the genuine apple battery I previously had, this battery does not keep its charge as long. It definitely works, but I seem to have to charge it more often.
I have in the past also purchased non-Apple batteries for a Macbook and found the overall life span to be significantly shorter than a genuine Apple battery, so I'm assuming that will also be the case for this one.
Long story short--not worth saving the $20 or so for a knockoff. Buy the real thing. It'll cost you less in the long run.'
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