These are great if you need to order gift cards for a large group or need an incentive for customers. Also, b/c these aren't generic cards, like VISA, AMEX, or MC, there is no fee. Finally, there is no shipping charge unless you need expedited delivery. The only disadvantage is if you wish to buy a smaller number of cards as they come in packs of 50. Amazon.com $10 Gift Card - Box of 50 Cards
Most companies that sell gift cards in bulk offer bulk buyers a discount of some sort. But, those are usually food chains and movie theaters. But even B&N offers a tiny discount for their gift card orders over $1000.
Regardless, these are a great idea, as we know many people who use Amazon for a lot of their online shopping, not just books. Especially in conjunction with the Prime shipping option, a great bargain if you buy many smaller items on Amazon.
Also, many organizations have gift limits of $25, so Amazon should consider offering their $25 cards in bulk. With a small discount of course...
this is great to pass out as gifts.
although no discount (which is understandable, we wouldn't want people to buy the gift cards just to get the discount and use it themselves on what they plan to buy anyways)
not much to say about this, box of 50 gift cards is basically what you are buying, with no expiration days and millions of items to choose from, these would go quick.
I purchased a box of these to distribute to Kindle owners for book groups. It makes it easier for me to pay for Kindle versions of books for a number of people without excessive paperwork reimbursing them for their purchases. However, without a discount, we'll actually lose money, since so many Kindle books are under $10. I agree with others that a discount would make this a better value.
If I can get a discount when I purchase a box of gift certs, then I'd consider it, otherwise no way, Jose. Obviously, Amazon is getting the benefit of holding my cash as float (and making a nice little return) while the cards are held by me, unused. I should be getting something back in return for that privilege. This is not the same as American Express with their Travelers Cheques or Gift Cheques, which also make money for Amex while they go uncashed, since in this case Amazon itself is the one who's the retailer ultimately getting their profit at the time of sale. I could abide this for one or two gift certs, but not 50 for Pete's sake.
My $.02...
//Ted Markowitz - Gift Card - Christmas'
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