A boring waste of time, A Twlight-esque(I hate Twilight) movie, A badly done Wolf and sadly Maria Conchita Alonso who is a good actress(has an annoying accent though)disappoints, This is a Love story which doesn't do for me and a poorly made Teen-Genre(I hate that too) Wolf Movie. Wolf Moon
Firstly, kudos to Robert F. Powers for writing an honest review. Here goes another one not written by a buddy of the film makers...(If you want to see more, go to the movie's IMDb page and click "External reviews" - this is getting trashed net-wide, ergo they sent their buds here so unsuspecting folks like me would buy their muck, but I digress)
Where is a wad of steel wool and some bleach when you need them? That's what I wanted to do to my eyes after about half of this gigantic turd of a movie. My God, where do I even start? Script = trite, cliche rubbish that's been done to death and back (and much better) by other writers and directors with a heck of a lot more talent than this one.
Acting = man, everyone phoned this one in. I have no idea how they even got some of the cast (though the slew of co-producer creds gives a clue) but from where I sat it looked like they signed up for what they thought was going to be cool, then realized they signed on to utter garbage and knew it wasn't going to get any better. No one has their heart in this at all. And when the actors seem bored within a movie, you know that you, the audience member, are not far behind. I was ready to turn this off after half an hour but wanted to give it its fair trial, so to speak, so I stuck it out. All mind-numbing 124 minutes of it. Really? Do we need that long to tell a story that's been told thousands of times already? Allow me to answer. No.
Cinematography = how many shots of a full moon do you need to show us, pal?? We get it. There's a werewolf on the cover, it's called Wolf MOON......Hello? We get it. Pan down to something interesting, ok? And the static "effect" in the flashback.........words can't even touch how infuriating that is. I thought my DVD was broken, but alas, I fear that this is this film makers' idea of "artistic".
The SPFX could have been very good if they had the cash to get something good. Face it, materials cost money. Good materials cost more money. And so on. This movie suffers greatly from the "too much money in film makers' pockets and not enough on screen" syndrome.
I was able to look up the budget on IMDb and it says they spent 3 million bucks on this. Where??? Darned if I could tell. This one was even thin on camp value. Even the presence of the always entertaining Billy Drago as the psycho cop couldn't make this one bearable! I've seen all the leads (save for the two newcomers - the male of which should never be allowed in front of a camera again) in many other movies, and far better ones at that, and I've enjoyed them all at some time or another (or many times), but in this? I couldn't even like seeing those familiar faces because the movie they're buried in is that bad. Just that bad.
Avoid this one, go buy Twilight: New Moon (since that is the movie this one wanted to be anyway) or The Wolfman. At least with them you'll get some good effects and a little bang for your buck. Leave Wolf Moon out on the porch.
WOLF MOON is 124 minutes long, about 50 minutes too long. Endless panoramic vistas and unmemorable "original" pop songs try to compensate for the lackluster script, the flaccid direction, the listless acting, and the hilarious special effects.
Obviously an attempt to lure TWILIGHT fans with its doomed love story, WOLF MOON is ultimately tiresome and tedious. Its predictable climax is limp and uninspired. Shame on Max Ryan, Maria Conchita Alonso, Chris Mulkey, Billy Drago and Sid Haig--they've all done better!
Not recommended.
Seeing this at the "High Desert Shorts Internaional Film and Music Festival V", I was impressed how the story was generated and carried thru. The lighting techniques used were done very well and when the "wolf" appeared, was done excellent. The tranformation was flawless and done with great taste (Oh, do wolfs taste?) The movie had a flavor of earlier horror flicks from years ago, and give this a rating of B+.
"Wolf Moon" is so dangerously close to being completely stupid, but it turns out that is its charm. What is it about lycanthropes that makes a girl's heart flutter? Is it the hairy palms? Baying at the moon after sex? Turns out there are two werewolves, father and son. Son slaughters the horses and Dad slaughters the humans who ride them. Even trade off.
The female sheriff of the town is so clueless she has a hard time finding her way from one room to another never mind solving the problem of the mutilations. The role is played by Maria Conchita Alonso who was once an up and coming actress but has now gone the way of plumpness and looks as if she divides her time eating Tacos and appearing in direct-to-video crap. Her deputy is a hulking lug who happens to be the father of the girl who loses her heart to the werewolf. Dad's against the inter-species relationship. Go figure.
The movie has nowhere to go really and the finale is a father-son showdown between dad and boy and Billy Drago as a werewolf hunter. Billy Drago looks like a werewolf without make-up.
i had to give this movie at least two stars because of its silliness and the God-awful werewolf make-up. I've seen kittens that were scarier.
Filmed entirely in Pahurump and Betty, Nevada, this new film gives a unique perspective to the old horror concept. I enjoyed the stark dry scenery coupled with the "real" people feeling of a small town in the middle of nowhere...except you CAN drive there and see it.
This will be a great NEW movie for Halloween!
Viewed in Pahrump on May 29, 2010 at High Desert Film Festival'
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