I have had this phone for the last one year and so far it has been good and reliable. It looks sleek and the build quality is very strong. I recommend upgrading your Android OS to Froyo for the best performance. Verizon Motorola Droid A855 Android Cell Phone (no contract)
I've had this phone for a while now and it is FANTASTIC!
I upgraded to it from a blackberry storm thinking it wouldn't be that different from one smart phone to another, but boy was I wrong!
I love my Droid; there are SO many more wonderful apps available for it and it I love that it syncs everything with my gmail.
I am NOT very good with phones (tend to beat up on them a lot) but I have NEVER had any problems with this one breaking or anything.
I bought the phone over iphone and i never regretted my choice. it's very easy to use and the keyboard is awesome.
-great and easy to use full-sized keyboard
-sturdy design
-never froze
-great signal
-loud and clear speaker
- a bit heavier than iphone
I am on my 4th Droid phone in the last year. Problem? The touch screen keeps failing. First two Droids I had took 6 months each to start exhibiting screen issues. The third phone sent by Verizon (a refurbished phone) had touch screen issues right out of the box and after one week of frustration, I'm getting the fourth one today. Why do I keep getting the same phone if it is so bad? I'm just biding my time for a few more months until I'm eligible for an upgrade and will likely go to the iPhone.
I am "another" victim of the touchscreen on my Droid phone failing. The phones features and design were excellent for a phone made at that time. The keyboard keys were just about perfect for my fingers and I loved the control pad. But I'm rating this phone quite low, because of hardware and Motorola customer support failure. This is my second phone in 11 months. The first time the screen just went dark. I didn't drop it nor get it wet, it just failed as it was charging via the Motorola brand wall charger. I was able to get a replacement with the $50 deductible. Again overnight, the phone fails. This time the touchscreen acted as if I was hitting it in different areas. I couldn't even turn it off without just removing the battery. I was able to use it via bluetooth though. That is until I took it to the Verizon store and they tried to reset it. Now it needed to be activated and that can't be done without the touchscreen. The insurance has refused me and somehow (even though it has only been 11 months since I bought the original phone) my 1year manufacturer's warranty has expired. I've since replaced the phone with a non-Motorola alternative.
This phone is a TANK, after my partner SLAMMED his Jeep Grand Cherokee's tailgate down on it the touch screen STILL WORKED! yes it was cracked and spiderwebed all over the phone and the screen piece (seperate from the keyboard) was BENT like a V it was a small angled bend but it was definitely noticable. with a little effort the slide still worked and everything else worked just fine other than not being able to see the screen in sunlight because of the cracks. Overall the phone is great and a must buy if you want a cheap performance smartphone. the processor can be OC'd to 1250MHZ i have done this. and custom roms are aplenty for this phone, had the Iphone after this and it did not contend at all with the droid. Iphone lacks the open source, the good sound, and the droid had a better camera too. traded iphone in for Thunderbolt......Thunderbolt rules all!
This phone is crap. Its loaded with great features but it breaks all the time. The screen cracked three times and finally the insurance that I got with the phone dropped me and Verizon would not support it. Every other person I know that has this phone has broken the screen too. We are all left with months on our contracts with no usable phone. I've had many other phones and none of them have ever broken but this one was built cheap. Don't buy it!
The Seller whom I bought the Droid A855 phone is dishonest.... he charges customer's credit card, send them products that was not promised, and unsure if he wants to Refund you your money or send a Replacement... they act like they will resolve your isssue by asking you to remove the Bad Feedback. - Android - Cell Phone - A855 - Verizon'
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