I have zero experience with webcams, let alone purchased one. I had it in the back of my mind that the video would be grainy and they wouldn't be too user friendly, and I thought those little ball-shaped cameras looked stupid, so I never got off my rear to look into them. As more of my friends and family starting using Skype, I spent an hour or so looking at different products, and considering price, features, and reviews, I bought this model. I've only used it a few times since purchase, but it's easy to setup and understand, gets along fine with my Dell Laptop and Desktops, takes great still pictures, and hasn't exhibited any glitches so far. On the other end people say the video looks good and sounds fine, so with my limited experience, I'm a happy camper with this Logitech so far. Logitech Webcam C260
I bought this cammara for the the mic, to use it on a laptop. It worked fine out of the box, but had a problem connecting to SKYPE however an e-mail to Logitech and 24 hours for a reply I found the problem I had not configured Skype correctly. We now call family in England with out a problem.
I work at Best Buy, so before I went online to search I looked at what my store had to offer. They carried this exact webcam for twenty dollars more. I'm in love with the cam, its amazing and beats out a lot of expensive cams out there. The shipping was fast and so was the installation once I got it. My laptops is kinda slow, I'll admit, so I was expecting the installation process to be an all day thing but it literally took me 10 mins, and then I was chatting with my boyfriend. He sent me a picture of what he could see on his screen and it was better than his brand new cam! Sound quality is outstanding, and the software doesn't take up a lot of room on my hard drive, which is an awesome bonus.! Works great with Skype and Chat Roulette, and as a camera too! I strongly recommend this product to anyone wanting a webcam, even if your price range is huge! The quilty is too good to be true for the rice!
Looking for help setting up for Skype. Error Message says: "Can't start video render. Chek that you've got a valid direct installation." Did that Logitech Webcam C260 with 3 MP Photos and Microphonebut can only use Logitech Webcam C260 on google video chat(which is listed in Video Tools on Skype). This is kind of disappointing. My son-in-law worked on their gift for over 3 hours and gave up. Can anyone help?
I am told by viewers of the camera output that it produces a superior picture and sound. I replaced a less sophisticated Logitech model with this camera, and my Skype "viewers" are very enthusiastic about the results. - Easy To Use - Skype - Good Price - Logitech'
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