My daughter got this set for her 3rd birthday. It was one of her favorite gifts, and has given her endless tub-time fun. However, the pieces are anything but durable -- one of the two dolls broke within a week, and all DD did was try to pull it out of the mesh bag! The second one lost an arm last week under normal play conditions (she is not rough on her toys, generally). It's more than a little annoying that these things seem to tear if you look at them funny.
On the other hand, I'm here about to order a second set, regardless of the durability issues. That should tell you something about just how much fun this toy is for little kids. Alex Fashion In The Tub
My nearly 4 yo received this for her 3rd birthday. She enjoys playing with it-making a "closet" on our tub wall to pick outfits out for the dolls. My now 10 month old with 7 teeth has chewed on several of these-as she grabs them off the wall (many of them stay up for several days on the wall without extra water) and likes to play with them... and none have been broken at all. I think this is a wonderful "big girl" tub toy.
My children love to play with this in the bath. They change their own clothes 10 times a day as it is. Not entirely durable; my toddler ripped one pair of pants in half the 3rd time we played, but honestly, if you do that, you can come up with even funkier outfits than the ones that come with it!
For some reason, my 2yo daughter suddenly started becoming fearful of taking baths. So we looked for things/toys that would take her mind off of the actual act of bathing. I found this item on sale on Amazon, and snapped it up. Our daughter absolutely LOVES LOVES it. She's very much into dressing up/down dolls and playacting; so this worked out perfectly. Now whenever we prepare the bath, the first thing she does is toss the netted bag (which holds all the pieces) into the tub.
I highly recommend this toy. It's so much fun, is durable, and even has its own container so you can easily keep track of the pieces or carry it around on family trips.
Both of my children love this toy! I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old. They would stay in the bath all day just to play with them. We have had them a couple weeks now and have not torn any.. they are made of a foam material so i wouldn't be surprised if they did but wouldn't care either. The price was great and they are now both of my girls favorite toy. AND!! I was able to get rid of all of the bath toys that always fell out of the hanging basket and hurt your feet if stepped on! They came with a basket to hang them but my girls stick them to the side of the tub and shower tiles when they get out, they stay firm until the next bath. GREAT TOY.
I bought this for my 3-year-old granddaughter's birthday. The idea is great, but the reality isn't as optomistic. The opening to the bag is too small to put all of the dolls & their accessories in consequently they get bent up and won't return to their original condition. This seriously impedes their ability to stick to the tub walls or for the clothes to stick to the dolls. The bag's suction cups don't stick as well as they should and the whole thing ends up falling off into the bottom of the tub. Still, with these drawbacks the kids have fun with them in the tub, but I wouldn't purchase any more of them.
My daughter loves this toy! We play with it every bath time. Its very helpful working on math as well. We count and sort all of the clothes in different categories every night (colors, seasons, item etc). The only down fall is if placed in the bag curved, the pieces will bend some and not stick to the wall easy. However, it is possible to bend them back! - Bathtime - Toys - Bath Toys - Paper Doll'
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