This 1st release is really, exceptionally well done: it covers characters from Abomination to Blackwing, and includes summaries of special time periods & events, like the moderately popular Age of Apocalypse.
Highlights here for me...
*Teams- A number of my favorites are in this 1st volume, including: Alpha Flight, All-Winners Squad, and Avengers.
*Mixed Characters- Varied & interesting; many I've never seen. Classic & new.
*Mixed Artwork- I absolutely love this mix of classic & newer character art. Fans of the '80s OHOTMU will be happy to see some of that artwork here, like pics for Absorbing Man & A.I.M with updated computer colors, while newer art styles are included, like Manga-esque styles & fully painted. The choices are often debatable: I actually prefer the '80s pic of Abomination by Byrne over this newer one. But overall, this broad mixing of styles is greatly appreciated.
*Inevitable Omissions- Over 500 characters from the '80s Deluxe Edition & '89 Update never made it into this newer effort. Not included in this 1st volume: Aguila; Angar the Screamer; Arkon; Arnim Zola; Asgard; Asgardians; Attuma; Balder; and Batroc's Brigade, among others. Still, the newer content is fresh & interesting.
I'm a huge '80s Marvel fan, and I still love the OHOTMUDE from '85 & '86. This newer, 2008 series is bringing me up to speed with all the changes since then, and it's somewhat surprising in what it covers. I actually recommend getting at least this 1st edition; it's not a waste of money, and it'll help you decide if you want future volumes.
The contents here include: 1602 A.D.; 2020 A.D.; 2099 A.D.; 2099 A.D. Marvel Knights; 8162 A.D.; Abomination (Blonsky); Abraxas; Absorbing Man; Abyss; Achebe; Acolytes; Acrobat (Zante); Acts of Vengeance; Adamantium; Adam-II; Aegis; Age of Apocalypse; Aged Genghis; Agent (Mason); Agent X (Nijo); Agents of Atlas; Aggamon; Ahab; A.I.M.; Akhenaten; Albert & Elsie Dee; Albion (Hunter); Abdul Alhazred; Alkhema; All-American; All-Winners Squad; Alpha Flight; Alpha the Ultimate Mutant; Amatsu-Kami; Americop; Amphibion; Amun; Anachronauts; Anarchist; Ancient One; Android Man; Angel (Halloway); Angel (Worthington); Angels; Animus; Annex; Annihilus; Annihilus' Queens; Annunaki; Anole; Answer; Anti-Cap; Ant-Man (lang); Apache Kid (Rosa); Apocalypse (En Sabah Nur); Apocalypse Beast; Aqueduct; Arabian Knight (Hashim); Arabian Knight (Qamar); Arachne (Carpenter); Arana; Arcade; U.S. Archer; Ares; Arides; Armadillo; Armor; Armorer; Arranger; Arsenal (robot); Asbestos Lady; Asbestos Man; Ashake; Ashcan; Asmodeus (demon); Atlantis; Atlas (Josten); Atleza; Atom Smasher (English); Aurora; Authority; Avalanche; Avengers; Avengers Headquarters & Vehicles; Avengers (MC2); Awesome Android; Axis Mundi; Axum; Azazel; Ba'al; B.A.D. Girls, Inc.; Badoon; Sunset Bain; Band of the Bland; Banshee (Cassidy); Barbarus; Baron Mordo; Baron Mordo's Minions; Baron Strucker; Baron Zemo (Heinrich); Baron Zemo (Helmut); Baroness; Baroness Blood; Bastion; Batroc; Battle-Axis; Battleworld; Batwing (Santini); Beast (McCoy); Benny Beckley; Bedlam (Aaronson); Belasco; Yelena Belova; Bereet; Berserker; Beta Ray Bill; Beyonder; Bi-Beast; Bible John; Big Hero 6; Big Man (Frederick Foswell); Big Mother; Big Wheel; Bishop; Black Bolt; Black Box; Black Cat; Black Crow; Black Dragon; Black Fox (Paine); Black Knight (Whitman); Black Lama; Black Marvel; Black Panther (T'Challa); Black Talon; Black Tarantula; Black Widow (Romanova); Black Widow (Voyant); Blackheart; Blackout (Lilin); Blackwing (Bohusk); and Blackwing (Manfredi). All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z, Vol. 1
These books are custom-made for geeks: if the idea of alphabetically-ordered entries of comic book characters intrigues you, this is definitely for you. Each entry contains full color art with a detailed history and vital statistics. There's even a glossary in the back that defines important people, places and things in the Marvel Universe. The production value is top-notch, with a generous helping of color artwork and glossy pages.
If you're new to Marvel Comics, or you just want to keep up with what's going on, these books are great, and this volume is the place to start.
I'm a big comic book geek so when I got my hands on this book I was ecstatic. These series of books also help with my collection for when I look for specific comics on a certain character. Perfect gift for someone who collects comics or if you collect comics yourself. - Encyclopedia - Comics - Superhero - Book'
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