COD4 is truly one of the best first person shooter games. You can play the story mode which takes you through an entire war, with a detailed and intriguing story, and has many different styles of play. Some stages will require straight gun fights, while others will require you to be stealth and snipe your enemies from afar.
The best thing about this game is the Multiplayer function. This is such a great feature as it extends the play value of the game. In most games, once you beat the story mode, there is hardly any reason to play again. however, in multiplayer mode, you will be playing with other gamers around the world online, for free, and get to eliminate each other. Multiplayer mode has many different modes to choose from such as "capture the flag", or "free for all" but the main objectives are all the same. eliminate your opponents!
If you need more detailed footage of the game, just youtube it and see how the game play is in action. Call of Duty 4: Game of the Year Edition (PS3)
This is the game that made me decide to buy a PS3. I'd only had a Wii before, and figured that was enough. Then for Christmas one of my friends bought this for himself as a "present" along with a PS3, and invited me over to play it. The moment it started up I realized I needed to get this game.
The cinematics and graphics really are top-notch. Even though it's an older game by now (the next Call of Duty is already slated to drop in less than a month), this still holds up among many of the newer games coming out. I dare you not to drop your jaw when you go through the "Shock and Awe" level...just amazing.
The gameplay is really easy to get ahold of. I'd always been a fairly loyal Nintendo fan, so I hadn't played a lot of First Person shooters, but within 20 minutes or so I was blowing through the easy difficulty. The game does ramp up considerably for the hardcore crowd though, so if you really want to put your skills to the test, this is the game for you.
Speaking of putting your skills to the test. This is the one warning and the one "bad" thing I have to say about the game. This game has been out for almost a year, and some people have been playing it non-stop since it came out. If you go online you will die. A lot. I mean it, you will not know what hit you for your first few rounds. The online component is fantastic, but I would really recommend spending a good deal of time on the campaign mode before you even try to hop online. Or better yet, start a game with some of your friends so the odds might be a little more even.
A quick note about the Game of the Year edition. It's cool looking, but if you can get the regular edition for cheaper you should probably go for it. The only difference is a voucher to download the 4 extra maps for multiplayer, and you can only use them online if every one you're playing with has downloaded them as well. Most people haven't, so I've only gotten to use them a handful of times. They look neat, but ultimately you won't get to use them much.
There's a good reason this game was given a game of the year edition. It's probably the best FPS to come out on the PS3 so far, and possibly this generation. On the 360 it even managed to dethrone Halo 3 on Live for awhile because so many people were into it. Buy it and see, odds are you will not be dissapointed.
If you love playing Unreal or Halo, this game will probably catch you off guard. However, in the recent surge of "realistic" shooters, COD4 really seems to take the cake. The story mode is enthralling through most of the missions. If you haven't played many next-gen games before this, you'll likely play through the first mission with your jaw on the floor. The game looks very detailed and gameplay is smooth and entertaining.
Even as good as the one-player missions are, the real reason for buying this or most shooters is for the online play. You'll find plenty of opponents waiting online in one of the many gameplay types. Online games range from 4-18 players depending on the mode, and it has a big effect. Smaller games will make you feel a little more adrenaline because you don't know where the next enemy is going to jump out. Some of the bigger games can be a little more laid back, and make it easier to play without be afraid of dying.
The interface of the game is well-made, controls are smooth, even if they may take a few plays to get used to, and sounds and visuals are realistic for the weapons and maps. This is not a game where you can run straight through the middle of a field and come out on the other side alive, since 3-4 bullets from many guns will kill you. That said, a lot of the games will require you to out-think your online foes, or at least be quicker to the draw.
This Game of the Year edition of COD4 comes with (I believe) 4 extra maps in a "map pack", a $10 value for free. This was not a breaking point for me in the purchase, but some of them are pretty cool. When you enter the code in the Playstation Store and download the maps, you then install them to the HDD and they are immediately playable in split-screen and online modes. They are all pretty fun to play, but if you can find COD4 without the GOTY distinction for a cheaper price (I'd say at least $10) go ahead and pick it up. The extra maps aren't really used enough to be necessary.
All in all, it's the best shooter in terms of realism I've played to this point, and I'd recommend this game for anyone who enjoys shooters (with a little strategy) or anyone who likes military games, because this game immerses you in military lingo and strategy, especially in the solo missions.
I received COD4 as a gift, however, i'm no stranger to COD. I've been playing since COD2: Big Red One (PS2).
CAMPAIGN: By far the most immersing and welcoming campaign i've played on an FPS. From your first training mission, to your last *NO SPOILERS* mission, you will notice how detailed the campaign is, and how deep the story goes. There is even a mission where you are in 1992 in Chernobyl Pripyat Ukraine. The AI are intelligent and will react to your every move. For example, when on a mission against the OpFor, playing as the USMC, I encountered a building filled with enemies firing mounted Machine guns out the window, pinning my squad down. I hid behind a shipping crate, but whenever I peeked around the corner to fire shots with my M4, they responded by either retreating back farther in the room, or by remembering my position making me very vulnerable. That is only just a taste of the smart AI. However, if that's too hard for you (I played on normal difficulty and completed the last mission all the way up to the airplane), you can just select easy. Generally this game is not hard to learn at all, and trust me, you wont be overwhelmed, the campaign is very balanced. And the other soldiers in your group will help you and will be effective. There is a perfect balance between the AI (friendly and enemy) in COD4MW.
ARCADE MODE: After completing campaign, you will be left wanting more. Arcade Mode fulfills that desire. Arcade Mode allows you to select any previous mission, and play through it earning points for killing enemies. This gives Arcade Mode an interesting "skirmish" type feel.
MULTIPLAYER: The obvious big part of COD4MW is Multiplayer. It consists of many gametypes, Team Deathmatch, Mercenary Team Deathmatch, Free-For-All, Sabotage, Domination, Ground War, just to name a few, there are many more. There are 20 Multiplayer maps (including the Variety Map Pack, 4 extra maps), some based off of Campaign, others uniquely their own, they are: Ambush, Backlot, Bloc, Bog, Countdown, Crash, Crossfire, District, Downpour, Overgrown, Pipeline, Shipment, Showdown, Strike, Vacant, and Wetwork. The Variety Map Pack is available for download on Playstation Store and Xbox Live and includes the last four maps: Broadcast, Chinatown, Creek, and Killhouse. It only costs $9.99 (about $2.50 per map) I would recommend buying the map pack as soon as you can because those bonus maps are spectacular and without them you will miss out on playing with other players who do have it. The Multiplayer experience is the best i've played on an FPS and it is highly addicting. You can invite friends into your party, and play in games together on a team, as well as join random games that are in the Lobby, or that are in progress. You can also create classes with many combinations of your own weapons and perks. For example: the class that I use often is one that I created, I named it .50 Cal, because the setup is:
PRIMARY WEAPON: Barret .50 Cal Sniper Rifle, No Attachment, Digital Camouflage.
SECONDARY WEAPON: Gold Desert Eagle.
SPECIAL GRENADE: Stun Grenade, Device that disorients the target when detonated.
PERKS: PERK 1: Bandolier (Extra ammo) PERK 2: Stopping Power (Increased Bullet Damage PERK 3: Deep Impact (Deeper Bullet Penetration for shooting through walls better.) Shooting through walls is an effective way to kill enemy players. There is also a ranking system in Online Multiplayer mode. You start out as a Private Level 1, however the highest rank is a Commander Level 55 (which is what I am). However there is a Prestige Mode that allows you to trade in all your weapon unlocks for 10 additional Insignias that are real Navy Insignias. Thus, making the actual highest rank a Level 55 Gold Cross. This gives the game a total of 605 levels to achieve. Challenges are also important in the game. They can consist of anything such as kill enemies with cooked grenades, kill enemies while they are stunned, etc. Weapon challenges are getting headshots to unlock camouflage, and kills to unlock attachments. For Example, 25 headshots with the M4 will earn you Digital Camouflage, 75 Blue Tiger Camouflage, and 150 Red Tiger Camouflage. 25 Kills will earn you a silencer, 75, a Red Dot Sight, and 150, ACOG Scope. There are challenges such as this for every weapon, and you can complete them over any course of time. So that if you only get 5 kills per match over the course of five maps, you've got the silencer unlocked.
SPLIT SCREEN: The offline Split-Screen is a terrific feature that allows you to play with up to 4 players total. Split-Screen is very fun. You can select any map, and choose from a range of gametypes. Be creative. There are many possible game setup combinations.
I give COD4MW a 5/5 for fun and overall. It is a masterpiece and deserves game of the year. You will love COD4 and will have a lot of fun. - Playstation 3 - Video Games - Fps - Modern Warfare'
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