I purchased this system for my father, as he was having trouble with a neighbor and didn't feel comfortable leaving his home for long periods of time. The system was very easy to set up and worked pretty well as long as we where there. However, with movement, the signal does bounce all over the place, as it does when going from day to night. Also, the receiver gets very warm, which did surprise me. I don't know that I would trust it without being there for the majority of the time it's running, but it would be great to set up in a backyard to watch over your kids while they play. Wireless Color Spy Video Camera Complete Package
Okay, so, as advertised, this package came complete, down to two little mounting screws for the camera.
Camera (mounted to a small stand) with color video and single mic also includes mounting screws, a 9vdc power adapter and a 9v battery adapter.
Receiver includes video out, mono out, tuning knob, antenna, and 9v power adaptor.
Also included is a double male RCA cable to connect receiver to vcr or TV.
I also got a generic 9v battery to test everything out. I set everything up and connected the receiver to a small portable display. I eventually got sound, but no picture. My initial setup was with the 9v battery, and I think it may have been a bit underpowered as I got no video. But once I switched to the power adaptor, the video popped right on.
color, 4:3 aspect, mono sound. All good. I'll update with ranges.
To me this isn't really a toy. Placed in front of the entrance door, I use this as a remote camera when I get a signal from my wireless alarm system. (I use SAGETV software and this camera is a separate source). Pros: easy to install, small, not noticable to many, complete of chargers (if it was for batteries, it would have really been a toy); Cons: Suffer intereference, image may disappear for some seconds then come again, but for what I am using it, it is great
this is a very nice camera works really well was easy to assemble the picture is very gud havent had a problem with it so far just recieved it got it because had a problem with people messing with my car but now i feel a little better i have this
I got this for Christmas and its really fun. If its the camera gets to far from the receiver it gets blury but near it is really good quality. Overall I would say get this it is really fun to use and i recommend it.
I purchased this is a remote camera for a robotics project, and so far the camera looks like it works well. The problem I have is that I did not get the 9V battery plug for the camera, making it usable only with the AC plug, as I want to place this on a mobile platform you can see why I rate down for this. Overall the camera seems good, but keep in mind that it may not have the 9V battery clip.
"New high power 1.2 GHz technology provides 300 feet range with solid stability"
Deascription states that item is 1.2ghz Item is actually 2.4ghz I bought the 1.2 and 2.4 packages and both were the same item, from the same seller and Fullfilled By Amazon. Same Item, two different Asin's and the other Asin cost less. - Surveilance Camera - Nanny Cam - Wireless Camera - Home Security'
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