Change Your Habits, Change Your Life will truly do what the title says. This book does not reveal any weight loss secret and doesn't miraculous present anything you haven't heard before or know is true ... but what is does is deliver the message in a practical way, as if it were presented by a true and trusted friend over the kitchen table. Danna gives real life information backed up by God's truth. For once I have read a book that not only enforces what I know is the right way to lose weight (eat less, move more, duh!), but gives direction on how to trust God to provide the transformation into knowing what to do and DOING IT! Change Your Habits, Change Your Life: A Proven Plan for Healthy Living
I ordered Danna Demetre's book after attending a Womens conference where she was the guest speaker. She is dynamic in her presentation and very motivating in her ability to spur us on in order to make changes in our life.
The biggest change in my life is knowing I am a child of GOD and from that flows how I think of myself based on what GOD says about me. We are what we think and Danna reminds us that healthy living both physically and spiritually is the key.
We learn how we can change our habits by changing our old "thought tapes". She has some very helpful guidelines to effectively change us for the better and more happier self GOD meant us to be.
I would highly recommend this book for anyone looking for an effective way to change old habits.
I am almost done with my second time through Danna's book. The daily readings are encouraging, both spiritually and health-wise. Danna is very encouraging about celebrating every small victory and change because they truly add up to become lifestyle changes. I am exercising regularly, eating in a much more healthy and natural way, and encouraged to know and believe the truth about God and myself...the way to truly change and renew my mind. I highly recommend this book for anyone seeking to change unhealthy physical habits, as well as unhealthy thinking. I'm going to go through it a third time!'
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