I was pretty excited to try this case for the new Kindle 3 because I have other Built sleeves for my laptops and I love them to death. This case has a few different problems that make it not worth the price of entry
1) The zipper snags constantly because it is reversible
2) The tag inside the case frequently gets caught in the zipper
3)I have the striped version and the word "Built" in stamped into both sides of the case vertically along one of the stripes. Not the big white "BUILT" in the lower right corner, but what looks to be a stamp that says Built. As in an ink stamp. It looks terrible. It is the first and only thing I see every time I look at the case. And it's on both sides. It almost looks to be a product inventory stamp, like something they would use to identify it.
For the price, you can definitely do better than this case. What can you expect though. It's a first generation case. BUILT Reversible Neoprene Kindle Cover (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle), Bowery Stripe and Scuba Blue
We are traveling for a month and I needed some protection for the Kindle 3. This was the only neoprene zippered case available immediately. I like the color (blue striped) as it catches my eye and makes it less likely that I'll leave it behind on an airplane(like I did my Kindle 2 in it's black case). That's about it for me.
I don't like the zipper pull; it's big (I guess because the case is reversible) so I have to be careful not to scratch the Kindle when putting it in. The case is such a tight fit that when I take the Kindle out, the sleeping Kindle is jolted awake every time b/c the on/off switch rubs against the case. The white label inside was a problem for the zipper until I cut it out.
I will have to use this for now, but hopefully by the time we return from vacation there will be some better choices.
I'm very glad that I chose this case for my new kindle3. I read the negative reviews here, but did not let that deter me. This case has everything I wanted... light weight and low bulk with a zipper that fully protects my kindle when inside my bag. The other neoprene cases available at this time were open ended. I just didn't want some pen or random earring to slip inside and scatch my new kindle. The size is just right... not too small or big. And I've had no problem what-so-ever with the zipper. I simply removed the interior tag before I used it. If this case sounds like it has the features you want as well, I would recommend it.
I couldnt wait to get another NY BUILT item. I have the bottle covers, wine carriers and Laptop case. This was a great disappointment. Loved the cover and the material BUT the zipper didnt even zip up once before it broke in 3 pieces. Very disappointing. Now I have to send it back.
I am very happy with the kindle cover/sleeve, its a perfect fit and aesthetically good. The only draw back, due to the snug fit, is that depending on direction you slip the kindle in, the "awake" button can get pushed as your putting the kindle inside the sleeve. If you don't check, the kindle can be active and changing pages without you knowing it!
This case is pretty much what I expected, having seen other BUILT products. I liked have some color and pattern choices when I made the purchase. It fits the Kindle snugly and the zipper seems sturdy. The only drawback is that the bottom edge rubs against the Kindle as I am taking it in or out, which occasionally trips the power switch on the Kindle. Other than that, I think it's a great case.
I got a BUILT sleeve for my Kindle 2 and while it served its purpose (protecting the Kindle in my bag), I was concerned about the Kindle sliding out of the sleeve. So this time around I opted for the BUILT case with the zipper. The case works very well for me. I haven't had the on/off switch snag on the edge of the case yet, but to be on the safe side, I put the Kindle in with the on/off switch towards the end with the BUILT logo. That way if it does snag, it gets pushed towards "off." When the case is reversed, the zipper is a little difficult to close but I don't mind keeping the blue stripes out because I love the striped side.
this bag is well designed & the color-mix is so attractive that I could not resist to buy it, but I found it too tight for my kindle3, every time I have to pay effort in putting my kindle3 in or pulling it out of the bag, so I finally go back to use my leather book cover again. a bit pitty to me. I suggest BUILT may make this bag bigger enough to store kindle3 with leather book cover or make it a bit bigger for kindle3.
I found this a great product, it suited my purpose for pretection for my kindle perfectly I like to hold the kindle in my hands with no other thing on it,I find it suits great, as when I have finished my reading I slipe it back it the protection sleeve. I travel a lot and find this easy to use when I'm out and about. - Kindle Covers - Kindle Sleeve - Kindle 3 Covers - Built Ny'
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