The Xbox 360 controller is just wonderful, the best console controller I've ever held in fact.
Be aware of the fact that this is the EXACT same product as the wired 360 console controller, so if that one is cheaper, buy it! The only difference is the package (this one is uglier...) and you don't get the software CD...but you can download the latest software package at MS website.
Microsoft making this controller cross compatible is actually a pretty big deal as there may finally be a level of standardization for PC controllers, if most people begin using this controller is makes it far easier on game developers to know what interface gamers are using. In fact, many games are coming with a 360 control scheme pre-installed, just as Need For Speed Most Wanted. Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller for Windows - White
Seems to work with games that will support other gamepads. I have Vista 64 and Microsoft has drivers for it on their website.
No support anywhere on the microsoft website or internet on this, and I saw a frazzled previous reviewer... so here's the fix:
The controller has an integrated headset feature (you can buy seperately), but your pc may (like mine did) see the controller as a Controller AND a "headset." It automatically enabled the "headset" (thus disabling my speakers).
Go to Control Panel > Sound
You'll see it as a microsoft headset device enabled -- disable this "headset". Then your speakers should come back on. This does not interfere with the joystick at all.
This is the best possible controller for the PC that I have found thus far. I have tried many controllers that are similar to the PS2 design, but they all lacked decent button recoiling, easy to push buttons, and slimness. All other controllers I have tried are too bulky and after ~30 mins. my hand begins to get tired. I have played one game with it so far (Winning Eleven 9) and it works perfectly. No lag, comfortable feel, and the buttons are easy to use especially for a fast sports game like soccer. Obviously, if you've used the wired regular XBOX 360 controller you know this is the same thing with different packaging (and an install CD). I highly recommend it!
I really love this controller. The spacing of the buttons and sticks feels just right for my hands. That being said, I would warn you that it is a battle in itself to get it to work with anything. Of all my games with native gamepad support, only Halo could get the controller to work right away. The recurring problem that I expierenced was that games would recognize the trigger axis and think that it is the right thumbstick. If you want the vibrate function to work, you will need either Xpadder or the XBCD driver; both are free, but frustrating to set up. I had a very difficult time getting XBCD to work on my Vista machine, but it works easily on XP. Microsoft should have thought ahead and released a profiler with their controller.
If I had known about all trouble it is to set up this controller, I still would get it because the gameplay experience is greatly expanded. Feeling the controller rumble while stomping a Sniffer in Silent Hill 4: The Room or feeling the character's heart beat faster and faster in Indigo Prophecy draws me into the game much more than with the keyboard and mouse.
This controller is great, and I recommend it to anyone who is looking for a gamepad. You might have to go online for help, but it's worth it. If you are going to get a 360 controller, I recommend buying the regular one, not the one for Windows. It costs a few dollars less, and they are the exact same thing, the CD notwithstanding, and you can download the exact same drivers from Microsoft.com. Also, if you choose to use the XBCD drivers, you will not even use the drivers that come on the CD.
All right let me give a short review about this controller, and I hope it will help other buddies a little bit.
First, not every game supports controller, not only this one, but also others. If the game you are playing supports controllers. You just need to go to control option to set as you wish. BUT most of the PC games do not support controllers. In this case, you will need Xpadder, please google it.
You can set the keys on your controller based on those on your keyboard, one to one, accordingly. You can also set it shaking if you want.
I already beat Call of Duty World at War using this controller, and now I am playing The Witcher. Both of these two games do not support controllers, but it is not a big deal. By using Xpadder, its not gonna be a problem to worry about.
Another thing about Xpadder:
Like RPG, you have a lot of shortcuts on your keyboard so you can drink your potions more quickly or sth. The problem is your controller does not have enough keys to hold all of this keys on your keyboard. By using Xpadder, you can set some "Function Keys" , that's what I call it.
While setting your controller, you can save two or more keys to be used as function keys. I chose LB and RB, and then just set these two keys. Click this key in Xpadder, and then click Advanced, and then click Set Selector, and then choose Select Set 2 while held, and then go to Set 2 and set other functions. So you lose two keys to use (LB and RB), but while holding LB or RB, your controller would go to another Set so actually you would have access to more functions. Take me, now when I am holding LB, XYAB would become my shortcuts to access to potions, and RB they would become the shortcuts to change my weapon. I was just grand when I found this way and couldn't wait to share it. - Game Controller - Pc Controller - 360 Controller - Xbox 360 Controller'
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