I have chronic upper back pain and a pinching the nerves in my spine that affect hands and forearms. Once, I had a 2 week spell with sciatica and couldn't walk from lower back. They have never bothered me at the same time. Upper back is my usual problem.
Normally, I toss and turned all night with numbness and arthritic pain in hands and forearms. I searched to see if this Teeter Table has helped anyone with upper back problems as most of the praise was about relief of lower back pain. My search only found another person with the same question and no answer.
This thing is great. I now have hope. It has helped relief dragging pain and discomfort I have come to know as an all-the-time thing. I thought it might help a little but not this much. WOW! The first night after using it, I slept so deep and my pain and numbness was much relieved. I slept through the night til 5:10 instead of the usual, up every two hours. Still, I developed the pain (pretty strong) by the end of the work day. I went home used it to relax and teeter on. What a great stress reliever it is. I also inverted all the way back this time for a few seconds. Really pulls the weight of your head off the spinal column. I spent a lot of time on it just inverting minimally while my daughter told me about her day. (She loves it too to relieve back ache and stress).
Then I slept well all night with minimal numbness and pain with deeper sleep. Only woke up once in the middle of the night.
2nd night: Slept great, pain much less than day before, and a great day at work with no pain WOW! I just wanted to make sure I told you how great it is because my inclination (no pun intended) would be to invert my happy self off into the sunset. Good night! Buy it it's well worth the money! Oh one more thing. Do watch the dvd on assembling it. That will save you a lot of time putting it together. My daughter and I did it in a reasonable amount of time. It is well made and you feel secure with how well it is put together. Happy inverting! I will try to update if any changes develop. Teeter Hang Ups EP-950 Inversion Therapy Table
This is a great product and worth every penny. I bought it because I have back pain and pinch nerve causing my right arm to be numb. since I have used it on average 5 minutes a day the pain and numbness are gone! I wish I knew about this product long time ago.. Hope my feedback will help people having the same problem I had.
WOW! Talk about a satisfied customer. The EP-950 is a high quality product. I have suffered with a herniated disc and endured chronic back pain for years. I experienced relief after my first use of the inversion table and slept better that night than I had in years. For now, I invert on a daily basis for a few minutes and am close to being free of back pain. I sleep better and begin each morning with little or no back pain. Absolutely amazing! I told my family this really has been the best purchase I recall ever making! No buyer's remorse here.
I went to the chiropractor, again; and was told I needed to come in three days a week for traction and electrical stimulation for my 15 year old lower back injury at $80 a pop. I have gone to chiropractors for years and would find slight to moderate relief from the pain. I was an athlete through high school and college (football). I have tried everything for my lower back short of neurosurgery.
Finally as a last request from a good friend; he told me to purchase a Teeter Hangup. I thought he was crazy for the first three months of hearing about it, but when returning home from the chiropractor I ordered it from Amazon. Just about 5 days later it arrived and I assembled it in about 45 minutes (I hate putting stuff together). I hung with the secure strap keeping me from all the way inverted, but almost all the way. My wife all the while was watching me thinking I was a nut. Within 2 minutes my back made a pop in the area that was injured that the chiropractor could not pop back into place the majority of the time, popped like two locomotives pulling apart from each other! I yelled out loud expecting the pain to be overwhelming and found no pain, just a solid release of my vertebrates that were out of alignment. I hung again the next morning and had a smaller pop near the middle of my back (right in the spine). I was able to move around without hunching over that morning for the first time in I can't remember how long. I am now using my own portable electronic stimulator unit for muscle relaxation I purchased from a local medical supply company at the same time that I do inversion therapy. Thank you Teeter hangup for my new hope!
Ok, everybody my turn to boast about my new EP-950! Tomorrow will mark the second week I've been using my inversion table and all I can say is WOW! I am only 47, and about 4 months ago, I literally woke-up with severly herniated discs and sciatica. 'Degenerative disc disease.' Nice, right? I let it go (swamped at work) like a dumb*ss and it quickly progressed to near crippling proportions. Fast forward, I go to my GP who orders an MRI. Results say I have very bad condition, I then get referred to an orthopaedic surgeon. He schedules me for a cortizone injection IN MY SPINE. He made quite a point of making sure I knew he scheduled me last, "I'm seeing you last," "You're my last patient of the day," blablabla. Now I know why.
I have NEVER screamed for my bloody life louder or uncontrollably IN MY LIFE. Damn good thing there were no other patients in there or they'd have left the building faster than Elvis. My poor husband was in the waiting room listening, powerless. They had to hold me in recovery longer as my blood pressure flew so high, they were afraid of cardiac arrest. I was afraid of cardiac arrest. He LIED to me, laughing at my fear and concern about the procedure saying, "Bah, tsk - you'll laugh when this is over, if I thought it was going to hurt you I'd give you a needle to poke me." I'd like that needle now please you schmuk. You know the saying 'always trust your gut?' Apply as necessary.
So that funfilled procedure lasted roughly a month, a depressing thought, great - was that it? No hope? I knew I'd NEVER go through that again, someone recommended acupuncture. I did my research and found a wonderful clinic in Burbank. First visit, I could have danced a jig out of there. Second visit? Not so much.
So here I am with no hope for relief, leaving in a month for England. Great, you could over-medicate me for pain and flash postcards of London and I wouldn't need to leave my living room. Then, I had another friend who recommended inversion tables.
I did my research and WOW!!!!!!!!! Here it is and only [...] bux, free shipping and (for those of us in CA who HATE Sacramento) NO SALES TAX. I read all your reviews and actually felt confident of this product. What other "hope" did I have?
Two weeks now and I'm 98% better. Went to Disneyland Monday and rode "do not ride if you have back conditions) rides and am still FINE! I inverted last night and heard two wonderful, beautiful pops and I can't believe something this simple, inexpensive and non-medicinal can do this. I'm floored. No really, when I'm inverted I touch the floor with my fingers. I only don't like how it makes my head feel, like a giant tomato.
Some tips though that have helped me. I went to K-Mart (ewww, I know) and bought some knock-off Uggs for $[...] and then wrap each ankle with an ACE bandage. The suede boots and bandage work perfectly for me as I felt I was between adjustments. Very confident and comfortable.
Sorry for the long, drag-on, but I really wanted to share and THANK YOU to all of you who wrote in reviews. You all deserve honorary doctrines for saving my life.
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