If you're doing an install that requires at least 4 gauge, then this is not the kit for you. The insulation on the wire is pretty thick, but the copper is very limited and looks more like 8 gauge. Before buying this I called Boss Audio to get the fuse rating and they said it was 100A. It looks more like 80A based on the thickness of the metal. I bought a 4 gauge kit in walmart which was clearly a 4 gauge and much bigger than what I received with this and came with a true 100A fuse as clearly indicated by it's size. Boss KIT-10 Complete 4 Gauge Amplifier Installation Kit
This amp kit is not 4 guage , it's more like 8 guage , very poor quality , dont waste your time & money on this , rockford fosgate & stinger audio make very good 4 guage amp kits , please stay away from this crap.
I'm not impressed with Boss's stuff at all. The audio cable has the cheap plastic very thinly gold plated tip and wears out super fast even though it just sits there. The ends, don't even mess with them they are a waste of time and money and VERY cheaply made. This kit is cheaper than what you will probably find at your local stores but in this case you probably aren't even gettting what you paid for. The power/hot wire seems to be alright but with my other Boss equipment ( i bought an amp and this kit together) I'm not sure I'd trust the ratings. I'd look else where and took the time to write this review in hopes that you do.
Basically nothing special about it. it gives you what you need and performs without issues. everything is here and ready to be used! i bought this for an 8 gauge system but got this just to be safe. only con is that the power cable is red and sticks out like none other, along with the audio cable. but no complaints. it does its job
First of all I've seen a lot of people say this wire is not the right gauge, wrong.. It is 4 gauge, measure it with a ruler if you don't believe me. Everything in this kit is perfect except the speaker wire, fine wire however for woofers I prefer thicker gauge (though the speaker wire that comes with will work perfectly). Other then that great kit, exactly what is says it is and comes with, plus a bunch of extra grommets and accessory parts most of which I didn't even need.
this amp kit does the job and the power and ground wires are thick enough..i could have used about an extra 4 feet of wires for each but the ground is beyonddddddd short and thats the only dislike of this amp kit
I was suckered into buying this kit on Amazon after seeing the high prices at Best Buy for the same components. I just finished installing a complete sound system in my car yesterday with all items I bought off Amazon, so it would have been stupid to buy a kit like this elsewhere.
First of all, This set is probably more than likely 8 gauge. Also, I was very disappointed on how "Low Quality" the cables were, especially the red power cable. When I was "stripping" the cables, I was applying barely any pressure with the stripping pliers I was loosing and I was loosing numerous wires out of the strand. I had to re-cut the cable 3 times. Next, it is definitely not a flush fit from the power cable to the fuse component, on both sides of it. There was definitely a gap, which I was not happy about.
But the part that really earked me was the wire connectors. NOT ONE SINGLE CONNECTOR FIT CORRECTLY ONTO THE WIRES.they were either too big or too small. I had to go down to AutoZone and spend another $6 on various connectors. Also, the connectors that were in the kit would not even clear the diameter of the screws on my amplifier.
Ofcourse this kit says "made in China" on the back, which yields yields the incorrect wire sizes in the box.
If you are looking for an installation kit like this, please try and find a better quality one on Amazon or consult somewhere else. But all the other components I bought on Amazon for my system work great! - Amp - Amplifier - Amplifier Wiring Kits - Amp Kit'
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