I too thought that a green laser pointer for under twenty bucks was a great deal and worth a try. Unfortunately the quality of these lasers is dreadful. I had a experience similar to other posters, where the unit would intermittently shine from high to low. The intensity of the beam is all over the place, and mostly dull with a rang of only a few feet. This unit does not perform, even with new batteries. You might get lucky and get a good one, but mine was broken right out of the box. Save yourself the trouble and hassle of a return and a customer service nightmare and find a different brand/company. 30mW Green Laser with 5 Changeable Pattern Heads
Ok, this is for all of you who have purchased this laser only to find that it dies shortly after a few uses, or that the beam becomes very dim and unreliable.
The whole problem with these lasers is the fact that you're not getting the stated wattage.
It is illegal in the United States for anybody to sell a laser that is over 5mw (milliwatts) unless you are military and have a license under government contract to do so. The lasers you see for sale here on Amazon and other sites on the Internet are lasers that have been modified for higher output. They take a legal 5mw pen laser, remove the actual laser pod from the body, and crank up the voltage of the diode to a higher level. This is called a "P.O.T. Mod", and while it does make the laser brighter, it also significantly reduces the lasers lifespan by eventually destroying the diode. All of these diode's are of different quality from laser to laser....some may last a few months and some a few days. They also remove the factory UV filter in the lens of these lasers so that the beam will appear even brighter, which is very dangerous for your eyes.
Now they state that the voltage of these lasers are 30mw, which is true for about the first 1 or 2 milliseconds the unit is turned on, and then it drops to around 10 or 15mw, which is why they can advertise the higher wattage. Sure you're getting 50mw, but for a fraction of a second. Now to give you an idea of what a real 30mw laser can do...a real laser of this power would have so much power that it would light a match head on fire, burn a hole in a black plastic garbage bag, and even burn your skin. Real lasers of this power are extremely dangerous and illegal. So, what you are paying for is not a true 30mw laser because if it was, Amazon would face serious legal issues for offering them for sale. In fact Ebay has removed all listings of any laser that states a wattage of higher than 5mw, and I am very surprised that Amazon has not jumped on the legal band wagon. I have personally taken a cheap legal 5mw laser and modded it for higher output, and tried to use it to detect shadows for paranormal investigation, and after an hour of use it became dangerously hot and gave me 3rd degree burns on the tips of 3 of my fingers. I highly suggest staying away from all these modified lasers, as they are dangerous, and new laws are in the works to keep them out of the U.S. market entirely as you read this. Laser stands for "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissions of Radiation", and just remember this when your buying one...it's radiation you're seeing, not actual light, so keep this in mind when looking at it!
You can go ahead and buy one, but don't expect even close to stated wattage, or expect it to last very long under frequent use! I owned about 8 of these until I learned my lesson, and none of them lasted more that a month with everyday use. You can get actual military grade lasers that are of good quality for around $50-$150 from sellers in China...just do a google search...but be extremely careful...a guy in Spokane, WA. who pointed one at an airplane last year, was arrested by the F.B.I. weeks later!
I bought two of these lasers. The variety of star lens has a much more cooler unique affect than the whole basic boring star lens that is sold in only one star lens. The five sets of caps just makes it more exciting. The affects that you see in the pics are exactly what you will see. I will recommend you to see it in person. I am in the process of buying two more!
If you are like me, you are looking at all of the green lasers here on Amazon and trying to get the one that is really bright and not a hunk of garbage!
Well, I just got this in the mail today and it is PERFECT!! I am VERY impressed by the construction of this laser and it is SOOOO bright! I can't imagine any laser being brighter than this one.
I would have paid $50 for this laser. Gonna buy another one right now!
This is the one.
I bought this product mainly to help me with my power point presentations. The power and the green color makes this type of laser ideal for large rooms and bright projectors. And in fact, the laser worked very well for a couple of times. The changeable grids (which make for really cool "holographic" images) are a great add-on, and worked nicely the few times I used it.
However, about the third time I tried to use it during a very important presentation, the laser died. I replaced the battery, but the performance was atrocious (the beam was tiny, almost invisible). After that, tt never worked properly again. I think it probably worked for a as long as the batteries lasted.
I have seen several reviews of similar products with the same problem: you use the laser for some amount of time, and then it dies. This product was not different, and its lifetime was probably on the low end of this type of laser pointer.
So, the bottom line is: if you depend on these pointers, spend more $$$ on a more long-lived, higher-quality product. If you just want to play with your kids one night and throw it away the next day, it could work for you. - Laser - Green - Laser Pointer - Green Laser'
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