This item has been a wonderful purchase for me! During hot yoga sessions, my hands always get slippery, but this towel prevents me from slipping. During down dog, I am now sturdy and not slipping all over the place! I would recommend to spray it with water at the beggining of a class because when it's dry, it doesn't work as well. Yogitoes Skidless Premium Hand Size Towel (Purple)
I'm a little irritated that the towel I received is not the same as the one pictured. I specifically wanted a waffled towel like those shown, but the one that came has a flat, stiff surface that is more slippery when dry than the waffled dish towel I had experimented with. It is also a lot brighter than the photos, with a single, day glow orange border, rather than the muted 2 toned one pictured. It definitely looks cheeper than I expected.
However, color, texture, and aesthetics aside, it did work relatively well in my hot yoga class. I kept it off my mat for the first part of the class, because even when I patted it down with drinking water it was still slippery. Eventually, though, once I began to warm up, it began to do its job, and I was confident enough with its sticking power to use it under my hands in wheel. Because of that I will keep it until I can find a waffled version of the same thing.
YogiToes are an expensive investment but totally worth it if you can swing the cost.
I do Hot Yoga daily and use YogiToes everyday along with my mat and let me just tell you, these make my workout much simpler because I am not consitently fixing my towel and slipping all over the place from pools of sweat. YogiToes repell sweat really well and make it possible to hold poses for long periods of time without slipping. They wash really easily too, although I do no recomend ever washing these with any sort of laundry "softner" as they will ruin the "grips" on the back of the towels. You can easily get 3-5 years out of these towels with regular use.
My favorite color is the Teal!
For $20, the towel part could be a bit thicker. it's good as a base on the mat for the real towel i use while my hands sweat but other than that, you're better off using a regular towel. I am disappointed.
I originally bought the Yogitoes mat sized towel & decided that it was too bulky & cumbersome, though I still plan on using it while out of town. Usually it is my hands that are slipping & this towel is defintely helpful. I bought the light blue & have not noticed any fading/bleeding. It for sure works better once it is a little damp which is not problem during an Astanga class!
I used my friend's yogitoes hand towel today in yoga because even though I clean the surface of my mat it stays slippery. I had been constantly wiping my hands during pressure poses like down dog. I layered the yogitoes towel at the top of my mat (tacky side down) and all of my down dogs were much bettter. I hadn't realized how much better a down dog form I could be getting just because I was able to press harder into my mat; my hands weren't slipping! I purchased the yogitoes hand towel the same day. GREAT BUY! - Hot Yoga - Yoga - Bikram - Mat'
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