I bought this dvd system a week before a 7 hour road trip. We had bought a minivan 2 weeks before, but had not yet had a chance to install an overhead tv/dvd system. My husband was initially against getting these, since we plan on installing the overhead tv, but I convinced him by pointing out he and our son will likly be occupying said tv playing video games while the younger girls whine in the back. He quickly agreed with me after that. LOL.
Initially I was looking for 9 inch screens. I was afraid the 7 inch would be too small. I was wrong. The 7 inch screens are more than adequete for my 3 and 6 year old.
The main deciding factors for purchasing this product over the others were the sd/usb capability and the 5 hour battery. This is the only portable system I could find with sd/usb capability. It also happened to be one of the cheapest. Yay! The difficulty in accessing the dvd player wasn't really a concern of mine, because I honestly didn't plan on using it. It's so much easier to insert the sd card preloaded with multiple movies especially in a vehicle. Personally I used 2 4gb card with 4-5 movies per card. To my utter delight, when the first movie was finished, it automatically started the next movie on the card!!! So great for long car rides.
I chose this model with the battery over the cheaper one, because I didn't like the idea that I was going to have to restart the movie every time I got gas or turned off my vehicle. The battery takes care of this and continues to play the movie while pumping, however, it only continues to play the movie on the main screen. Luckily the extra screen that turned off, was in front of my 6 year old and there were no major meltdowns or tantrums. She just leaned over and watched her sisters screen for a few minutes.
The mounting system is a basic velcro type strap mounting. Nothing fancy, but I wasn't needing or expecting it to be. It holds the tv's to the headrest. It would have been a pain to access the dvd player, had I been using the dvd player, but so would inserting a new dvd every hour and a half. Trust me, preload a sd card, I think it can read up to a 16gb, but don't quote me, with as many movies as you can, and don't even mess with the dvd player. No worries about bumps and skipping either.
The picture quality is okay. It's not the best I've ever seen, but it's not bad either. The viewing angles are also good. My son crawled back there and watched with them at one point. The sound output is great. My older daughter wore her headphones most of the time, but my younger one only lasted a few hours with them on. It's a big van though, so I could listen to the radio in the front, while they listened to their movies in the back with very little bleeding between.
All in all, I loved this product. Could it be better, sure, but then it wouldn't be $109. It is an excellent value and well worth the quiet peaceful roadtrip I had. I would definitely recommend. Sylvania SDVD8732 7-Inch Dual Screen Portable DVD Player with Built In 5 Hour Battery Life and USB/SD Card Reader
these are good for the price, but if you want them in a car it sucks. you can not open the disk door with the headrest straps on. the strapping goes over the opening and also covers the on off switch. if you plan on putting these on a head rest plan on buying a different type of mounting system. if i had it do do over again i would spend more and buy the built in models
okay so looking at the picture of these tvs online is a bit decieving. i have tv's built into the headrest of my car and there are no wires anywhere. so i figured ill get these for my husbands car and mount them and it will be a similar experience to my car. well i thought wrong. first off you have to charge the main unit before taking it into the car. next there is a cigarette charger for the second unit which has to be plugged in the whole time or else there is no power to it. then if you want to watch tv on the second unit you have to connect the two units together with another set of cables. then if you add earphones to the mix you have a maelstrom of wires everywhere! after that i didnt bother mounting because i didnt want to look at the wire mess everytime i turn around.i have 2 boys that drive with me for 3 1/2 hours a day. they really dont seem to mind too much. it would be better to simply use the main unit that charges from the ac adapter and skip the second tv. much simpler less mess. unfortunately i do have 2 kids. as far as picture and sound no problems. if you're a neatfreak like me these will bug you but other than that not a bad quality unit for the price. - Car Dvd Player - 7 Inch Dvd - Car Dvd - Dual Dvd Player'
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