This is the worst pair of lifting gloves I've ever had. I'm trying to stick with them just to make sure that I get my money's worth, however there are two large problems I will share with you.
1) Use of the gloves leaves a black "stain" on your hands. You can wash it off, but the fact that this is still happening after about 25 uses of the product is just weird and inconvenient. Previous lifting gloves never did this.
2) Oddly, the gloves seem to create pain in my palm during some lifts - for reasons I don't fully understand. However near the end of my workout I'm doing tricep extensions, and the gloves seem to cut painfully into my palms at that point. Again, its a weird thing that never happened with any previous gloves.
Given these two factors I just can't recommend these gloves. Valeo Large Competition Lifting Gloves (Large)
I purchased these gloves to replace an older pair of another brand that had taken abuse in the weight room for almost a year before needing replacement. I liked the look of them, and the fact that they're made to go through the washer and drier suggested that these were made to last.
I quickly found out that this is not the case. After four uses, the stitching around the finger holes AND on the velcro flap is already falling out. If I were to keep using them, it looks like they'd be totally worthless and falling off my hands in another week.
I'm usually not one to deal with the hassle of returning inexpensive items, but the fact that I can get other brands that will hold up at around this same price has convinced me to ship these pathetic little things back for another brand. I'd highly recommend you save yourself the time and money. Look into another pair.
My primary reason for purchasing this glove was because they make it in 2XL. A few years ago, they used to make the Ocelot in 2XL and I liked that glove much better. The mesh on the side breaths a little easier on the Ocelot. That being said, this is a decent glove that will not dissapoint. - Harbinger - Gloves - Weight Lifting Gloves - Womens Althetic Gloves'
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