What do you get a gun enthusiast for Christmas who already has everything? A pistol shaped ice cube tray. It made great looking ice. I also loved the package, on the front, it says "Pop a cap in your glass". Fred & Friends Freeze Handgun-Shaped Ice-Cube Tray
It's a great social tool, fantastic ice shape albeit a bit small.
The molds are large enough that the ice does not break with casual tray extrication.
Made great birthday gifts... I bought two more sets after the first one arrived.
I also recommend the 2 inch (per side) "BIG ice cube" silicone trays of six cubes. Stack two big cubes in a tall glass and add a few shots or ounces of carbonated beverage.
What a sweet ice tray! Silicone rubber can withstand extreme cold and hot, I wonder if that means I can make jello jigglers with these? Anyways, it's a great product for anyone with even the slightest interest in firearms. My dad is an officer and I'm a gun/knife/outdoors enthusiast and we love these.
I first tried filling them with water from the sink then walking them to the freezer but they'd spill. The cubes are small as is, so you want to keep as much water in as possible. I use a dixie cup, bent to pour it into the tray while they're already sitting in the freezer, then once they're cubes, toss them into a large zip lock so that I have an abundance when I need them.
Get locked and loaded off whiskey and scotch while watching Clint Eastwood movies with your handgun ice cubes!
I have yet to try these. They were shipped quickly and they look really cool, but, the mold wreaks of moth ball odor!
It is definitely something you do not want in your ice cubes. I have soaked the mold in warm water and baking soda and put it through the dishwasher twice, but it still has that moth ball odor! If the smell doesn't go away completely after another washing or two, I will have to ask for a refund.
This ice cube tray is very small and only makes 6 ice cubes. Yet most people get a good laugh about the little guns in their drink. The ice cubes POP out with out any issues. I wish the tray was a bit bigger and made at least 12 cubes.
Got this for a friend who is a gun enthusiast. He loved it! We made some ice cubs right away and they were adorable. You wouldn't think the small detail on the side of the gun would come through but it did perfectly. The only downsides were that you can only make six at a time. Also the silicone is extremely bendy(It does need some bend or you might break the cubs when removing) and hard to keep flat with your hands when you walk from the sink to the freezer. I recommend putting it on a small flat baking dish.
I have had several different (read 5+) silicone shaped ice cube trays and this has definitely got to be my favorite. Not only does it come out cleanly but you can even tell what shape it is supposed to be when you put it in the beverage and as it melts which is definitely not the case with many other shapes such as jewel or denture shaped ice cube trays. As with any silicone tray it is not as rigid as a normal plastic tray but this can be easily remedied by putting something solid underneath it while filling and placing the tray in the freezer.
I got this as a gift for someone. I like the product but the cover was open on two sides and it's something that I can't fix it. I tried to leave package feedback but the site gave me an error message saying I can't do that. !! - Ice Cube Tray - Gun - Humor - Nra'
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