At first, the idea of a Kindle 3G case with a built-in light sounded really great, until I realized two things:
1) our family already has an iPad, an iPhone and an iPod Touch for when we want to read in the dark, and
2) though I wanted the new Kindle 3G protected, even from rain, I didn't want it any thicker or heavier in the case than necessary, and still wanted to do my reading without it in a case.
With us already having a Belkin zippered neoprene case for our Kindle 2 US, I also knew I'd rather avoid the need for a zipper this time. (The zipper works fine, but it's one more thing to mess with when getting the Kindle out of or into its case.)
Though it looks a bit strange in the product photos, the angled sides of the BUILT sleeve case are perfect for both holding the Kindle 3G in its sleeve case, and making it easily removable from the case. The slightly-rounded top and bottom add protection, and give you an easy place to grab the case while pulling the Kindle 3G out, or putting it back inside.
I particularly like the soft slightly-furry microfiber liner, as it both protects the screen, and will help keep it clean. I also like the floral pattern of the outer case. My wife thinks it's "girly", but I'm a gardener, so it looks fine to me.
Highly recommended! BUILT Neoprene Kindle Sleeve (Fits 6" Display, Latest Generation Kindle), Scatter Dot
Exploring the variety of covers and sleeves available for Kindles kept me occupied while waiting for delivery of my first Kindle. I knew I wanted to read it "naked" so a sleeve made good sense. I wanted something that was KISS (keep it simple stupid), provided solid protection in my travel pack, bike rack and backpack as well as purse, but didn't add unnecessary weight or size. One of the delightful features of the Kindle 3 is it's small size and weight. Putting a heavy cover or sleeve on it seems to defeat that feature, t so this is a winner. The neoprene provides cushioning and protection without added bulk and weight. Don't worry about the lack of a zipper. This sleeve holds my baby snug and tight. It's not going anywhere unless I pull it out. I like that I can wash it to keep it clean. The bright colors and patterns help prevent loss and make it easy to spot inside dark bags. The blue microfleece lining is so soft. I bought the garden print which is retro fun and the Verso light in turquoise which matches the blue in that print & the fleece perfectly. Stylish, colorful, effective, practical combo with little added weight or bulk.
Was really excited that BUILT has partnered with Amazon to offer a sleeve for Kindle 3.0. I own several BUILT products (lunchboxes, laptop case) and appreciate the quality and materials. This neoprene sleeve for the Kindle is excellent: Kindle slides in tightly, and is open on the top for easy access to my Kindle, the Scatter Dot design is cool, and the inside feels like a cozy fake fur coat. Highly recommend!!
I thought I'd give this thing a shot. I was concerned about adequate protection from screen impact, but so far this thing's been great. I've dropped it off my desk in the case at least twice, it bounces!
First time I saw that, I was sold.
Things I would trust it for:
* Dropping on floor
* Looking cool while carrying it
* Keeping it dry in the rain
* Unplanned and short encounters with my toddler
* Tossing the kindle blindly into my van in the morning, hoping it lands on the passenger seat but not sweating it if I miss
* If you're a professional athlete, you could probably carry it on your person for most sports, like basketball, soccer, tennis, and obviously bowling (well, if you suck at bowling as bad as I do, you may want to keep conveniently hurled objects like kindles out of arm's reach, but it stands a good chance of surviving even a disgruntled hurl down the lane in this case)
Things I would not trust it for:
* Carrying it while playing hockey, rugby, baseball (in case it gets hit by the ball), jousting, martial arts, duels, or pretty much anything that used to be done on American Gladiators (TM)
* Deflecting bullets from people wanting to steal your kindle because it's awesome
* Dropping it into a puddle, pool, lake, pond, or ocean
* Dropping it from an aircraft, or tall building
* Letting your toddler play with it deliberately. As toddlers have a superhuman innate ability to destroy anything they choose to, this is not a good idea in any case.
* Blindly tossing your kindle down a flight of stairs, hoping it lands on the bottom steps
So that being said, you know where things stand.
For my 2nd gen Kindle, I had a hinge cover, a snap-on cover, and a zip around cover. All of them seemed bulky, which defeats the purpose of having a slim e-reader. I got this one for my new Kindle and I LOVE it! It fits like a glove, it's super lightweight, and it's machine washable! - Kindle 3 Covers - Kindle 3 - Kindle Accessory - Kindle Covers'
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