I've never dared use one of these but finally got tired of stray hairs peeking out. I put it to use last night and it works great. What more needs to be said about a nose hair trimmer??
A little more. First, the light actually is useful...just not when you've got it stuck in your nose cutting hair. Its use is when you periodically need to examine inside to see how you're doing. So spend the big bucks for the lighted model, otherwise you'll have to keep a flashlight around.
Second, when you first get it, it has a light oil film on the cutter. Good for the machinery but not so much for your nose. So I recommend you take an alcohol swab, take the cutter apart like they say and clean everything before the first use.
HAd this about 4 weeks and no problems so far. I haven't dropped it/run over it with a car/fished it out of the toilet, so I can't vouch for its durability. The light is completely useless, unless you need an emergency trim during a blackout. The cheaper Panasonic is probably just as good.
Final word to potential purchasers - nose hair stubble is a completely new experience.
I read the reviews. I expected the pain. Now, I have mastered this modern marvel.
- No more commutes with people staring at me while I yank and pinch into my nose.
- If you use it as the delicate work of art it is, it doesn't hurt as much as the yanking and pinch (see my tips below).
- The light IS useful - it allows you to see into the nether regions of your nostrils to catch those that might otherwise show their hairs tomorrow.
- Water proof for your running under the faucet for cleaning.
- Small, lightweight, and neat design (like a mini-light saber to slash through the dark side of your nose)
- Not a whole lot of power, but the question begs as to how much power you'd like to stick up your nostrils anyways.
- Though the water proof capabilities allow you to run this bugger under the faucet, your normal faucet doesn't do much to clean it.
* Usage:
I've found that this trimmer works best when you cut as if your trimming bushes, not as if you were cutting grass. What I mean is that it would be best if you refrain from just cramming it up your nose. Granted, if you're purchasing this device, you're probably used to just yanking hairs anyways (hence, you're also used to the associated pain). Trust me, if you take it a little at a time, the pain is greatly diminished and the effectiveness of the trimmer is enhanced. Also, use the lamp attached - I cannot stress this enough.
After you run it under the faucet, hold tightly, bring close to your body, and then extend your arm quickly towards the sing. You may thus sling debris that may be caught in the water that may be stuck in your device. This works for me and it makes the trimmer more efficient in its cutting.
All in all, I am completely satisfied with this purchase. Additionally, my wife is completely happy that I am no longer leaving long nose hairs on her floorboard during our commute.
I bought one of those $19.95 Chinese nose and ear trimmers that were advertised on TV for a long time, the one guaranteed not to cut or hurt. It took weeks to arrive and last about 6 months. Then I bought one of these.
This model is far more substantial with a good engine and nice cutting surface. Panasonic won't guarantee you won't have an unpleasant cut or two (especially in the nose) but it works well and is not bad in the pain department. Does a very nice job on ears, too.
I haven't used this thing "wet" yet and really can't imagine doing so. So far this has done the job and has been everything it was advertised to be.
This nose trimmer has a nice shape, heft and a cool rubberized surface. It does its job well. Unfortunately, the light is just about useless. First of all, it's not LED, but rather a dim micro flashlight bulb. Secondly, it projects a beam about the size of a freckle. Third, and most annoying, it doesn't shine where you expect it (at the tip of the cutting edge). No, its aimed an inch or two below that. Why? I have no idea. But a dim, narrow beam that shines on your cheek isn't what I had in mind when I purchased it. So, a solid trimmer that gets the job done -- but the light is purely a marketing add on.
wow, the detail over such a little thing. Look, it works great. does the job... no complaints and a hell of a lot better than the crappy ones i got drug stores branded with the name 'conair'. those really stunk. The quality difference is night and day.
And, the light: you aren't supposed to use the light WHILE you are using it. It's for inspection before and after.
Looks well made. Looks well designed. But when you use it, it will pull often, and when it does, it hurts. I tried two of these (this and a cheaper Panasonic), both were the same. I've gone back to Wahl, which don't pull ever in my experience. Your mileage may vary. - Grooming - Trimmer - Nose Trimmer - Mens Grooming'
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