The test sticks work even if you have PCOS. I know some people in the ttc and pcos forums claim these sticks don't work for PCOS women. However, speaking from someone who has PCOS and cannot alter it with diet and exercise alone, these sticks have worked for the past 10 months to predict ovulation. I even got pregnant after the first 2 months of use, but it sadly ended in a miscarriage. But don't rely on the test sticks alone for ovulation, especially if you have irregular cycles. Temping, charting cm and other methods should be tried, especially during the first few months of the monitor's use. After about 3 cycles, it won't prompt you for sticks too early, especially if you have a longer cycle like most PCOS women. One word of caution: if you're using the monitor while taking fertility drugs, especially those that contain HCG or gonadotropins, don't waste your test sticks during those cycles. It will show up false positives and might throw off your next natural cycle. Basically, this monitor is great for natural cycles in predicting ovulation. Clearblue Easy Fertility Monitor Test Sticks, 30 Count
I bought this item about 3 years ago, and my clearblue baby is going to be 3 in March. We had tried for 3 years before before purchasing this moniter, my cycles are somewhat irregular so it was hard to detect my peak fertility days. We concived on the third month of using this moniter! We are now going to use it agian to concieve another child. What a great product for helping to concieve. Very easy to use and understand, takes out all the
guessing, and helps you concive a baby natrually.
I checked ALL over online and Amazon has got the best price.. Then with "free shipping" it's a can't beat price.. BUT the "free shipping" comes at a price of it's own.. I think your order sits and waits while everyone else who paid for shipping goes first. I waited two weeks then canceled my order when I found out it was still sitting at Amazon not shipped. SO you need to order in advance so you won't be stuck without sticks when your monitor is Asking you to test!!
The advice to order on ebay is fine.. as long as you get sticks that are not expired. I have read in auctions that expired sticks DON'T matter.. It DOES matter if they are expired the readings will not be as percise. This is a serious matter not need to go cheap on the sticks and cost yourself MORE time.
You need to have enough sticks to cover testing for each month from the same pack.. it helps the monitor to give a more percise reading.. It says that in the monitor directions and Customer Service will stress that point as well.
I agree with another poster on here too. You CANNOT read these sticks on your own. I would look to see if I could see a difference after the monitor told me my fertility status.. Couldn't tell.... SO these are JUST for the monitor!!
My wife and I have used the Clear Blue as a natural, healthy way to avoid pregnancy, even though the makers did not design it for that. Of course it's not a magic spell. You need to know enough about the woman's cycle and abstain when you know she is fertile. Basically, when it says she is HIGH or PEAK, you find something to do besides sex, along with three days after PEAK. This is officially called Natural Family Planning (NFP), and it's far safer and more humane than using the pill. It takes self-control and (yes, that's right) respect for the woman.
I have lots of experience with the Clearplan sticks - every cycle for 4 years. This particular box had 17 of the 30 that were defective which meant that the most important part of the cycle the sticks didn't work and after you have peed on a stick and have no more pee you have lost the opportunity to do it again for another stick. No peak days detected last month which meant last month was a bust in the whole attempting to time a baby department. I'm sad - I did keep the box lid so I could write to the company and include the lot and production information.
I got PG (with Triplets!) during my first cycle using the CPFM. The monitor was clearly able to pinpoint my exact "peak" time of the month, and it was SO easy to use. My favorite thing about the monitor is that it takes the "guesswork" out of knowing if you're going to ovulate or not, and no need to worry or stress over not being able to read traditional ovulation tests. This monitor is definitely worth the $ and I recommend it to anyone who is TTC!
I used the monitor for a few months before it was on target with my cycle, 3 months I think. The first time the little "egg" came on the screen me and my hubby go so excited, and the evening we made our little boy. I was very happy with the product and we are buying more stick to use it again later this year.
It did take a few months for it to learn my cycle, so I would tell people to buy it in advance and not expect a result overnight. But it does work.'
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