This Walkman by Sony offers music lovers the opportunity to listen to music files stored on a CD-R, a regular CD (of course), a CD-RW--AND there's even a digital AM and FM radio tuner! While this lacks certain features that a music aficionado might want (like the ATRAC system that some CD players have), this Walkman is really a very good choice for most people including myself. I have more than one Walkman but this is the one I use most often for when I am "on the go;" it's the one I don't mind if it accidentally gets a little bit banged up over time.
You can preset up to twenty FM stations and you can preset up to 10 AM stations--but this won't pick up AM stations very well unless they're located relatively close to where you are. However, that's still good for this price range. This Walkman uses two AA batteries and you get a good amount of play time out of the batteries if you pick good ones. It weighs barely more than seven ounces--great!
At first glance the controls on the Walkman itself appear slightly confusing but after about five minutes tops you learn all the important and most commonly used functions. The controls also make it easy to do basic things such as adjusting the sound, starting a CD and stopping it. The instruction manual is fairly clear as well. The Walkman does have "playback modes" but I rarely use them so I can't comment on that.
Unfortunately, I noticed some disappointments. The controls are rather small so you need to be careful of how you touch them with your fingers. Finally, this type of ear phone set hurts my ears almost from the very start of listening to a CD on this Walkman. I strongly suggest you purchase a better quality headset or earphones that will be more comfortable. (I have to take off one star for that--sorry!)
Overall, music lovers will be very pleased with this affordable Walkman. The features work reliably. The quality of the sound is excellent; and it can handle quite a few presets for different radio stations. Sony D-FJ041 CD Walkman Portable CD Player with AM/FM Tuner
i have had alot of walkmans over the years and i am happy with this one, it does'nt do anything over the top well but mainly i like the sound quality , it sounds alot better than my panasonic and my last sony as well, the fm section on it is really good and that is the main reason i bought it , i wanted a fm and cd walkman for under 50 bucks that had good sound, teh headphones are ok , i actually use earbuds instead so i upgraded that feature , but this walkman is a good choice , good bang for the buck
If you're going to use this with an a/c adaptor as a cheap home cd player, go for it. However, battery life I got with new energizer batteries was two hours on FM radio plus 1.5 hours playing CDs. This is not enough for portable use.
I bought the Sony DFJ041CD Walkman to use when I go for a walk or do chores around the house. I usually listen to books-on-CD, sometimes music CD's, hardly ever radio but I like to have the option. So far, the performance is great: ear buds are comfortable, CD player works well, controls are easy enough to navigate--but you can't do it by touch alone. My only criticism is the battery compartment. It's positioned so close to the hinge that, when you have to change the batteries, it's hard to get them out. Maybe Sony will fix that...
I was surprised at the quality of the audio from this "old fashioned" CD player. With a set of $20 Koss Pro KTX-1 earphones it produced better sound than the sound card in my PC. Doesn't skip at all when I stuff it into my jacket pockets and walk my dog. Purchased it at Sears for $35. As I expected, the earbuds that came with the player produced tinney, thin sound. So did the much more expensive Sony earbuds that cost me as much as the CD player. Go with the inconspicuous earbuds for the street, and the Koss KTX-1 for the house.
This is a very nice unit except it uses batteries real fast. I don't use the ear buds. I listen to books on cd and I have found this player to be very nice with the sound choices. Music sounds wonderful and I like having an am/fm radio.
Previously I had a no-name cheapo player from a department store. Even though it had issues with the headphone jack and pooped out a bit too easily I still prefer it to this. After all, for the same price as this Sony I could have bought 3 more of those.
On this model all of the buttons and the info screen are on the side. Seems that would make it convenient to just look down and press. However, the text and the buttons are the same color as the case, making them hard to see, and the buttons are tiny with little variation in shape. Additionally, some buttons are multi functional, so you have to press quickly or hold a button to get it to do what you want. Then strain your eyes to see if the appropriate tiny indicator is on the tiny screen.
Take for example the 'repeat' function. On my previous player I simply pushed a button clearly labeled 'repeat'. EZ. On this thing I have to find the tiny 'P-mode' button, cycle through normal, single, shuffle and bookmark icons until the arrow is displayed and finally, if I dont miss the tiny picture in the screen and have to do it all over, I get to repeat the song. Ridiculous!
Rather than being able to program in a few tracks and hit play, I must cycle that
P-mode again until the 'bookmark' icon shows up. Then one at a time bookmark the tracks I want, cycle through the P-mode button again until a tiny icon flashes in the tiny screen, then press 'play'. Of course, it doesnt save what you programmed so you have to do it again everytime you put in that CD. Ridiculous!
But wait there's more stupidity. The battery compartment is not on the back it is under the lid! So you have to remove the CD to get to a tiny door underneath. Naturally, this tiny door is not in the most open part of the player but in the tightest part just under the hinges! This is such a tight squeeze I am fighting the urge to rip the player lid off just to give my knuckles room to grab the batteries. Meanwhile, I am fighting with the tiny battery door because, of course, it wont stay open.
On the plus side, it doesnt eat batteries too quickly, it doesnt skip from movement while I'm shoveling in the yard. I avoid those tiny earbud things and use my own Koss over the ear headphones so the sound is descent, and there is a tiny button labeled AVLS- automatic volume something - this is their fancy term for bass boost which works quite well.
Overall, I miss my cheapo player with its big screen on top of the lid, and large clearly labeled buttons. This Sony is frustrating and I wish Amazon offered more choices for CD Walkmans. I'm glad I have it, because I want music on the go, but I wish I had something else. - Portable Cd Player - Sony Walkman - Personal Cd Player - Sony Walkman Dfj041cd'
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