SD-card counterfeiting is truly rampant online (e.g. eBay). A 2GB card is modified to look like a 16GB card (both the packaging and the actual interface circuit, so it even tricks your computer). The card works fine until you use more than 2GB; then data corruption occurs.
This 16GB card is a good 40% cheaper than anywhere else I've seen, so I was initially very suspicious. Amazon is certainly reputable; however, in this case the seller is some third party (BoBoTECHNIC), and Amazon is shipping it on their behalf.
"H2testw" is a standard program used to verify SD card legitimacy. It writes a bunch of data to the card and then makes sure that it reads back exactly what it wrote. I am happy to report that the card passes the test.
Incidentally, the card holds 14.8GB (differs from 16GB due to marketing tricks that SD card makers play). H2testw averaged about 3.4MByte/s on both reads and writes. It takes about an hour to transfer 15GB to the card. SanDisk 16 GB Class 2 microSDHC Flash Memory Card SDSDQ-016G-A14F
The chip I got had a very slow write speed (<500kbps) And syncronizing 10 gigs of music files took many hours. However the read speed is fast enough for the music player and I've had no trouble with video files so the read speed is fine.
The long sync was so worth it. Having my entire music collection at my fingertips anywhere I go definitely made this a must-have upgrade for my phone.
Its 16GB, and it is a great price for just being released.
For the BB you do have to update the device software to at least 4.5. It will not work if your BB does not have 4.5. When installed in a BB with older software the BB only sees about 6gb, and it causes the BB to act strange.
So far I haven't had any major issues with the card other than some write errors using an internal card reader on a laptop (I believe it was the laptop's fault).
Moving from 1GB to 16GB of storage has really allowed to me put a lot more data (pics and music) on my phone (n95). It is definitely quick enough for playing music and snapping pictures, even 5MP ones. However, when I went to sync my 8GB of music it definitely took a while.
Bottom line is that it is a great value for the money, just don't expect blazing transfer speeds.
This product is great, not only did it come with an SD card Converter, but the card is compatible with the Google G1 phone. Which is the main purpose of me buying it, not only does it allow the convenience of having more space, I can store tons of files on the card and just pop it into the phone. The 16GB sandisk has the highest rating, best review and holds the highest capacity. If taking interest in purchasing one, rest assured that your money is not going to waste. The Micro SD is becoming one of the most commonly used memory card for phones, pda, GPS, etc. it's becoming the most used memory card for portable devices.
I had been reading about the issues the Windows phones were having with the MicroSD cards, but I still decided to purchase this card knowing the risks, but also knowing that the Class 2 cards may actually work. The install went well, easy to format, and once formatted, it functioned great. After finally installing my apps again and loading all of my files, I still didn't have any problems.
The problems occurred when the phone was left idle. Not long after putting my phone down, I noticed that it was rebooting. This would happen again and again, and after a few times, the phone reset back to its initial format. The icons were there, but my contacts, music, videos, etc. were all gone. I simply restarted the phone, and everything was back. But then the process repeated. I noticed that as long as you used the phone, everything worked properly. The problems always occurred when idle, even if it was just for a minute.
I finally decided to power down, eject the microsd card, and reformat the internal memory, and now everything is back to normal. Unfortunately even though the card itself is very good, the Samsung Focus does not function properly, so my recommendation if you have a Focus is to continue looking for something that is Windows certified.
This memory card is all you need to store music and videos!! It has 15000MB approximately based on my phone and I'm loving it so far. Don't really have a problem with the speed of it even though other people might say that it's very slow. It's also genuine sandisk product as well! But what I don't understand is there is a black sticker on the back. Maybe it's suppose to be on there? I was thinking of getting a Sandisk 32GB Micro SDHC since it just came out. But then again, it's too expensive ($200+). I'd rather stick with x2 16GB and can buy even more than just 2 at that price. Nobody will regret buying this because it's so good price and good quality! - 16 Gb - Cell Phone Memory - 16gb - Microsd'
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