There are, in this world, certain products..."things," if you will, that are so common, have been around for so long and are so universally known that they become almost invisible. Many of these "things" are so mundane that will we may go for days, week, indeed even months with out even thinking of them, much less pondering their usefulness and what part they have played in our lives.
These Pink Erasers are one of those "things." I should think that it would be difficult to find an individual in this country that has not used one of these wonderful little rubber tools at one time or another and it would be difficult to find a grown adult that, if they dug back through the cobwebs of their memories, do not remember these things from their school days.
Many have tried to improve on these particular erasers, but as far as I know, no one has come even close! Yes, there are other erasers for other things, but for a good utilitarian school eraser, some that will hold up for multiple school years, one that will fit into a pocket, one that will both large and small errors, you simply cannot go wrong with this one by Papermate. The Pink Pearl eraser has been around since Eberhard Faber began manufacturing them around 1861.
Folks, there is a reason for these things to have been used for so many years! (Note that PaperMate reported making and selling 132,000 of these things in 2008 along). They work!
These things last forever. They have less smudging than any standard eraser on the market, they do not easily tear the paper and they are relatively cheap. If you loose one, or have one stolen, it is not the end of the world. They are easy to replace.
It is easy to bite off small pieces of these erasers to spit them at your friends in class, or if you are really feeling aggressive, they are a wonderful thing to throw at someone. Of course when I was a small boy in school, I only used them for what they were meant. I feel no such restraints now that I am in my dotage.
I always carry one or two of these in my pocket when I am teaching...I replace them often as kids tend to forget where they borrowed them, and I have several old numbs of these erasers in my desk that are at least 40 years old. Now I grant you that they are a bit hard, but hey, they still work! I dare not throw them away and replace them with new ones as I may need them someday.
I like this medium size the best...they fit my hand and can tackle both large and small projects.
Don Blankenship
The Ozarks PaperMate Pink Pearl Premium Medium Rubber Eraser, 3-Count (70502PP)
I bought these classic erasers from Amazon when a special price was offered. The erasers now reside at the learning center that employs this potato head. The Pink Pearl erasers come in handy there since the erasers on the ends of pencils are short lived. I like that these PaperMate erasers have wedged ends that help with fine control.
Others tell me that the erasers work smoothly with no smudging and no pink residue left behind. Of course, some eraser dust stays behind, but that can easily be brushed aside with a sweep of the hand.
Amazingly these exotic (made in Malaysia) erasers have a faint rubber smell. I used the erasers a few times myself so that I could have firsthand experience with them. Since I seldom make mistakes myself, most of my experience with these fine erasers is necessarily vicarious.
These pink erasers have stood the test of time. We have bought some crummy pencils with useless erasers and have needed and used these every year. Yes, we ONCE made the mistake of buying an off brand--do not compromise. Just don't bother. Others will smudge or break apart or tear your paper. The size of these is great too--many traced or pencil drawn projects need to be gently erased before they're turned in, and these make quick work of erasing even large posterboard projects. Two pink thumbs up!
There are no other erasers that work this well that I've ever found since grade school in the mid 70's. I stopped using pencils decades ago, but now that I have a son in first grade, I've found the need to have them again in my life. He's a typical first grader that has to erase as he does things, and the erasers on the ends of pencils are, as they have always been, a joke. Other erasers that try to emulate these are usually much stiffer, harder, rip paper easily, and just smudge things more than they erase. And the little pencil capper erasers that you can put over the end are a joke, they bend and flop, and as you use then, ultimately you end up with a tube rather than an eraser, and if you're not careful you end up with the metal edge of the pencil end cutting into the paper and ripping it anyway.
These are easy to hold, especially for a first grader. They're incredibly inexpensive (especially via amazon prime with free shipping) and they just WORK. Period. Better than any other eraser I've used. - School Supplies - Home Office - Erasers'
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