This nailer works great. If the tool fails to fire or jams frequently (if you read other reviews you'll read about complaints of this happening, where they drepress the nose several times and then it works for a while, etc): CHECK THE EXPIRATION DATE ON THE FUEL CELL.
An expired fuel cell will make the tool malfunction randomly (drive 3-5 nails, not work, drive 3 more then not work or jam, etc). Creating huge amounts of frustration.
I have a set of Impulse nailers (framing and trim) and both worked flawlessly when I first bought them. I use them for home projects, that is, it can be a year or more before I use it on another project. Last year I started a new project and the framing nailer started not firing after driving 3-5 nails. I cleaned, oiled and cleaned again with temporary results after a few nails. The "usual procedure" is to depress the nose 10 times on the trim and at some point it starts firing again. Needless to say frustrating enough to make you want to buy a corded tool.
Four days ago I started working on trim, and the finish nailer started behaving the same way. Finally mad as heck I contacted paslode, and they told me to check the expiration date on the fuel cells. Sure enough, both of them were over 18 months expired. I replaced the fuel cells with a new one from the store, and wham, works without hessitation. I offloaded about 100 nails with each nailer and not a single misfire.
[this is now a year from my original post - and both nails run like champs. Never again have they failed to misfire]
I would have rated this as a 5 star, if the manual would have suggested to check the expiration date of the fuel cells. Alas, it is possible that mine didn't say this because I bought mine over two years ago, and they had recently introduced the nailers. Paslode Cordless 16-gauge Angled Finish Nailer no. 900600
I use alot of tools,have read alot of reviews but have never been inspired to write one,Until Now!Leave the compressor and hose at home,Forever..This cordless finish gun is the only one you need,it has every bit the power as a pnuematic.The features are great,depth of drive that lets you know where its at and which way you need to go.Nail lockout that every nailgun should have, atleast high end,Period.Quick clear jam lever.At 4.9 pounds it may not be the lightest finish gun,but with no tail attached you can manuever it like its floating on air.The angled magazine appears to be 20 degrees, which hasnt been a problem getting into corners or tight spots,but use's special 16 ga. nails,not the 15ga. senco type nail most of us already have,but it does hold as many nails and is still more compact.The nails are priced competitively,The fuel cells on the other hand are half the size as the other paslode guns but cost the Same? The cost must be in manufacturing the cylinder not the fuel,The advantages far outweigh the negatives and this tool is here to stay so the fuel cells should become cheaper and the nails should always be around..I've shot well over 500 2-1/2 inch nails I'm still on the same battery and fuel cell.The night I got it I set it up shot 10 nails WOW! Put the battery in the charger took the fuel cell out put it all away.The next day set it up Nothing,Nothing,,I thought fully charged battery,new fuel cell whats the problem,still nothing.I was ready to tear it apart or take it back untill I pulled the fuel cell out manually expelled some fuel put it back in Bam,Bam.Apparently something clogged the tube,since then I've left the cell in and just take the battery out before I put it away FLAWLESS! Most mornings it fires first pump,a couple of times its taken 2 pumps one exceptionally cold morning I noticed a slight loss in power,a quick adjustment no problem.All in all this is one great tool,it was designed for the professional to be the best finish gun you can buy air or cordless.Get one you'll love it...
We own several different Paslode nail guns, including the framing nailer and the straight finish nailer. We began using the Paslode products about 4 years ago. I will say that the new guns we have purchased in the last few months are significantly better than the quality of the guns purchased just a year ago. Don't get me wrong, we weren't disappointed with our purchase a year ago, it's just that these "newest generation" guns fire smoother, have more power and have been more consistent.I have heard others complain about the cost of gas cartridges and replacement batteries and that the guns have to be reloaded fairly often. I will say that all of these are very minor inconveniences when compared to the overall benefits of these tools.We now own about 10 of these various Paslode guns for our crews and they are truly a great tool. While they are quite a bit more expensive than the air tools, the freedom of use that this style of gun offers and how it will make your work more effecient makes this a purchase well worth the money. Also, Amazon's price is EXTREMELY competative and not paying sales tax on the purchase saves us in Michigan another ... . You will not be disappointed with this purchase.
I have owned the Paslode Angled finish Nailer for about 3 months now and have fed through perhaps 1500 nails (mostly 2" and some 2 ½ & 1 ½"). I have never experienced a misfire! For the amount of work I do (definitely not a contractor) this tool is more than up to the challenge. The weight is less than 5 lbs, fits into most any spot and best of all there is no hose to follow you up a ladder. No doubt it is pricey, plus the nails and fuel cell costs would add up in a production environment. That said; I strongly believe that the convenience and freedom that this tool affords make up for these costs in most situations.
Prior to purchasing the nailer I spoke with Paslode about the reports of frequent misfires associated with this tool. They stated that the tool when originally released had its issues (mainly with 1 ¼" nails) but that they have been corrected. He went on stating the various modifications that had been rolled in to the latest version of the nailer and that the new nailers with a serial number starting with "03" were produced with all of these modifications. Judging from the performance I have experienced from my nailer I believe Paslode.
For me this tool has lived up to it's expectations and has allowed me to embark on projects I otherwise would have contracted out for or just not of completed. If you are a homeowner who does a lot of DIY or if you are a contractor who takes on finish carpentry work I am sure you will find this tool both useful and reliable... Since nothing else truly compares in terms of functionality I have to give this tool Five Stars...
****Update**** Just used this nailer the other day to fix some door molding. The unit worked perfectly as it has for nearly 7 years. - Nailer - Not Recommended - Paslode - Gas Fired Nailer'
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