This is such a wonderful Halloween DVD...my 16 month old really enjoyed seeing Barney, B J, Baby Bop, and the kids dressed in costumes, playing Halloween games, and even trick or treating. The songs are fun and the kids even show you how to make some Halloween decorations. There is one scene with Farmer Duley that even adults can enjoy, the songs he sings are terrific. This DVD teaches trick or treating safety rules as well as sharing and fun. Barney - Barney's Halloween Party [VHS]
This was the first Barney video I bought for my son when he was 18 months old and it has been the one we've enjoyed the most. It really brings out the fun in halloween for my children and they love to watch this video. I highly recommend this video.
We found this video an excellent way to get excited and in the mood for fall and the Halloween festivities. It's very colorful and upbeat! There's is a fun visit to the farm and a Fabulous Party at the school gym!! Most of the Songs are really cute and catchy and the crafts that the kids do in the video to get ready for their party are absolutely darling and easy enough to copy at home!!! Our 11 month old adores this one!!
Even for those parents, who are not Barney fans, this DVD is a good one. The songs are cute & our two year old son manages to be able to sing along with some of them. The decorations that they make (spiders from hand prints, ghosts from foot prints) will give you some ideas of ways to entertain your children around Halloween. The costumes are good - certainly not too scary for small children. Overall, our son gives it two thumbs up and requests this DVD by name (even after Halloween)!
This is one we just picked up recently for our 2 1/2 year old. He likes Barney but he's not his favorite but he just loves Halloween so this was a great tape for him. Barney is joined by Baby Bop and the usual gang of kids as they celebrate Halloween. Barney and the kids take a trip to a farm where they learn all about fall fun such as cider and pumpkins. From there it's off to school to help the teacher decorate for the big Halloween party. Barney in the gang make several cute craft projects including paper spiders and goodie bags and also paint some pumpkins. later that evening they all get in their costumes anf go to the big party at school.
This was a fun and educational tape. Kids learn about autumn, there's fun projects to make and Barney even teaches hids about enjoying Halloween safely. My son loves it already!
My granddaughters are great Barney fans even going so far as to name their fish Baby Bop and BJ, so when I saw this DVD at a library booksale it was a no brainer to dive into the table and grab it!
The fifty minute Barney DVD has plenty of action ala Barney style along with the music kids seem to love to sing and tap along to.
hi i am here to tell a story about mrs cacilio she was over at my house and we wached this so was bella and winter they were so afraid they came runing tword us when mr boyd was dressed as a pirite 4 of us have seen many other ones with mr boyd and they were fine this is one of my faverite barney videos ever'
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