If you read the other reviews for this product, many of the positive ones were written by California residents, as California does not allow window mounts. These positive reviews led me to purchase this product, but unfortunately, I haven't had the same results. This product worked wonderfully during the warmer season. (I am a resident of Maryland.) I normally keep the dash mount under the seat of the car and pull it out whenever I need to use my Magellan 3140 GPS. When winter came along, however, the mount from my GPS would not stay attached to the Nav-Mat. The mount works fine on the window all year-round, but often fell off the Nav-Mat when it was cold outside. When driving in unchartered territory, you really don't want your GPS to fall onto the floor of your car. If you live in a region where temperatures drop, consider bringing the Nav-Mat with you so it is warm when you attach the mount, or be prepared to have the GPS unit pop off the Nav-Mat. I'm sure if I lived in California, I would have given the product 5 stars as well, as its performance when ambient temperatures are not freezing is perfect. Bracketron UFM-100BL Nav-Mat GPS Friction Dash Pad
Update 13 May 2011:
I'm back to this mount. As a replacement for my sliding Bracketron I purchased a Garmin Portable Friction Mount. That lasted about a year and it too was all over the place. I went back to this product since I know it works well and lasted twice as long as the Garmin mound did.
Update April 2010:
The mount has lost its stickiness. My GPS now slides all over the place, even in mild to moderate turns. Figure about 2 years as the life of this mount.
Original review:
I've used this mount in a minivan and a MINI Cooper and found it to be absolutely stable. It never moved in the minivan, no matter how hard I cornered or braked (and I tried to get it to move). In the MINI, it only moved once, when I went flying around a corner into a parking lot and hit a hole...the mount moved about half an inch.
If you have a little GPS unit like a Garmin i3 (or i2 or i5) you'll find the unit sits low which makes it a little difficult to use the wheel or button. The Nuvi 350 sits at a nice height in this mount. Another plus is the mount looks much nicer than Garmin's 3-legged mounts. This item is made in China.
I bought this mount for use with my Mio C520 for my trips to California, where it is illegal to use a mount on your windshield. (California Vehicle Code section 26708(a)(1) provides that "No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any object or material placed, displayed, installed, affixed, or applied upon the windshield or side or rear windows.")
It is a no brainer to use. Simply place the Nav-Mat on your dash and attach your GPS's windshield suction mount to the flat disk on the Nav-Mat. The Nav-Mat has a non skid surface.
It is very stable and works great. Actually I find it more convenient to attach my GPS to the Nav Mat than the windshield.
I have posted a picture of it in use under customer images.
I received my GPS Dash Mount today. It works great with my Tom Tom XL and positions the GPS better and easier than the windshield mount. I have a sports car with a relatively small dash area, but it fits no problem and sits very stable. It is also much easier to pick up the device to program it and to remove it from the dashboard to tuck it out of sight when parked. Also, it does not get in the way of the windshield sunscreen. I am very happy with it and it arrived much quicker than I expected. I think we will be ordering another one for our second car.
This GPS mount will work great for ANY system. Here's how: It's a free standing holder with a heavy beanbag rim. It has a very smooth, slick, flat center disk. You simply use the suction mount that came with YOUR particular GPS system, by locking it into the center of the disk - then place the bean bag unit anywhere you want. The bottom of the unit is made of a non-slip material that assures it will sit and stay put - anywhere you choose. Adjusting the viewing angle needed is easily accomplished (again) with "your" suction mount arm. I actually place mine on my console and angle it up toward me. Storage: Since thieves commonly target cars whose windshields have a GPS suction "mark" on them (even though you've hidden the GPS) this makes placing it out of sight even better, because you just slide the entire thing under a seat. When you get back in the car - you just bring the whole thing back up and there's no re-attaching it every time. It's a little pricey, when you add shipping, but it's made well, and there's no question as to whether it will work with your make or model - if you have a windshield suction mount that is! It's black, and about 6 inches in diameter. Hope this helps. PS - I have a Magellan Maestro 3100 - Gps - Garmin - Tomtom - Dashboard Mount'
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