Watching this movie is a lot like, in some quiet way, railing against mainstream cinema. This is not a popcorn-and-cola, big screen, ultra violent and...arousing potboiler. Atmosphere is something that that Tomb Raider dreck couldn't manage, unless it's some sordid, purely libidinous atmosphere.This movie is brilliant, for several reasons. There are few leading men with the sort of silent charisma of Henry Thomas, who plays the surrogate father of the baby he finds in the woods, left there by the murderous father. The entire cast put in good performances, but Thomas is superb as the reticent outcast from his hometown's most wayward family. Remember that harangue about atmosphere? This thing's almost swollen with it. The beautiful backdrop of rural North Carolina is given a nervous system of haunted, ramshackle homes and wandering farm animals, as well as the usual small town, yammering old men, sitting in the general store swapping misogynistic jokes. This somber tone is enlivened, or let's say intensified, by a wonderous performance by David Straithairn as the deranged salesman hoping to recover his baby, whether or not it requires the murder of the child's twelve year old aunt.Few of the movies that Hollywood producers spit up on the big screen are worth seeing. Rushmore, The Royal Tennenbaums, and the Straight Story are notable exceptions. If this movie ever made it that far (remember, we have a tendency to forget truly adroit film making), then it deserves a space among the inspired flicks mentioned above. Now, if they could only infuse this sort of power and substance into such filler as The Nutty Professor... A Good Baby
This is a beautiful, haunting, unforgettable movie. The characters depict a dignity & simplicity, true to the mountain people of NC. It's clear this movie was made with great love & dedication to the art of storytelling. The scenery is so beautiful. The music is forever in my heart. Is there a soundtrack available?
Raymond Toker under a surprising set of circumstances, found a baby while he was squirrel hunting.
Not knowing what to do with it, he tried in vain to give it to some of the local folks, but was unsucessful.
He finally decided to try to care for it him self.
Unbeknownst to Ramond the real father who was a shady character, was trying to get the baby for himself.
In order not to reveal any more than I already have, Ill just say that every thing, after a lot of tormoil, turned out OK for the baby, and Raymond.
I enjoyed this movie greatly but I also can't say that I am impartial I also worked for the movie company that made this film I was the medic on the set and saw all the hard work that everyone put into this movie. I think Cara Seymour is a great talented actress and when I got a chance at seeing the movie I was totally surprised I loved it and think that everyone that likes a good story and a great look at the Mountain Area should check it out.
In A Good Baby we are taken to Western North Carolina, specifically Leighester, Asheville. This is the story about a baby that no one wanted that ended up changing the lives of every one who held it. Henery Thomas (All the Pretty Horses, ET) stars in this moving tale as the lonesome sole who finds and gets stuck with caring a baby. The mother of the baby a teen who messed up early is killed be her husband, David Strathairn (Simon Birch, The River Wild) who is consederable older than she was. Lena (the mother) her sister (played by Allison Glenn) is now looking for her and finds more than she bargens for. In the surcumstances of the acting I think they all portray mountain people failry well. I think first time star Allison Glenn gives a superb preformance along side Cara Seymour (You've Got Mail). Overall the film is very enjoyable and it tells a story that I think the directer felt needed to be told. A very enjoyable movie! - American West - Cormac Mccarthy - Matt Damon - Western'
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