This remote uses a small infrared transmitter to trip the shutter of many of the EOS line of cameras (EOS 10, Elan, Elan II/IIE, EOS IX and possibly others). I bought one 5 or 6 years ago and I haven't had to change the battery yet. Unlike wired remote shutter releases, the RC1 doesn't require the user to set anything up -- just point the remote at the camera front and press the button. The RC1 clips onto a holder that can be threaded through your camera strap so it's always nearby when needed. It measures (inches) 2.25 x 1 x .5 (length x width x height) and weighs not much more than one ounce.The RC1 as two controls on it: a small slider switch and a larger button to trip the shutter. If you're wearing gloves, the slider switch is near impossible to adjust but the shutter button is easy to hit. The slider offers three settings: Lock (disables the shutter button), regular and 2-second delay. The regular setting works just like the shutter release on your camera although you can't press it halfway to autofocus. The 2-second delay locks up the mirror when you hit the shutter button and then trips the shutter 2 seconds later. This is very useful for longer exposures or shooting with telephoto lenses.I've found the RC1 to be plenty sturdy (I shoot mostly outdoors and tend to be pretty hard on my equipment) and easy enough to unclip and operate with one hand. I have only two complaints with it: you need to point the remote at the front of the camera -- the IR sensor is right next to the shutter release -- which can be tricky when using wide angle lenses as you don't want to include your remote in the picture, and the RC1 doesn't provide any feedback that the shutter had been tripped -- I often find myself peering back through the viewfinder to see if the mirror is up or keeping my ear near the camera to listen for the film advance. This is a far simpler remote than the ones Canon offers for their top-end camera but it's also far less expensive and heavy. I only wish the RC1 worked for the EOS3! Canon Wireless Remote Control RC1 for Canon XT/XTi, XSi, and T1i Digital SLR Cameras
I decided to get this after buying the Rebel XTi and already owning the Rebel XT (this works with both.) I already had the corded shutter release which was nice when doing long exposures or macro work where even a little camera shake can make a huge difference. But this goes to a new level, you can set the camera up get everything in focus and then step back and take as many shots as you want without any risk of touching the camera. Make sure to cover the eyepiece when using this so stray light doesn't ruin your exposure. This is also handy when you want to take pictures with you in them. I have even used it with two cameras at once to get multiple angles of the same shot. I am thinking about setting up a blind and setting up the camera on a tripod to try to get some close up pictures of wildlife that would not be possible otherwise. Basically if you ever have a need to take pictures without holding the camera this is your solution.
I received this product a day ago and am happy with it. It's simple and reliably does what it's supposed to do. I bought it primarily for 'bulb' exposures [with my D-Rebel], but, of course, it is also useful when you want to avoid camera shake or to get yourself into the shot.As others have noted, it is extremely light (15g) and tiny. Those reasons are why I picked this remote over the RC-5 and RS-60E3. Also, there is a camera strap clip included, so it will be quickly available. Canon is even kind enough to include batteries. This is definitely the one to buy.
Grabbing one of these for myself, since I found my camera on the list, at the canon site. Here's the list, if it is of help to anyone. Or you can visit the canon site, find your camera and check the accessories list:
Digital Rebel XT
Digital Rebel XTi
EOS Digital Rebel
EOS Digital Rebel XT (Black)
EOS Digital Rebel XT EF-S 17-85mm Lens Kit (Black)
EOS Digital Rebel XT EF-S 18-55 Kit
EOS Digital Rebel XT EF-S 18-55mm Kit (Silver)
EOS Digital Rebel XTi EF-S 18-55 Kit
EOS Digital Rebel XTi EF-S 18-55mm Kit (Silver)
EOS Elan 7N EF 28-105mm Kit
EOS Elan 7NE EF 28-105mm Kit
EOS Rebel G
EOS Rebel K2
EOS Rebel T2
EOS Rebel T2 Date Body
EOS Rebel T2 EF 28-90mm III Kit
EOS Rebel Ti
EOS Rebel XSi
EOS Rebel XSi EF-S 18-55IS Kit
EOS Rebel XSi EF-S 18-55mm IS Kit (Silver)
EOS Rebel XSi Kit (Silver)
Limited Edition Digital Rebel
Limited Edition Digital Rebel kit 18-55mm Kit
Sure Shot Classic 120
Sure Shot Z135
Sure Shot Z90W
It really is wireless
Can be set to take the photo immediately or timed
It's small and includes a neck strap cover to attach to camera's neck strap
I have heard this remote will work with the new Canon 5D Mark II (Will keep you posted when I find out)
Range is pretty short, you must be close
Must be in front of camera to use
Must point at camera to use
Must set camera to timer mode to use (Note remote can release shutter immediately)
Must wakeup camera manually before you can use
Can change the exposure slightly in dark or night shots
Mirror lockup mode will not work with remote!
It works but...
It works but I really have a problem with the several different unanticipated things that happen when you use it. Please note all use of this remote testing and use was on a Canon Digital Rebel XTi camera using the included 18-55mm kit lens and a Canon 70-200mm 2.8 Lens on a tripod in RAW mode at ISO 100 your results may vary.
I bought this remote to trip the shutter while taking photos of birds at my bird feeder without being next to the camera and to trip the shutter when shooting fireworks and taking Astrophotography (photos of the night sky, moon and stars etc.) Having to be in front of the camera to take a photo is one of the biggest problems I have. I BOUGHT this so I could be behind the camera and away from the birds so I would not scare them. Why didn't Canon put a sensor on the back of the camera?? Or make this a radio controlled sensor?
Self-timer mode to use:
The other problem is having to put the camera in timer mode to use it. After you put the camera in timer mode and you are using the remote on immediate exposure mode it will indeed take the photo when you press the button. HOWEVER, if you are in the timer mode and you happen to be up next to the camera and see a bird at the feeder and press the camera's shutter button you will rudely find that the camera is in timer mode and will not take the photo for 10 seconds! You have to use the remote to get an immediate exposure.
Sleep mode:
Also, if you wait too long to take the shot, the camera will go back into sleep mode. Guess WHAT? You can't wake up the camera using the remote. You have to walk up to the camera, scare all the birds away press the cameras shutter button to wake up the camera then the remote is active again.
Use a mirror:
I did find a round about way to take exposures of the birds from behind the camera by propping a mirror up in front of the camera and aimed back at the camera. The remote signal would bounce off the mirror and back and the camera and work.
Low Light Astrophotography etc:
Another problem is photography in low light conditions. The exposure is OK in bright light, but, when using the remote in the dark while the camera is on a tripod I have found the illumination from the remote is bright enough to affect the camera meter and therefore underexpose what you are taking a photo of when shooting Astrophotography etc.. Therefore I am going to have to either return this wireless remote and purchase the wired remote or keep this remote for self portraits and also buy a wired remote. Please note you can't see the light from the remote but the camera's meter must be able to.
Self portraits:
I thought this was were the little remote would shine, but guess what? You have to point the stupid thing at the camera for it to work!! You look a little weird in a self portrait holding this little remote in your hand and trying to point it at the camera without being conspicuous. I think it's actually better to use the camera's built in timer.
Low light photography exposure:
I thought I could use this remote to trigger my photos when I use the mirror lockup function so the camera would not shake. Guess what?? The mirror lockup mode does not work when using the REMOTE! When you trigger the camera using the remote it takes a photo normally with the exposure happening immediately after the mirror goes up causing the image to blur anyway.
10-24-2008 Update:
I have a new Canon 5D Mark II on order and I heard that it can use this remote. That probably means that the new 60D when it comes out will be able to use this remote. Will let you know when I get the 5D Mark II if this is so. - Photography - Canon - Remote Control - Digital Camera Accessory'
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