I really like the premise behind these units, and I have already owned 4 of them. The problem is, though, they are not built to withstand the high heat generated. The plastic toothbrush holders will actually melt off and crack over time from the heat. The bottom of the unit will develop leaks. Also, regardless of how well you clean your toothbrush, there is still toothpaste residue on it, and this will cause a powdery build up in the unit that is difficult and time consuming to remove.
We use only distilled water in ours and clean regularly but still can't seem to get more than a year out of it. One lasted around eight months. The warranty is only 90 days, so it's essentially useless. We keep buying, though, because until its inevitable demise it does sterilize the brushes and keep them dry and covered, and there's nothing better out there. Consider the money spent on it an annual expense. The UV ones have their own issues, and the ozone generating ones are usually built cheaply as well. Germ Terminator Toothbrush Sanitizer
I have had my Germ Terminator for 2 years and I can't imagin life without it. I am in the health care field and know the importance of preventing microbial contamination whenever possible. Even though it is not considered portable, I travel a great deal and never leave home without it tucked away in my suitcase. It does require a small effort to clean, but small is the operative word. Anyone who cares about keeping themselves and their families healthy would do well to keep a Germ Terminator in every bathroom. Also, you can sterilize other items that will fit in the basket and are not harmed by steam. I routinely sterilize the end of my Water Pik and other assorted dental hygine items before each use. Also, pierced earring that are all metal. I find it indispensable.
This one really works. I used to get sore throats when using a non-sterilized toothbrush. Used to re-infect myself with colds and bacterial infections. For longest time, had multiple (20-30) toothbrushes and sterilized in top rack basket in dishwasher with water heater on high temp. That worked but time consuming.
Now use Germ Terminator -- just as effective but takes less time and less water and less energy. For best results, use distilled water, but you can use tap too. If you use tap regularly you will need to watch for calcium build up like in coffee maker and run vinegar through it to get rid of calcium build up. I am able to sterilize my Braun electric toothbrush heads (which cost $10 each!) in this unit too besides regular toothbrushes. They fit in the little baskets.
This unit is very light so it will be good for traveling even though footprint not as small as UV travel sanitizers.
I love my steam sterilizer. I am going to buy a second one for traveling.
Why should you buy this unit instead of UV light sterilizer/sanitizer?
Most toothbrush sterilizers are UV light based. I did research on steam versus UV sterilization:
UV light is non-ionizing radiation. Good for destroying airborne organisms and organisms on exposed surfaces that UV light makes contact with. UV light has low penetrating power. Dust, soil, anything that shields organism from UV light will protect micro organism from sterilization. Must keep UV light bulb very clean (dust/soil on UV light will reduce effectiveness). Must regularly test UV light because they lose power to sterilize over time. Sterilization percentage for UV light: 99.95%. Sterilization percentage for Germ Terminator (tested results): 99.999999%
UV light causes sunburns. Think about how a hat or shirt or glass window will protect you from sunburns. UV cannot penetrate these.
For medical/dental tools, doctors use autoclaves which are steam based.
Don't leave home without your Germ Terminator!
There's nothing like grabbing a warm totally sanitized toothbrush. I have used this for years after I saw the inventor on 20/20 I had to try it out. It works great! Its like using a new toothbrush everyday. Well worth it.
After researching a bit, I decided to buy the Germ Terminator instead of some of the sleeker looking UV toothbrush sanitizers. The official stance of the American Dental Association is that those interested in a toothbrush santizer should purchase one that is FDA approved. None of the UV models were, but the Germ Terminator is an approved FDA medical device! Apparently, UV rays don't work well for sanitizing toothbrushes, but rather on flat surfaces. Anyway, the unit is fast and easy to use. I also like that it stores the toothbrushes in a sanitary space until they're next used. I only wish that it held more than two toothbrushes and came in other colors.
I was attracted to this product as their TV ad said there was a relationship between the lack of a sterile toothbrush and increased risk for strokes. Later, I found the claim verified from other unrelated sources dealing with health.
I've been using it for about three years and love it. Why? Because it makes my mouth feel so much cleaner. It is noticeable from the first use. It is so pleasurable. Also, my teeth became whiter.
It lasts about a year to a year and a half. I use distilled water, but rinse my brush off with tap water. Our water has a lot of mineral content, so your sanitizer might last much longer.
It is dead when the red light stops going on, it is slow to intake water, and your teeth don't feel as clean. When I get a new one, I'll try running vinegar through it, as another reviewer suggested, to see if it lasts longer.
Since I wrote this review, I have discovered that one can make the sanitizer last longer by bypassing pouring the water into the hole under the small plastic cup by squirting the water directly under the toothbrushes. Of course, I don't actually know if this method gets the brushes as clean, but lots of steam comes up just as before. - Toothbrush Sterilizer - Steam Sterilization - Oral Hygiene - Sanitizer'
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