These 2 inch by 2 inch classic post-it note pads are very good for making brief notes to yourself--or, of course, notes to other people. Despite the fact that people these days often use their computer calendars to remind them of appointments and things to do, these note pads remain good sellers in stores--which is great proof that they work! Just write your note and use the adhesive on the top of the back to attach your note in the place where it needs to be seen!
I also like the fact that these post-it notes come in several different colors in the package. This allows people to color code their notes to themselves or others. Wonderful!
Unfortunately, however, the adhesive sticky substance on the reverse of the post-it note is not as strong as I would like it to be. All too often these notes loose their ability to stay stuck in the right place until people who need their reminders can use them. I probably wouldn't use this product on a refrigerator for days at a time--it could well simply fall off and flutter right on in under the fridge! Even on flat surfaces this has been a problem.
This is a great product but obviously I cannot ignore the flaw that I just told you about. I give it four stars for being good and useful in several different colors--but not great. The manufacturer needs to strengthen the adhesive portion on the reverse of the post it notes. Post-it® Notes, Original Cube, 1 7/8 inches x 1 7/8 inches, Assorted Neon and Ultra Colors, One Pad per Pack
I know this is my fault - I did not read the description closely enough - but these are really small Post-Its. When it said "original cube", I didn't bother to pay attention to the dimensions. But these are not the "normal" sized Post-Its. So, even though it is described clearly... If you want a regular cube of Post-Its - don't buy this.
When I'm at work I like to use these post it notes since people always give me phone numbers and names to write down. They're just so convenient. I can place them anywhere that I'll easily remember thanks to the adhesive back edge. The new springs colors are nice too, and nice change from the standard boring old yellow notes I'm used to.
My biggest issue with these though is the adhesive. They're always too weak, so I need a small piece of tape to attach it to my computer monitor, desk, etc. Another minor issue is the bend it creates when ripping a sheet off. The top sticky rim seems to bend upward due to the motion you use when pulling the note off.
They're still handy, and I'll keep using them. I do recommend them!
I love post-it notes! They have so many uses. This cute has small post-it notes, just under 2 inches by 2 inches. I use them as markers in the books, cook books, manuals and notebokes.
They help keep me organized. I like that they come in different colors, so I can color-code my bookmarks.
They provide enough room to write a small notation, but this size is not very good writing notes as there is not a lot of room. But they are perfect for marking!'
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