I use mine for push-ups and pull-ups. I have found the weights relatively easy to put in and take out (snug fit but I wouldn't want it to baggy). I find the straps adjustable and the clips allow me to take on and off quickly. I am extremely satisfied and feel I got a my value for the money. Valeo WV40 40-Pound Weighted Vest
I purchased this weight vest to use during jogs, and it has served me quite well in this regard thus far. The vest consists of forty (twenty on the back, twenty on the front) bags of sand that weigh one pound each, for a total of forty pounds. The vest is secured to your body both by velcro, and buckles (the plastic kind that you'd find on a life vest). Getting the vest on is somewhat difficult the first time, and I would suggest loading the back twenty before you put it on, and then loading the front twenty once you've got it on. The only problem I have run into thus far with this vest is the lack of padding in the shoulder area, or to be more specific, the absence of padding. The only "padding" on the shoulders is a piece of what I'd assume is cardboard that is sandwiched between the two pieces of nylon. This leads to shoulder discomfort quite quickly, and the only solution I've come up with is to either sew foam padding into a t-shirt at the shoulders, or to the vest at the shoulders. I haven't done either at this point, but this simple step will save me a lot of discomfort. Why the manufacturer wouldn't have stuffed five cents worth of foam into the shoulders is beyond me, but it is a simple enough alteration to make.
The product information says that "one size fits most". I wear a mens XL, and there is plenty of extra room left in the straps. I'd say that anyone up to a mens XXL would probably fit into this vest. For those seeking lower weight to start, the bags can be removed, so this could easily be used as anything from a one to forty pound vest with ease while you work your way up. I've used this vest about ten times now, and I don't detect any sort of tearing or fraying at the joints, even though I'm using the full weight. If it weren't for the lack of padding in the shoulders, I'd have given this vest a 5/5 instead of the 4/5 it received from me. All things considered, I would recommend this vest to others.
I've been using the vest now for about 6 weeks and it's been great so far. I do however have some complaints.
The lowest strap, the "belt" seems to like to slip off on the right side when you use this to do any type of jumping exercise. I believe this to be that 1. it has a smaller section of velcro on it than the other side and 2. you used velcro to attach it in the first place.
I think the lowest strap should be attached like the rest or go through belt loops.. not held on by velcro. That's the only part that slips loose and then you have the bottom of the vest flopping around.
Also, on the back, I'm noticing that in one of the pouches the thread that sections off the pouches is already starting to come loose.
All in all it's a decent vest; it does its job. Just could use a redesign.
I love this vest. I wore this vest at 105 lbs on a very petite 5'1'' frame. This vest will tighten and fit anybody. the weight distributes so evenly. I have to say i miss being without it! I can't wait to get another one.
I've worn this vest when i was losing my preggo weight and used the vest to keep my weight 40 lbs heavier (so that it was easier to burn calories). Without it, i burned almost nothing. I contribute all of my weight loss and very successful conditioning to this vest.
This vest is absolutely solid.
- Holds tight against your body.
- Very solid build that can take real abuse.
- Slimmer people might find it a little loose on the bottom.
- Weighted packs are really snug. This can be both a pro and a con. Snug means they won't move around when running, jumping, etc., but it also means they'll be difficult to get in, which is something you want to plan for before your workout
- Netted construction WILL tear up your underarm when doing dips (if you do them quickly). I resolved this by putting a t-shirt over it when doing my workouts.
This vest was a gift to me from my wife. I find the single PRO of solid construction far outweighs all the CONS since you can work around them with a little planning. Solid construction means you're going to have a vest that you can can withstand some real abuse, like sliding on the ground, and being tossed around everytime you remove it, and you KNOW it won't fall apart... something I've seen other vests crumble on
All in all, a great vest. I highly recommend this over others
So here we go:
I have a medium to large frame, I am 6'1" and weigh 209lbs. I have to put the vest on fairly tight (I dislike it when it moves around and this seems to be the only way to work) however I have to balance this with my ability to breathe in it.
This is the first weight vest I have bought, and I really enjoy it.
I enjoy having the choice to put the weights all over my chest and back and some on shoulders where I want to. If I have empty pouches, I can put my keys and gu and such in them.
Right now I am at 20 lbs running 5 mi around 8:30/mi pace and this works for me.
I could see how someone that has a very thin body or is on the small side in general would not like this product as I have fairly tightened to get it to stay still on my body and bounce minimally. If you are larger than me, this will work for you as the vest has plenty of room to expand; in fact I think a weight vest will help you shed pounds even faster. I personally bought this product because I am at fitness level with my body fat and have plateaued in terms of weight loss (I lost more when I was heavier).
Seem to be of good quality, however I dislike how the loose straps dangle and fly. Otherwise, no complaints. - Valeo - Exercise - Fitness Gear - Weight'
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