This product is very hard to put on the Kindle. Very hard to position correctly without touching the back of the film. There are dozens of bubbles that you can't get out once it is on the screen and when you try to raise the film to work the bubbles out you get finger prints on the under side of the film. You can't avoid touching it trying to get it up and the bubbles out. I gave up and peeled the first one of and had a sticky residue all over the screen that took careful cleaning to get off. This has to be one of the worst products that I have seen. Fils for the I-pod and I-phone are a breeze and work well but not this product. There is also a very serious glare problem with this product. Ruined two and threw the third on away. Amazon Kindle 3 3G + Wi-Fi 3rd Generation, 6^ (Latest Generation) Display Screen Protector Film Clear (Invisible) (3-Pack) by TDC-Direct
The quality of the product is good, you receive three films but mine had some micro scratches on them, however, you don't see them when the film is on your Kindle. The problem that arrises is that it turns your Kindle screen into a glossy screen...meaning pretty substantial glare issues. The problem was so bad that I had to take it off. I was trying to read in bed with my nightstand light on and the glare from the light made it difficult to read. I found that I kept having to move my Kindle around to get the glare off of the section that I was trying to read.
Quality of the films (you get three): 8/10
Price: 10/10
Glare: 6/10 (10 being unbearable)
Total disappointment. I bought them thinking they would protect my Kindle screen (Display Screen Protector Film Clear (Invisible) (3-Pack) by TDC-Direct) and when I received them, they had a sticker on the protective plastic. I couldn't get that off easily or cleanly. The size and cut were fine, but they were not what I had hope they would be. Why put a sticker on a clear plastic piece that's difficult to remove. I tried using a gentle touch..no luck. I tried a little oil..no luck. I tried steam..no luck...not worth it and very disappointing. I just threw them away.
Although I think that this is probably a good product. When I went to put it on my Kindle screen. I got a little nervous & decided against putting it on because it fits so perfectly I was nervous that if the time came that I needed to remove it I would damage my screen trying to get ahold of it. So needless to say I didn't put it on.
**EXCELLENT** It is good that they put three in a package, b/c the first one you inevitbly screw up, and then you have an extra after the second one is applied. LOL! Its such a perfect fit, it took me reapplying it over and over to try and get the air bubbles out. Still a few linger, and I hope it wont effect my reading.
Specifically says on the packaging: 1) Dust repelling.. not true. 2) Bubble-free application... not true. 3) Anti-reflective... VERY not true, quite glossy. Ruined the first one when I tried to apply it. There are two protective plastic sheets surrounding the final product and all three are very static prone. If you have a white room you do your scientific experiments in I would advise you use it to apply this film or else you might end up like me with lots of dust particles between the Kindle's screen and the protective one. By far the worst thing about this product is the high-glare finish. The natural Kindle screen is a pleasant matte finish which is absolutely perfect, the gloss is so high on this product that you could read the printing on the light bulbs that get reflected off of it. Do Not Buy
I really like this reader.
Good points:
~It's easy to use and stores a ton of books!
~It has some fun games to play.
~It holds your place when you exit each book. Even if you walk away and it goes to sleep, it holds your place.
~You have abilities to get online, but it's not that easy to navigate.
~When you buy a book, it's delivered to your Kindle wirelessly the next time you sync! Very cool!
~I haven't found an easy way to search for free/cheap books in a timely manner.
~You can scroll through the bookmarks and notes, but if you leave too many bookmarks, it could get difficult to find what you're looking for.
~I tried downloading an e-book from my school in .pdf, it turned out so small and I have to scroll back and forth if I zoom in, it's not practical to use. There may be a more efficient way to do this, but I haven't figured it out.
~The battery doesn't last as long as they claim if you're actually using it. It still lasts 2 weeks though!
I have no real complaints about it. There's a little bit of a learning curve, a few minor things to put up with (all technology has minor inconveniences) but for the most part, it's very easy to use. I recommend it for anyone! My 4 year old daughter can even read some things and play a couple of the games, although I do have to get her to the book or game, then she can do the rest. - Kindle 3 Covers - Screen Protectors - Accessories - Kindle 3 Case'
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