I had searched high and low for this particular kind of step with absolutley no luck, despite the fact that step aerobics are not only hugely populer, but this particular step model is the most widely used in gyms, home exercise videos and on Fitness television. It was simply no where to be found at every major (and even minor) store I went to which sells fitness equipment. They all carried the smaller 12x25 inch step, and I needed this larger 14x40 inch step for a wider variety of exercises. These include not only step aerobics, but also chest presses, tricep dips and many other exercises. This in fact serves and as both a step-up and a weight bench, is easy to assemble, and adjusts to three seperate heights (additional height can be added on by purchasing additional raisers but I won't be needing those). This step is strong and sturdy and the surface effectively absorbs the shock of high impact exercises. I am able to stand on the very edge of it for doing calve raises without feeling like it's going to tip over with my body weight.
I was even further impressed that it arrived within slightly less than a week of ordering it - and during the week of Christmas at that. This step is so much fun to use and I am absolutely in love with it!
Rating: Excellent The Step F1010W Original Health Club Step
This step is exactly like the ones at the gym. That is the reason I bought it. I also have the smaller home model. I don't like it at all. Don't waste your money on it. This one is great!
Good solid piece of equipment.
This step is well worth the investment-- I used to try and work out on a teeny home step and it just wasn't practical--- or safe! This huge, club size step makes your workouts more effective and more enjoyable. Its sturdy and much better for your workout.
The good:
It's lightweight, assembles easily.
The bad:
It shouldn't be used with weights if you're over 200lbs.
I'm around 210 and standing in the center, it sinks and flexes way too much.
Stand in the middle, towards the edge and you sink into it (I do).
It isn't as sturdy as the Reebok version. The base blocks make it easier for it to tip over while you're using it.
Initially I was concerned about trying Step Aerobics because I have weak ankles. However, after using "The Step" and working with Kathy Smith's DVD, "Step Workout," I haven't noticed any problem with my ankles. I only wish I had discovered this form of exercise a lot sooner! As a result of using the "Step" at home for only one month, I'm already seeing major benefits. These benefits have surpassed my previous efforts with walking and riding an exercise bike. My lower body is much stronger; I have better endurance for walking and other activities; and I'm losing inches off my hips and thighs much faster. It's great working on the "Step" for only 25 minutes and getting quick results without having to exercise for an hour or more. I'm also maintaining my weight better without watching it go up and down like a yo-yo. At last, I found an indoor exercise program that really works and doesn't make me sore afterwards. I actually look forward to working out because I have so much energy afterwards.
This step is OK, but not as good as the Reebok step. The ridged deck tends to catch on the soles of your shoes and you have to be careful to seat the step on the risers just right. If you need to turn the step during your workout, you can't do it quickly because the risers don't attach, they just sit under the platform. Still, it's a way better step than those cheapie $19.95 plastic ones. Sturdy and stable as long as you get the risers in the right place.
This step is totally awesome. If you are looking for a step, look no further than this one. I originally bought the smaller version step at half the price, and it did not work very well for me at all. All of the step workout DVD's I own and workout to, use the original health club step. So when I was trying do those workouts with the smaller step, I was not able to do all of the moves, because of the shorter platform space. But now that I have the full size step, I am able to perform all of the moves on my DVD's and the workouts are now so much more fun, enjoyable, and safer. So do yourself a favor and just spend the extra money and buy the original health club step to begin with. You will not regret it!
I have never been a fan of aerobic exercise, but I love step aerobics. I live in a 850sqft condo in San Francisco, so I have very little space to exercise. Step aerobics is perfect for small spaces. It is unfortunate that this company makes such a flimsy product, it will not support my 245lbs. So, if your over 200lbs and want to start step aerobics I would consider the NORDIC TRACK STEPPER. It will hold up to 250lbs, and it comes with a DVD with 2 routines, beginner and intermediate, which I have been doing 3 days a week for 7 months, and am still having fun doing. It is adjustable and looks a lot like the Reebok 5-Position Step Deck that they sell here on Amazon. I found mine at sears online, it was $49.99. Don't waste your money on this inferior product, spend less and get a better product.
The Step is the best step I've ever used. I've had another one just like it for nearly 10 years. It's very wide, stable and versatile. It's one great piece of equipment...it functions as a step as well as a low bench and incline bench... and well worth the money. You can also purchase extra risers for it if you need more than the two sets that come with The Step. If you need some equipment but don't have a lot of space then this is a good choice because of it's versatility. Plus it will last a very long time.
For those who love to aerobic step, the last thing they want to have to be concerned with is whether the step is going to slide or (worse!) tip while they are stepping. Bad enough to be injured by the actual workout--to add injuries from an unreliable step surface makes the workout useless. That was the unfortunate story of my workout life before I found The Step. This base stays put during the workout. The Step feels very stable and solid, and will not tip. The surface is huge (actual stepping surface area is 36" x 14") and completely non-skid. The top segment can be used alone for beginners or combined with "feet" segments according to stepping ability. Storage is easy, since the "feet" pieces separate and/or can all stack together, independent of the top segment -- you can definitely put this under a bed.
The Step is exactly like the ones found in health clubs and is well worth the price. Highly recommended. - Step Aerobics - Step Workout - Exercise - Step Platforms'
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