This is a great case. This is the second one i have ordered (just like the yellow accent). Very rugged. You can rest easy handling your investment as long as it's in this thing. I have dropped mine onto asphalt too many times to count, and no problems with the phone at all. I must admit, when I first got the iphone into the case, I noticed that the screen protector adheres to the face of the iphone giving it an oily appearance. This is the most common complaint about this particular case, but I have found the fix for this. Baby powder. I know this sounds crazy, but it works flawlessly. There is a really good video on youtube on how to apply it. This completely fixes the problem. Because of this little fix, I now give this product 5 stars. Contrary to some reportings, this case IS NOT waterproof. However, It does a darn good job protecting it from splashes, light rain, dust, etc. If you are looking for extreme protection, look no further.
How to Applying Baby Powder [...] OtterBox Defender Case for iPhone 3G, 3GS (Black)[Retail Packaging]
I am not usually one to leave review comments... but I certainly read a BUNCH of reviews on cases for my iPhone 3G. THANK YOU to all those who wrote reviews and helped me pick the Otterbox Defender case! This case is awesome. VERY durable, all functions are accessible... and yes, the oil slicking effect is sometimes present, but easily fixed.
The ONLY issue I had when I installed the case was that immediately after I installed the case, almost 95% of all people I talked to said they heard an echo every time they spoke (you know, when you say something and a second later you hear it in your ear piece... ANNOYING!).
I was bummed because the case is built like a tank and already saved my phone from a 6' drop onto the asphalt in the rain. Though, I decided to remove the felt pieces that cover the mic and ear pieces since they are only there to prevent possible drops of water hitting those phone components directly. Once I removed those pieces, not one person complains of hearing the echo anymore! Strange, but it worked... so I wanted to pass it on.
The echo was the ONLY issue I had with this case... it's the best case I could find and WELL worth the money. I recommend it to everyone I see with an iPhone now :-)
I made this review after reading the (very few) negative reviews of this product. The negative reviews were so off the mark, it irritated me. You buy this case if you want the best protection available. I cook for a living, so this case is suspect to all sorts of grease, grime, dirt, water splashes, impacts, you name it. The case is dust proof, water resistant, and you can still use all the phone functions. You shouldn't go swimming with this case, but you should be fine if you happen to fall in the water briefly.
If you want protection, you get this case. I spent at least 12 hours researching cases to protect my investment, and this is the best available. Even my AT&T rep backed this up. Yeah its bulky, but not extremely so. And its not SUPER stylish, but I like the way it looks, and the way I carry it, in my pocket screen facing my leg, I think a blow would possibly break my femur before it broke this case. I may exaggerate a little, but I have (accidentally) tested this case harder than I wanted too, and I can't even tell I did so.
Long story short, if you want the most pretty, flashy case, don't get this. But if you want the most bullet-proof case on the market, BUY IT!!!
P.S. I'm not getting paid for this, but I wish I was!! Just a normal guy wondering why his superb product got even one 3 star review.
I purchased the OtterBox Defender Case for my 3GS, then purchased one for my friend's 3GS after having such exceptional experience with it.
He is a paramedic / fireman and unintentionally abuses his phones because they sit on his hip and he moves around a lot against huge pieces of metal. The night I brought the OtterBox case to him at the station he was getting out of the back of their new (very high up) ambulance and the iPhone fell from the holster (he had it horizontal and it caught on the door on his way out). It fell over 6' onto a concrete floor and was absolutely perfect.
Though I hadn't dropped my phone in the case up to that point when I saw the fall his phone took I knew I picked the right case. I haven't experienced any of the issues with tunneling or echo, but I tend to use the headphones or my Jawbone for calls. The only negative I've found, and it isn't really a negative but you must use OEM cables that have rounded edges because generic square edged cables will not fit into the charging area of the case.
*** For the Oil Slick Issue ***
- You'll need a can of air, a lint free cloth (face cloth or sock), a screen protector (optional), and some baby powder.
- Take your OtterBox case out of the packaging and put around a teaspoon worth of baby powder (or talc) onto the inside of the window of the hard part of the case, this seems very odd but trust me it works.
- Swish the baby powder around until it coats the entire window of the front of the case. It should look dusted white.
- Dump off the excess.
- Use the can of air to blow out as much as you can.
- Finally, use the cloth to wipe everything clean.
- When you're done it will look like you didn't do anything. You may have a wee bit of residual baby powder here and there inside the case but don't worry about it.
Once you're done wiping the case off clean your phone front and back to get it nice and smooth and put the screen protector on, this is a nice additional layer of protection but it isn't necessary.
Now put the phone in the case.
Once you seal it all up you'll see that there is no oil slick effect and no powder residue.
Works perfectly every time. - Iphone 3g Case - Protection - Iphone - Iphone Case'
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