I tested this against Purosol All Natural Lens Cleaner 4oz. and I really wanted to like the Flents better due to price, however, after testing them side by side for weeks I have to say I really like the Purosol cleaner better.
I tested the 2 on both my Costa Del Mar sunglasses and on all of my camera lenses and filters. The Purosol bottle and cap are much nicer, you would not think this would matter but when you are packing it the heavier plastic of the bottle matters, and the better spray cap makes a huge difference. The Purosol mists on the lens, and the Flents puts a lot of heavy drops down, so much that it foams. I truly believe that the 4oz. Purosol will last LONGER than the 8oz. Flents due to the volume of spray. Also, with my sunglasses, because of the misting action I can cover both lens at the same time, with the Flents each lens has to be sprayed separately.
As far as cleaning goes, both of these products does a great job of cleaning the lens, however the Flents, because it puts more down, requires more buffing, and if you are using a small microfiber cloth to clean it off, like the 3M Microfiber Lens Cleaning Cloth, Color May Vary, 1 Count that I used for the test, the cloth used for the Flents solution is soon wet and will not buff.
I highly recommend the Purosol product. This one is a good cleaner but I will not be buying again. Flents Wipe 'N Clear Eyeglass Lens Cleaner 8 fl oz (236 ml)
I've tried numerous lens cleaning products, and this is the only one that works as well as soap and water. No smearing at all. It wipes completely away leaving the lenses totally clear. Very good product!
I must politely disagree with the three previous recommendations. I followed directions exactly for eyeglass cleaning (I use only a clean, cotton cloth) and noticed some slight distortions in my sight. Looking straight through the lense everything appeared clear, but when viewed obliquely, there was a lot of streaking and film. So I cleaned with soap and water which removed the streaks and film. Tried the Flents again with a fresh cloth and the streaks and film and distortions returned. I gave the Flens to a co-worker who has made no complaint. So maybe I just got a bad batch, or maybe my particular body chemistry is reacting to the Flents. I'm back to soap and water which never fails.
I have polycarbonate lenses. First time, I just sprayed both sides and dried with a micro-cloth for lenses. I had smudges and streaks. The second time, I sprayed both sides and rubbed it around the lens with my fingers and then used the micro-cloth to dry them. Completely clean lenses. A difference in procedure may account for the differences other reviewers noticed.
I wanted a lens cleaner that would work to get my lenses really clean--usually just once a day. The rest of the time, I would just use the micro-cloth. This product does exactly what I want. I was impressed with the results and will order the product again.
Effective at removing grime from most surfaces, useful screen cleaner as well. Don't know what the complaints about the mister were for, they work fine. Wipe thoroughly, otherwise you will notice a strange film. Microfiber + this worked well.
An effective eyeglass cleaner that works well with a microfiber cloth, but seems to be a little slow to dry completely. An added bonus, it does a good job cleaning optical discs, provided you still use a microfiber cloth to avoid any chance of scratches. Recommended!
I think this is a great product. 236 ML is more than enough for your whole house. Friendly product. May leave some streaks on some glasses, but you should consider the following factors:
1. The quality of the cleaning cloth that you're using.
2. Humidity and dust.
3. Glass or plastic.
4. Glossy and non-glossy product such as monitors and lcds.
Over all, it's a great product and cheap. I might have other thoughts, but this is it for now. - Eyeglass Cleaner - Lens Cleaner - Cleaning Fluids'
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