This radio works very well in hilly terrain and is easy to use. Reception is clear. One suggestion: the online product information should indicate that the "R" in EM1000R refers to the fact that the pair of radios comes with a recharging bay (with a slot for each radio). This will make comparison among products clearer. Motorola TalkAbout EM1000R 20-Mile 22-Channel FRS/GMRS Two-Way Radio (Pair)
The EM1000R radios are very good. They are good for short range 2-way radio general usage. You must remember that there is NO scramble mode on these radios, so absolutely no possibility of any privacy at all (000%). Motorola refers to the CTCSS & DCS codes correctly as Eliminator Codes. Too many manufacturers refer to them as Privacy Codes (which is INCORRECT). CTCSS/DCS do not offer any privacy at all. They help keep out unwanted conversations from being received by the radio. But do not block or prevent anyone else on any other FRS/GMRS or SCANNER radio from hearing you. The EM1000R has all 38 standard CTCSS tones. And has 83 DCS codes available.
Here are a couple of things I really like about the EM1000R radios:
- Very good pickup on the built-in MIC
- Very good audio on the built-in speaker (perhaps the best)
- the QT mode is very cool. When ENABLED, it prevents other
radio users using the same CHANNEL and QUIET CODE from being
heard by blocking reception of those radios. Very very cool
feature. It blocks the other non-motorola radios even if they
are using the same CTCSS/DCS code. Again, very cool feature.
- the ALERT button is cool. Its very similar to EMERGENCY
buttons used on Motorola Trunk and Conventional Radio Systems.
It activates the PTT with an ALERT for 8 seconds, then turns ON the MIC
automatically on the affected radio for 22 seconds. And turns
the VOLUME UP all the way on any and all other Motorola EM1000R
radios that are receiving the signal. Then cranks the VOLUME
back down to the regular level after the 22 seconds. Very cool
function/feature. Very well thought out Motorola. Congrats!
- Weather Radio Alert is always nice, thank you Motorola
- LED flashlight is very cool, thank you Motorola
- The many, many ways to recharge the batteries. Way to go Motorola.
- The END Squelch Tail is eliminated when using either CTCSS or DCS codes on any channel. Hooray, glad to see the END Squelch Tail finally eliminated. Motorola, you are the BEST, thank you. I have been wanting radios that eliminate that darn END Squelch tail. It is so annoying. Thank you Motorola for including this feature in the EM1000R radio!
Now for the things I do NOT like about the EM1000R:
- No basic SCRAMBLE mode (Inversion Mode would have better than none)
- Power output is at fixed level while on GMRS channels. Would of
liked to have either HI/LO or HI/MED/LO options while on GMRS channels.
FRS channels 8-14 are locked at 1/2-watt power output on all radios, of course, per the FCC.
- There is a SCAN/SEARCH feature. No FRS/MURS/GMRS radio should have ever been manufactured with a SEARCH/SCAN feature. It is the reason we have so many problems/complaints with these services. If you want to SCAN, get a SCANNER radio. That is what they are designed to do. FRS/MURS/GMRS radios should have never been made with SCAN/SEARCH feaures. One of the biggest mistakes ever made to these radio services.
That is why we have so much on-air HARRASSMENT and RF STALKING that takes place by your snooping neighbors.
To summarize, I really really like the QT mode. It keeps out non-EM1000R radios from being heard on your radio even if they are using the correct CHANNEL and CTCSS/DCS code. Having a RF power setting would have been nice while on the GMRS channels, to control the power output. And no SCRAMBLE mode means there is <Zero> privacy from other FRS/GMRS and SCANNER radios. Of course, Audio-Inversion scrambling does not offer much protection from ease-dropping anyway. But it offers at least alittle bit. So, when operating these or any FRS/MURS/GMRS radio, make sure to use CODES, NICKNAMES and do NOT give out REAL NAMES, PHONE NUMBERS, EMAIL ADDRESSES and try not to give out your location. Use abbreviations when possible, and use CODED-LOCATIONs, if you must. Say things like: I am on the A street, or B street, or similar. Remember, there are KIDDIES-PUNKs listening. There are OLD-FARTS and CROOKS listening too, just waiting to use your personal info against you.
These are very nice radios. I am very happy with the purchase.
- These radios came with a free car charger in the box! The sticker on it said it was for a limited time..
- They look nice. They have a high quality feel to them.
- The rechargable batteries included are the 3 AA cell batteries. That's a plus because I can easily use AA alkaline Batteries from the shop if I run out of juice.
- It comes with built-in LED flash light.
- The batteries are only 650 mAh Ni-Cd, which are a bit low compared to current NiMH. Maybe I'll throw in a trio of eneloops in if I start running out of battery.
- The stand alone charger is a dumb charger which I think keeps on charging once full (potentially dangerous). The manual is a bit confusing regarding this fact. - Two-way Family Service Radio - 2-way Radio - Motorola - Two-way Radios'
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