Better think twice about carrying one of these. Flashing a badge when you're a civilian, even to save yourself from friendly fire, is a felony is most jurisdictions and will land you in prison and empty your savings account pronto. As a retired law enforcement officer, I can tell you that the vast majority of police officers have a negative view of these CWP badges. Concealed Carry Badge and Wallet
A CCW permit is a card similar to a driver's license. A badge isn't part of it. I can't see a legit reason to carry a gold badge saying CCW when the badge isn't recognized as proof. Unless someone wants to represent themselves as a cop or feels some rush when they flash this fake badge. It should come with a highway patrolman hat and spurs.
CCW has a real purpose. It is a serious responsibility. This product is for a mall cop wannabes.
The package amounts to a pretty good set. Badge and wallet are quality products that will satisfy many and perhaps even most buyers I feel sure. But for me the set consists of more bulk than I want to carry. If I were designing the set I would create a flat badge rather than one that is convex. And I would make the wallet smaller and softer.
People who are licensed carriers are not police officers who will be pulling out a badge day in and day out. Chances are that carriers will never display it. So why would anyone want to carry a badge & wallet set that necessitates a substantial pocket of its own?
If the user is a woman who carries weapon and badge in a purse, this badge/wallet combination is just fine. I am not, so I prefer something lighter that doesn't take up as much space.
My solution: I clipped the badge inside an old, soft, thin and well-used wallet that has space for license and ID. The resulting package will be effective in the unlikely event that I must use it, while at the same time being unobtrusive and easy to carry.
If you carry this in the wallet and someone sees it, it should give them relief, better than them seeing a gun imprinted on your waist. Even though I prefer to have the badge clipped to my belt instead. I read comments about the only one who would want this is a wanna be lol, being a cop isnt a glorious job, its actually underpaid. I work in the health field which is alot more stable. This would be perfect for someone like me or you in a grocery store, who has there weapon on their waist under a shirt, and while reaching to get something off the shelf, the shirt rises. Now some bozo is gonna see your weapon freak out, and call the police. Instead with one of these badges clipped beside your weapon on your belt. The bozo would be at ease, and go about their business. Nobody is going around saying wear this on your shirt, and play vigilante with it. Ideally this would be hidden just like your weapon. A DEA agent told me this btw. Heck you could go to a surplus store and buy a shirt, vest, and hat that says POLICE or SWAT, and their is nothing illegal about that until you start trying to stop crimes. It's not at bad idea to have one of these badges, but it's certainly not necessary, but when those police respond and make a scene and treat you like a criminal in the middle of walmart or your local mall because your weapon got exposed or the imprint of it was seen, and some bozo with a blackberry calls and says there is a man or woman in the store with a gun, you might wish you had one to deter them from making that call.
*NOTE* Make sure you acually have a CPL (or CCW depending on where you are from) permit before carrying your weapon or this badge. - Badge Holder - Badge Holders - Chp - Ccw'
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