That's a nice choice, it comes with the game and also gives you a bonus code to 3 Unlock Points to use on the weapon or ability of your choice, and also includes the Killzone 3 Retro Map Pack, featuring two of the most popular maps from Killzone 2. The box is beautiful by the way. PlayStation 3 160GB Killzone 3 Bundle
I bought this for a friend of mine's birthday. It's a great deal, but I do wish the console were a special edition version like what was released for Metal Gear Solid 4 in Japan. Even if it were just a white console, that would have been cool. Oh well, this is a fantastic buy and Killzone 3 is great. Better controls than Killzone 2, decent continuing story from the Killzone universe, and an absolute graphical masterpiece. If this is your first PS3, I highly recommend Killzone 2, Resistance, Resistance2, the God of War Collection, God of War 3, Uncharted, Uncharted 2, and Metal Gear Solid 4 (only if you know and understand the Metal Gear series and don't mind a lot of cut scenes). PS3 has become my favorite console (I do own a Wii and 360) and if it weren't for the fact that I have a lot of friends on Xbox Live this would probably be my only primary console. This is still one of the best Blu-Ray players, you can watch Netflix streaming service without having to pay extra like you do with LIVE, and you can use VUDU, MLB TV, NHL gamecenter, and if you pay for the Playstation Plus service ($50 per year) you get tons of discounts and free games on the Playstation Store. I've checked and for $50 with Playstation Plus I've already saved over $200 on the Playstation store and I haven't even had the service for a year. Another great additive is that Sony now allows you to buy an extended warranty directly from them over the Playstation Store which automatically registers your PS3 with Sony and can extend their coverage up to 2 years. I have two PS3's. 120gb and an original 60gb. I had to send the 60 gb in to Sony a long time ago to have the HDMI output replaced, but that is the only time I've had a problem with this console. I've had 6 Xbox 360's. All of which failed. So which is the more dependable console? Finally the PS3 allows you to expand it's hard drive space to any size, because it simply uses a normal SATA 2.5" HDD (Laptop hard drive). I currently have 500gb HDDs in both my PS3s and it only cost me about 60 bucks for the hard drives. Long ago when the PS3 came out I was solidly against it when compared to the 360, but since then Sony has righted many wrongs and have made the PS3 my console of choice. If you disagree, cool. To each his/her own.
Great bundle with one of the best games released to date for the PS3. Would have liked to see an extra controller or at least an HDMI cable but for 299 it's still a great price because you're essentially getting the game free with some nice extras (3 unlock points) and a map pack for free as well.
If you haven't noticed yet, this bundle is price the same as the 160GB by itself PS3. You get a 160GB HDD that will last you with no worries of having to upgrade, or the use a USB flash drive like the LOL 4GB 360, so deal! Blu- Ray, deal! Dual Shock 3 controller, deal! And (drum roll) PLZ! Killzone 3 + free DLC content + free online.
Best deal ever!
This bundle is perfect. You get a 160 gigabyte slim console, and an insanely fun game, the online is addicting as ever, and I cannot wait for more map packs to release. There are 5 classes to chose from, and each has its own unlocking features, similar to Battlefield's system. The graphics are spectacular, and makes you feel as if you are watching a sci-fi war movie. The overall system and game are outstanding. Worth every penny, if you ask me. Oh, and the online gameplay is free. So that is a plus as well. I sold my xbox because live is too expensive, and I would rather drive to work then walk. Buy this if you are looking for a ps3 console, or a new console whatsoever. Blu-ray movies are amazing in 1080p resolution, watching Bladerunner has never been so amazing. Great bang for you buck!
Even if you aren't going to play Killzone 3 get this PS3 bundle if you are in the market. You get a $60 game for free that you can sell if you don't want it or trade it in for a different game. Plus, this version of Killzone 3 has the SOCOM preview code, so you will get access to the beta a week before the rest of the public. As for the console itself, this is my 4th. That should tell you that I love the PS3. Everytime I upgrade the TV in a room in my house, I get one to use to stream NetFlix, play Blu-Ray discs and of course, games. The new slim line is great, not as noticeable, and has a matte finish that hides fingerprints. My only gripe is how Sony dropped backward compatibility and dual boot.
EDIT: The price has gone up from when I wrote this review. Its now at a higher price, the same as buying both separately.
I've owned and loved my xbox 360 for several years with no problems whatsoever. But the allure of the highly touted Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted, God of War, and Metal Gear Solid 4 games finally won me over and I picked up this Killzone 3 bundle. And I think I'm in love. The bundle comes with a 160 gb PS3 slim, ps3 dualshock 3 controller with sixaxis capabilities, av component cable (just the standard red, white, yellow), the power cable, a usb-type cable for connecting the controller to the console for charging it, and a full copy of Killzone 3. No HDMI cable is included. Basic setup is very, VERY easy. Connecting the system to a surround sound system was a little more involved, but still very easy. I have a small surround sound system, where the receiver doubles as a dvd player. There aren't very many input/output options. Fortunately, the PS3 has a handy-dandy function that you'll find under "sound" under the "settings" option on the main screen that allows you to select a dual audio output (this isn't the technical term) option. It works like this: I connect an HDMI cable from the console to the TV. Then I connected the av component cable(just the red and white) from the console to the surround sound receiver. Make sure the PS3 is set to the dual audio output option and, "VOILA!", you've got sound coming out of the TV as well as the surround sound system. Just turn the tv volume to "0" and you'll just get beautiful surround sound. If I want to connect my xbox 360 to the receiver, I just unplug the red and white ps3 component cable and plug the xbox cables in. It's a little inconvenient, but it's the price you pay for having a small, simple surround sound system.
Now as for the PS3 itself, I'm loving it so far. I bought Killzone 2 as well so I could play it before Killzone 3, so I actually haven't even opened killzone 3 yet, but Killzone 2 is absolutely amazing. It's basically Call of Duty/Halo/Gears of War all in one, and it's executed spectacularly. It's so good that even half way through the campaign, I still find myself in awe of how great the graphics, gameplay, and atmosphere are. As a diehard xbox fan (never even owned a PS2), I'd go so far as to say that the killzone games alone *almost* justify buying a PS3. But when you add in the other PS3 exclusives like Resistance, God of War, Uncharted, and Metal Gear Solid 4, and an action game junky like myself is fully justified in owning both the xbox 360 and the PS3. Oh yeah, and Playstation Network is free to join. There's the cherry on top.'
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