So I ordered this model even though it had no reviews at the time. I was looking at the comparable Toro and Snowjoe models, but couldn't bring myself to buy either since there were so many negative reviews in addition to the positive ones.
I went with the Greenworks for two reasons:
1) The 4-year Warranty
2) The 20" width
Well, let me say that so far I feel I absolutely made the right choice.
The unit looks great, and seems to be built with very high quality parts.
How it was packaged was also excellent. There's no way this baby's going to get damaged in delivery like I heard about with the competitors.
The only negative was that Greenworks actually went overboard with their packing... They actually put the unit together by screwing directly through the plastic covers that go on the parts so I couldn't get all the plastic off the pieces without taking some pieces apart.
I see this as no big deal as again it is their effort to make sure everything is protected for delivery but just letting everyone know about it.
Once built (very easy to do I might add), the machine is very easy to maneuver since it has quite large rubber wheels. I know there have been negative reviews about the Toro due to the cheap tiny wheels. No issue here!
The handle is adjustable to 3 levels (I'm 6'2") and I was able to make it comfortable for my height.
Well I had to wait a week until the snow came, but come it sure did! I live in northeast Ohio, so the last few days have been a downpouring of the white stuff.
I had purchased 2 50-foot outdoor cords rated at 13 amp (this unit is 12 so we're fine).
I also purchased some Snow Jet non-stick coating spray and used it per the directions prior to the first use. I had read about it as a way to avoid the snow clogging in the thrower or chute while working.
The first time I used this thrower, I noticed how easily it moved the snow. The chute is very easy to adjust in direction, and it easily shoots at leat 6-10 feet so you're able to make sure you don't shoot snow over an area you've already worked on.
Once I got used to it, I was able to do the whole driveway and walk in 15 minutes the second time. Piece of cake!
The snow was soft the first time but a mixture of wet snow and ice the second time. This made no difference it worked just as well. It also worked perfectly on the slush at the bottom of the driveway where the street plows make that big mess all the time.
The blades are steel covered with rubber, and it really hugs the ground and pulls the snow off.
I'm not going to say it will get you to bare ground in all spots, but it sure tries and it's more than good enough to get your vehicles in and out which is the main purpose right?
I mean if you want to get the bottom layer of ice completely off you'll need rock salt and a shovel anyway.
This thing did get some of the ice off, but I didn't want to push too hard to get it to do that and possibly damage the blades.
Bottom line is that I got this for $200 on Amazon and I already feel it's my top purchase of the year. I had a Snowjoe 12" snowbroom last year and it broke, then I had to do the old shovel routine. It would take me at least 2 hours to do my driveway and walk last year.
Now, with twice having at least 6 inches of snow on the driveway, I was done in 15 minutes and back in the warm house.
As long as the wind was in my favor, I didn't get too much snow on me and certainly saved my back.
You absolutely cannot go wrong with this one. I only hope its longevity matches its performance so far, but with a 4-year warranty, I can afford to take that chance.
It didn't hurt that Amazon gave me free shipping and it showed up the NEXT DAY!
I did not pay for overnight and I got this the next day after I ordered it. I still don't know how that was possible but I'm not complaining! Greenworks 26032 20-Inch 12 Amp Electric Snow Thrower
We ordered this on a Saturday and it arrived the following Wednesday. Two days later we are in the midst of a 20inch snowfall/blizzard. This machine works like a charm. We chose it for the 4 year warranty. We see now that it's a very capable machine and perfect for an old-fashioned Minnesota blizzard. It took less than 5 minutes to assemble and can be used even by someone with severe back and neck limitations. Highly recommended!!
I will start by saying I am a female and the primary user of this snow blower. I had an OLD Toro that I always fought with to start because either my arm isn't long enough or I just don't have the upper body strength to start the thing. I wanted something easy for me to start and that would help me through a Cleveland (Ohio) winter. After looking at several models - the price, size of the deck and warranty sold me on this machine.
When the machine arrived, I was able to carry it into my house to assemble it (so the machine is pretty light). I think it took me longer to unpack the machine than it did to put it together. After assembling, I was able to lift the machine back up and move it to it's spot in the garage.
When we got our first snow, I thought to put this machine into action. It took some getting used to on not to trip/unplug the cord, but I think I finally got that part down (I knew it had a cord when I ordered it, so I'm not rating this snow thrower any less because my clumsy behavior). As promised, it chewed through the snow easily! It's about as loud as a shop vac, so I don't feel TOO terrible using it at 6:00am because I doubt it'll wake my neighbors. It's easy to push and maneuver. I am overall very happy with the machine!!
I got this before the snow,so I couldn't review it.Now that we did get a few inches of snow,I can say it works very well.Throws the snow far,its more quiet then my vacuum cleaner,was packed great,all bubble wrapped,no way any thing could get scratched.Not much to put it together.I think this will be MUCH better then the shovel,and plus the gas ones are 400 to 600 just for a decent one,there is no messing with fuel,or pull starting.I'm happy!!
Edit: the shoot that directs the snow,will freeze up if its real cold!! - Snow Thrower - Electric Snow Thrower - Snow Blower - Snow Throwers'
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