I think this the best N64 game nintendo has to offer, it not only has great gameplay, but graphics,guns, levels, and enimies.Levels were challenging(not if you had cheats)and Co-op mode was very helpful. Multipayeris probaly the best thing in the game becuase if you are an only child you can go against drones, which is fun when you have 2 people playing and 2 drones, you don't know who is who you just have to blast'em! Duke Nukem 64
The PC version is still my favorite because you can change everything, but unlike what some people say, I think this has realy great graphics. A while ago I gave the Saturn version a bad review, but I admit it had the best shading effects, they looked like an early version Red Faction's shading. The shading on Duke 64 is just like the computer version's, not bad looking, but the Saturn's was better. But on the other hand, that's why the Saturn version was [bad], to do the cool shading, they had to make a new engine, and the levels got messed up, Duke always looked like he was crouching, and all the neat effects were gone. The PlayStation version (PS not PSX, the PSX is a deluxe PS2. There are no PSX games, and no PS1 games) was almost identical to the PC version, and looks cool with "smooth texture mapping" on the PS2, but the framerate was choppy, and the graphics were fuzzy. I own the PS, PC, N64, and Saturn versions, and played them enough to know every variation, and this is the most evenly balanced version I've seen. The only version that will ever top this is if they convert the origional to open GL. Some hated the fact that the nudity is gone, but what is the point, most people probably own Duke Atomic fo PC or Mac already. And it doesn't take anything from the game. In fact the removal of nudity, strong language(explicit language) and religion adds a lot of surprises (enemies in different places, new areas). I'm not sayin i didn't like Duke Atomic, but i already have it, this is the most different version. My favorit thing is the more realistic set up of the levels (you see buildings instead of a dumb texture), and the new guns. One thing though, did they mean to [take] dual the sub-machine guns and grenade launcher from Shadow Warrior? They don't look the same, and are a lot cooler, but it seems odd. I love the Plasma Cannon, although it's a [copy]of the Tesla Cannon from the first person shooter "Blood" (I recommend Blood if you like Duke, realy bloody, shoot someone, blood slats everywhere and leaves little pools) But its still realy cool. It is so good i bought a 64. But back to Duke, the textures are not bad lookin, in fact good lookin (same as PC version). And the sprites look good, early 3D like in Quake was ugly. Sprites allow you to make more detail (compare Mortal Kombat 2 to MK4), and the animation isn't choppy. (keep in mind my 1st system was the NES and I have respect for older games) To put it another way, Buy this, and buy Duke Atomic for PC or Mac, or buy every version, like i did.Some people say Duke's vioce was altered, but I don't think it was, it just sounds re-recorded. I just can't get enough Duke, and Forever is taking FOREVER! It's time to kick [butt] and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum!By the way, that saying is still in Duke 64 un-edited.
Duke Nukem 64 isn't a bad game. In fact, it could be one of the best on N64. I don't know. I havent played much shooters on N64. But, I do own this and chaotic DM with 2 freinds and a bot couldn't get better. Quake 64 and Doom 64 can't offer this much fun. THis is essentially a port of the pc game, but with new levels and add-ons to existing levels. I recomend this game.
When I rented this game, I got bored with the 1 player pretty fast. My annoying little brother kept insisting on playing, so we began to play 2 player, and the fun began. I loved how you could beat the game in 2 player mode, which is a nice touch that Goldeneye didn't have. We raced through the games puzzles pretty quickly working together. Thats why I must say that this is the best multiplayer game I have ever had.
I remember getting this game and being blown away! The aliens, the gore, the raunchy bad @$$ hero Duke Nukem...AWESOME!
Ofcourse now we have Call of Duty, Battlefield, Dead Space, etc... But if you are wanting a vintage gem pick up this game! I stayed up countless nights with friends playing through the game in co-op mode and facing off with each other in team death match. Solo player itself was quite challenging, and still is. I have always felt this game sort of set the stage for FPS along with Perfect Dark and Golden Eye.
Bad points: It can be irritating because it is so challenging. Also, there are a lot of extremely dark areas of maps that make it hard to see (maybe even impossible). At the time of its release I thought the graphics were great, but now that I play through it again, they are kind of disappointing. I mean, still decent for the time but considering similar games that were on the 64...they could have done a bit better.
Good points: Weapons are awesome. SMGs, plasma canon that evaporates everything in its path, pipe bombs, shrink ray allowing you to crush your enemy, expand ray that enlarges them until they explode...HA just coolness. Combat boosts were always a neat item that I wish had been in more games. You can also aquire a jetpack, Vitamin X, holoduke to confuse enemies, dumdum (explosive) pistol rounds, and many other helpful items.
Fairly smart enemies and a wide variety of aliens. Challenging bosses as well.
A lot of objectives on each map. Rescue the hidden "babes", find keycards, solve lock puzzles, even crush toilets and drink the water to regain health. And you get a good number of maps too!
I would suggest picking this game up, you get a lot of play time out of it. Its a good blast from the past for us who miss the N64 on occassion. - Nintendo 64 - N64 - Duke Nukem'
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